The Time of Angels (1)

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If Poppy's outfit doesn't load:

A man in a uniform is standing in the middle of a field, with a smudge of lipstick on his face. He appears to be rather dizzy. A man in a suit walks up to him.

"It's a beautiful day," The guard says dreamily and the man in a suit wipes the lipstick of the corner of his mouth with a silk handkerchief.

The real location is a ship corridor

"Hallucinogenic lipstick. She's here," The man sees another spot of lipstick "they're here," he says darkly.


Two women stride along in an evening dresses, one in a pair of ridiculously high heels, the other is wearing decently sized ones.

The two are clearly in separate corridors, one shoots out a door lock with a small pistol and enters a small strong room. The other takes out a familiar looking sonic device and breaks open the other door, entering the same room.

The pistol is then converted into an acetylene torch, the woman in shorter heels cuts into the surface of a box.

-----------12,000 years later-----------

The Doctor is commenting on the labelling of the various exhibits whilst Poppy and Amy follow. Poppy much more eager, even though she's further behind and actually looking at the objects properly.

"Wrong. Wrong. Bit right, mostly wrong. I love museums,"

"Yeah, great. Can we go to a planet now? Big space ship? Churchill's bunker? You promised me a planet next,"

"Museums are cool!" Poppy defends, jogging up to meant them "I mean, history around you,"

"Alright, History girl," Amy mocks and both The Doctor and Poppy stiffen "what?"

"Nothing," They both brush it off.

"Anyway, Amy, this isn't any old asteroid. It's the Delerium Archive, the final resting place of the headless monks. The biggest museum ever,"

Headless monks, that sounded terrifying to Poppy. And somehow, she knew a lot about them.

"You've got a time machine. What do you need museums for?" Amy asks boardly

"Wrong. Very wrong. Ooo, one of mine. Also, one of mine," he keeps commenting on the labels.

"You're taking score," Poppy realises, in between looking at a spoon

"He is! Oh my God!" Amy agrees, laughing and pointing at The Doctor who was suddenly very taken by a square box in a case.

"Oh great, an old box,"

"I agree with Amy on this one,"

"It's from one of the old star liners. A Home Box," The Doctor explains

"What's a Home Box?"

"Like a black box on a plane, except it homes. Anything happens to the ship, the Home Box flies home with all the flight data,"


"The writing, the graffiti. Old High Gallifreyan. The lost language of the Time Lords,"

The woman appears to writing the exact words into the box 12,000 years ago - The one with stars scattered in her hair as an accessory - the sonic holder.

"There were days, there were many days, these words could burn stars and raise up empires, and topple gods,"

"What does it say?"

Poppy looks down at it and the words seem to be coming to her. She could understand it

Hello sweetie

"Hello, sweetie,"

"River," Poppy says excitedly

Back in the past, River Song lowers her glasses and winks at a security camera, the woman next to her looks more girl like in comparson. She puts her glasses on her head and twinkles her fingers in a wave, similar to how Poppy does it.

In the present, an alarm is sounding and guards are chasing the Doctor and Amy back to the TARDIS. The Doctor is holding the Home Box.

"This escalated quickly!" Poppy shouts.

"Party's over, Doctor Song, Alexandra,"

"Why are we doing this?" Amy inquires as the home box is hooked up to the TARDIS

"Because someone on a spaceship twelve thousand years ago is trying to attract my attention. Let's see if we can get the security playback working,"

"Someone very important," Poppy tells Amy

The playback shows River winking at the camera and 'Alexandra' waving

"Who's that?" The Doctor looks to Poppy like she might know.

"I don't know. But I recognise her, oh god it giving me a headache," Poppy holds her head in her hands and Amy helps her sit on the jump seat.

"The party's over, Doctor Song, Alexandra. Yet still you're on board,"

"Sorry, Alistair,"

"We never do listen to the rules, do we?" Alexandra winks

"I needed to see what was in your vault. Do you all know what's down there? Any of you? Because I'll tell you something. This ship won't reach its destination,"

"Wait 'till they run. Don't make it look like an execution,"

"You wouldn't dare kill us, let alone me," Alexandra warns as River starts listing off coordinates for Poppy and The Doctor to find them.

"Oh, and I could do with an air corridor," she adds

The Doctor inputs the coordinates into the TARDIS console.

"What was that? What did she say?" Amy asks whilst holding Poppy to her chest. She'd helped her through the memory problems before. It happened quite often when she first moved in. And when she'd met Both Amy, Rory and even Melody.

"Coordinates," Poppy chokes out.

"Like I said on the dance floor, you might want to find something to hang on to,"

The women are standing in front of an airlock. Both blow a kiss and it opens. Alistair and his guards hang onto rails as River and Alexandra are sucked out, backwards. The TARDIS materialises in their flight path.

The Doctor runs to the door and opens it, both women come fling in. River lets Alexandra fall on The Doctor, softening the fall. Meaning River groans in pain from hitting the floor.

Alexandra stands up and quickly runs over to the console

"What are you doing?" The Doctor asks

"Following that ship,"

And that they do.

River takes off her heels but Alexandra keeps them on. Eventually, Poppy has to stand up and help fly the TARDIS since The Doctor was screaming at the other two women.

"They've gone into warp drive," River tells the other three flying the TARDIS with her

"We're losing them. Stay close," Alexandra adds

"I'm trying,"

"Use the stabilisers," River says casually

"There aren't any stabilisers,"

"Yes, there are," Poppy runs around the console to him "the blue switches,"

"Oh, the blue ones don't do anything, they're just blue,"

"Yes, they're blue. Look, they're the blue stabilisers," River rolls her eyes and gestures as Poppy presses down on them and the TARDIS stop shaking.


"Yeah. Well, it's just boring now, isn't it? They're boring-errs. They're blue boring-errs," he fiddles with them.

"Doctor, how come they can fly the TARDIS?" Amy pauses "Hell, how can Poppy fly the TATRIS,"

"Certain situations wake up that part of my memories, and I just can," Poppy shrugs

"You call that flying the TARDIS? Ha!" The Doctor ignores Poppy

"Okay. I've mapped the probability vectors, done a fold-back on the temporal isometry, charted the ship to its destination, and parked us right alongside," River explains

"Have you?" Alexandra walks around, her heels clicking on the floor "It didn't make the noise," she mutters.

"Parked us? We haven't landed,"

"Of course, we've landed. I just landed her,"

"But it didn't make the noise,"

"What noise?"

"You know, the..." he starts wheezing, clearly trying to imitate the TARDIS. Poppy and Alexandra let out small giggles.

"It's not supposed to make that noise. You leave the brakes on," River tells him

"Yeah, well, it's a brilliant noise. I love that noise,"

"It is a brilliant noise," Poppy agrees

"Come along, Pond and Poppy. Let's have a look," The Doctor jumps down to look, but Alexandra is already by the doors.

"No, wait. Environment checks," River stops him.

"Oh yes, sorry. Quite right. Environment checks," The Doctor says sarcastically and both him and Alexandra open up the doors "Nice out,"

"We're somewhere in the Garn Belt. There's an atmosphere. Early indications suggest that..." River starts reading off the screen but The Doctor interrupts

"We're on Alfava Metraxis, the seventh planet of the Dundra System. Oxygen rich atmosphere, all toxins in the soft band, eleven-hour day,"

"and chances of rain later," Alexandra adds after sniffing the air.

"She thinks she's so hot when she does that," River says exasperatedly, like a mother looking after a young child "so does he,"

"But it is hot when he does it," Poppy winks and falls on the jump seat. The Doctor smirks at her and comes to sit next to her. It doesn't work and Poppy just gets up so he can sit down.

"How come you can fly the TARDIS?" Amy asks River and Alexandra

"Oh, I had lessons from the very best," River informs her

"Well, yeah..."

"It's a shame you were busy that day,"

"I was taught by the very best too," Alexandra tells them "although, looking at him just now. I think the women can clearly drive better,"

"I don't even know who you are," The Doctor says

"Oh, my bad," Alexandra holds out her hand "Alexandra Song. Most just call me Alex though," The Doctor shakes it

"Lovely name," The Doctor comments

"Beautiful name," Poppy confirms

"Right then, why did they land here?" River gets them back on track.

"Wait, Song?" The Doctor asks, looking between Alex and River.

"Oh yeah, we're related,"



"They didn't land," the Doctor huffs


"You should've checked the Home Box. It crashed," River exits and Alex follows.

"Explain who they are and how did they do that museum thing?" Amy asks,

"It's a long story and I don't know most of it. Off we go,"

"What are you doing?" Poppy stops him pulling a lever "we're not leaving yet,"

"Says who?"


"Why are you running away?" Amy peers over them, trying to ignore the sexual tension in the room

"Because she's the future. My future," Poppy explains, glaring at the Doctor "he doesn't like us taking,"

"Can you run away from that?"

"I can run away from anything I like. Time is not the boss of me," The Doctor pulls the lever and Poppy glares.

"Hang on, is that a planet out there?"

"Yes, of course it's a planet,"

"You promised me a planet. Five minutes?" she begs

"Okay, five minutes,"

"Yes!" Amy cheers and runs off

"But that's all, because I'm telling you now, that woman is not dragging me into anything!"

"She so is," Poppy mutters

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