The Time of Angels (3)

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Everyone climbs down a rope ladder into a very large underground space.

"Do we have a gravity globe?" The Doctor asks once he's on the ground,

A Cleric hands him one after Octavian calls for it

"Where are we? What is this?" Amy gets down the rope safely

"It's an Aplan Mortarium,"

"Sometimes called a Maze of the Dead," Alex adds on from River

"What's that?" Amy still doesn't quite get it, neither does Poppy

"Well, if you happen to be a creature of living stone!" The Doctor kicks the globe into the air, where it illuminates a vast array of mausoleums and statuary "The perfect hiding place,"

"I guess this makes it a bit trickier,"

" A bit, yeah,"

" A stone Angel on the loose amongst stone statues. A lot harder than I'd prayed for," Octavian looks around with his torch

" A needle in a haystack," River comments

"A needle that looks like hay. A hay-like needle of death. A hay-alike needle of death in a haystack of, err, statues," he 'corrects' " No, yours was fine," he decides

"Right. Check every single statue in this chamber. You know what you're looking for. Complete visual inspection," Octavian instructs the Clerks "One question. How do we fight it?"

"We find it, and hope,"


The Doctor, Poppy and Amy start up walking and Octavian stops to talk to River, it ends with Alex not so subtly threatening him

"Listen, Father Octavian. You know what will happen if either of them found out who we are. If Poppy finds out who she is," Alex spins back dramatically "chaos will ensue, I have a family to get back to after this. Don't test me," She marches off after The Doctor and his companions

"Believe me, I have no intention of going back to prison," River follows.


"You all right?" Alex asks when she sees Amy rubbing her eye quite a bit

"Yeah, I'm fine. So, what's a Maze of the Dead?"

"Oh, it's not as bad as it sounds. It's just a labyrinth with dead people buried in the walls," Poppy and Amy raise their eyebrows at River "Okay, that was fairly bad,"

"Right give us your arms," Alex takes out two injections, one green and one yellow, she hands the green one to River

"This won't hurt a bit," River promises, Alex raises her eyebrow as if disagreeing. They inject whatever was in the tube

"Ow!" both Amy and Poppy complain

"There, you see. I lied," River shrugs "It's a vireo-stabiliser. Stabilises your metabolism against radiation, drive burn, anything. You're going to need it when we get up to that ship,"

"Do you guys get them?" Poppy asks

"We get less powerful ones,"

"Why are ours different colours?" Poppy continues but Amy interrupts

"So, what's he like?" Amy gestures to The Doctor "In the future, I mean. Because you both know him in the future, don't you?"

"The Doctor?" Alex asks casually

"Well, The Doctor's The Doctor," River answers simply

"Oh. Well, that's very helpful. Mind if I write that down?"

"Yes, we are," Poppy suddenly speaks up

"Sorry, what?" The Doctor keeps looking at the device in his hands

"Talking about you," she clarifies

"I wasn't listening. I'm busy,"

"Ah. I believe it's the other way up dear,"

The Doctor turns it around and it seems to make sense "yeah," he mutters and the women all smirk

"You're so his wife. I've never seen people act more like an old married couple,"

"Amy, are we sure it's ever going to be that simple?"

"Yep!" Alex and River smile at Amy

"You're good. We're not saying you're right, but you are very good," River encourages

"Very good," Alex adds


The group hear gunfire and run back to the main group. A young Cleric has just sabot up a statue.

"Sorry, sorry. I thought.... I thought it looked at me," He apologises

"We know what the Angel looks like. Is that the Angel?" Octavian scolds

"No, sir,"

"No, sir, it is not," he corrects "According to The Doctor, we are facing an enemy of unknowable power and infinite evil, so it would be good, it would be very good, if we could all remain calm in the presence of decor,"

Alex glares at him and looks to the young man

"What's your name?" she asks gently

"Bob, ma'am,"

"Ah, that's a great name. I love Bob! "The Doctor steps forward

"It's a Sacred Name. We all have Sacred Names. They're given to us in the service of the Church," Octavian explains

"Sacred Bob. More like Scared Bob now, eh?"

"Yes, sir.,"

"Ah, good. Scared keeps you fast,"

"Anyone in this room who isn't scared is a moron," Alex smiles slightly at Octavian and The Doctor had to admire how she was handling him

"Carry on," The Doctor instructs.


"Isn't there a chance this lot's just going to collapse? There's a whole ship up there," Amy looks up to the place in question

"Yeah actually slightly worried I may die in a bloody maze,"

"Incredible builders, the Aplans," River tells them, she places a comforting hand on Poppy's shoulder

"Had dinner with their Chief Architect once. Two heads are better than one,"

"What, you mean you helped him?" Amy questions

"No, I mean he had two heads. That book, the very end, what did it say?"

"Hang on," Alex digs through her cargo pants

"Read it to me,"

"What if we had ideas that could think for themselves?" Alex begins "What if one day our dreams no longer needed us? When these things occur and are held to be true, the time will be upon us. The Time of Angels,"


"Are we there yet? It's a hell of a climb," Amy complains

"The Maze is on six levels, representing the ascent of the soul. Only two levels to go," River informs them

"Lovely species, the Aplans. We should visit them some time," The Doctor helps Poppy over a rock

"I thought they were all dead?"

"We have a time machine," Poppy reminds her

"You don't need a TARDIS to time travel," Alex winks

"Cheap and nasty," is The Doctor's only response "Virginia Woolf is dead, and I'm on her bowling team," he then starts describing the Aplans "Very relaxed, sort of cheerful. Well, that's having two heads, of course. You're never short of a snog with an extra head,"

"Oh, lovely," Poppy nearly falls into a statue and Alex grabs her

"Doctor, there's something. I don't know what it is," River warnes

"I'm getting it too," Alex pipes up

"Yeah, there's something wrong. Don't know what it is yet, either. Working on it," He then gets back to the Aplans "Of course, then they started having laws against self-marrying. I mean, what was that about? But that's the Church for you," Poppy snorts and The Doctor realises who the rest of his company is "Err, no offence, Bishop,"

"Quite a lot taken, if that's all right, Doctor," At least he was honest "Lowest point in the wreckage is only about fifty feet up from here. That way," Octavian points

"The Church had a point, if you think about it. The divorces must have been messy," Amy jokes

"Oh," The Doctor realises

"What's wrong?"


"Oh, shit on it," Alex says rather loudly. It seems the penny has collectively dropped for the three of them.

"Wait, if they..." Poppy realises it too "crap,"

"Exactly," The four now look at each other uneasily

"How could we have not noticed that?" River asks

"Low level perception filter?" Alex offers "or maybe we're thick,"

"What's wrong, sir, Ma'am?" Octavian address The Doctor and Alex

"Nobody moves! Nobody moves. Everyone stay exactly where they are. Bishop, I am truly sorry. I've made a mistake and we are all in terrible danger,"

"What danger?"

"The Aplans...." River starts

"The Aplans?"

"They've got two heads,"

"Yes, I get that. So?"

"So," Alex mocks "why don't the statues?"

"Everyone, over there. Just move. Don't ask questions, don't speak, "The Doctor points to an alcove away from the statues and they all quietly move.

"Okay, I want you all to switch off your torches,"

"Sir?" one of the Clerics questions

"Just do it," they all power them off "Okay. I'm going to turn off this one too, just for a moment,"

"Are you sure about this?" River gently grabs Poppy's hand

"No," The Doctor turns his torch off, but it's back on instantly.

"Oh, my God. They've moved,"

"Oh god, oh Jesus," River tries to comfort both Poppy and Alex, so it ends up with Amy helping Poppy, River helping all three and Poppy half helping calm down Alex. The three were terrified, Poppy and Alex more so. The Doctor runs down the passage and all of the statues are coming towards them, frozen obviously.

"They're Angels. All of them,"

"But they can't be,"

"Clerics, keep watching them," The Doctor demands before running back to a vantage point of the main cavern. All the statues are climbing up towards them.

"Every statue in this Maze, every single one, is a Weeping Angel. They're coming after us,"

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