The Vampires of Venice

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A/N: comments mean loads to me! It's also motivating when people comment on certain paragraphs (eg reacting whilst reading).



The Doctor and Poppy stand up and prepare for disappointment, until Poppy turns around and finds they are in the correct place

"Rory! That's a relief. We thought I'd burst out of the wrong cake, again," Rory stares at Poppy in shock, as far as he was concerned, she was missing for 2 years.

"That reminds me, there's a girl standing outside in a bikini. Could someone let her in and give her a jumper? Lucy? Lovely girl, Diabetic," The Doctor whispers the last part and everyone stares at them

"Wait, you invited Steve to your stag?" Poppy points to one of the men "look at him! He had nits at age 24!"

"Poppy..." Rory says quietly

"Yep, hi" she waves "that's me. Now then, Rory. We need to talk about your fiancé,"

"She tried to kiss me," The Doctor tells them and everyone's stares increase

"Yeah, I saw it. Your fiancé tried to kiss my boyfriend!" Poppy's anger was returning. Someone drops his beer glass and it smashes on the floor "Anyway, lots of explaining to do. But first off, please get me out of this box,"


The Doctor is hanging underneath the console platform, doing some repairs/just fiddling about. Poppy is sat on the stairs, Alex is on the jump seat, Rory is just sort of standing and Amy is pacing anxiously. Clearly she didn't think kissing The Doctor through.

"Oh, the life out there, it dazzles. I mean, it blinds you to the things that are important. I've seen it devour relationships and plans," The TARDIS shakes a bit "It's meant to do that,"

"No, it's really not," Alex walks down the steps and fixes the shaking

"Because for one person to have seen all that, to taste the glory and then go back, it will tear you apart. So, I'm sending you somewhere, together,"

"Whoa. What, like a date?"

"Yes Amy," Poppy says sarcastically

"Anywhere you want," The Doctor starts coming up the stairs "Any time you want. One condition. It has to be amazing," Alex smiles and joins Poppy on the stairs "The Moulin Rouge in 1890. The first Olympic Games. Think of it as a wedding present, because it's either this or tokens," The Doctor sees Rory standing there awkwardly "It's a lot to take in, isn't it? Tiny box, huge room inside. What's that about? Let me explain..."

"It's another dimension,"

"It's basically another dimension. What?"

"After what happened with Prisoner Zero, I've been reading up on all the latest scientific theories. FTL travel, parallel universes..." Rory explains

"I like the bit when someone says it's bigger on the inside,"

"Same," both Poppy and Alex mutter

"I always look forward to that,"

"So, this date. I'm kind of done with running down corridors. What do you think, Rory?"

"How about somewhere romantic?" The Doctor offers


The TARDIS lands in the middle of the busy area, not even trying to hide. Everyone steps out and The Doctor spreads his arm out


"Venezia. La Serenissima. Impossible city. Preposterous city ," The Doctor starts walking around the market, explaining "Founded by refugees running from Attila the Hun. It was just a collection of little wooden huts in the middle of the marsh, but became one of the most powerful cities in the world. Constantly being invaded, constantly flooding, constantly just beautiful. Ah, you got to love Venice. So many people did. Byron, Napoleon, Casanova. Ooo, that reminds me. 1580," The Doctor checks his watch "That's all right. Casanova doesn't get born for a hundred and forty-five years. Don't want to run into him. I owe him a chicken,"

"You owe Casanova a chicken?" Rory questions

"Long story,"

"They had a bet," Alex says in passing

Poppy and The Doctor get stopped by an official.

"Whoa. Papers, if you please. Proof of residency, current bill of medical inspection,"

Both the Doctor and Poppy each hold up their psychic paper

"There you go, fellow,"

"All to your satisfaction, I think you'll find,"

"I am so sorry, Your Holiness," he nods to The Doctor "My Lady, I didn't realise,"

The Doctor blesses the man

"No worries. You were just doing your job," Poppy assures

"Sorry, what exactly is your job?" The Doctor asks

" Checking for aliens. Visitors from foreign lands what might bring the plague with them," Alex snorts and Poppy wiggles her eyebrows

"Oh, that's nice. See where you bring me? The plague," Amy slaps The Doctor's arm

"Don't worry, Viscountess. No, we're under quarantine here. No one comes in, no one goes out, and all because of the grace and wisdom of our patron, Signora Rosanna Calvierri," he circles something on his book.

"How interesting," Alex says

"I heard the plague died out years ago," Poppy notes

"Not out there. No, Signor Clavier has seen it with her own eyes. Streets are piled high with bodies, she said,"

"Did she now?"

Rory takes the psychic paper from the Inspector, Poppy grabs hers from his hands

"Err, according to this, I am your eunuch!" Rory shouts after Amy who was already gone

"Oh yeah. I'll explain later," Poppy says before quickly running to catch up with The Doctor, she was not letting Amy stay with him alone.


The five stand on a balcony, watching the scene unfold before them, a man is removing the veils of girls searching for 'Isabella'

"What was that about?" Amy looks over to The Doctor, but he was gone

"I hate it when he does that,"

"Eh," Poppy starts walking back down

"Where are you going?" Rory shouts after her as Alex follows

"Giving you some alone time!"


Alex and Poppy are walking along the streets of Venice

"Loving the outfit choice today," Poppy speaks up finally

"Eh, no dress sense,"

"Sounds like someone I know," Poppy laughs

"I mean, look at what you're wearing today not that greet either," Alex jokes

"I'm comfortable," Poppy shrugs and continues walking "you never actually explained how you and River are related,"

"You'll figure it out, soon," Alex reassures "I think at least, you don't actually tell anyone when everything clicks into place,"

"Sounds like me,"

"Yeah," at Alex's last word, a scream fills the street, the women immediately run down. They appear in time to see a man with blood on his sharp teeth and a girl with two holes in her neck. The dude hisses, raises his cloak and leaves.

"Absolute weirdo," Poppy mutters

"Is she alright?" Poppy kneels down by the girl

"She'll be okay," Rory looks up to where Amy should be, but she's running after the man, Alex follows "Amy, come back!"


Night is falling and Alex, Amy, Rory and Poppy are leaning by the canal, where they last saw The Doctor. Poppy sees him running and jogs forward

"We just saw a vampire!

"I just let some vampires!" they both say at the same time, then start talking over each other

"We think we just saw a vampire," Amy says when she catches up

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. Poppy was just telling me,"

"Yeah, yeah. The Doctor actually went to their house,"

"Oh. Right. Well," Amy seems a bit awkward

"Okay. So, first we need to get back in there somehow,"

"What?" Rory asks in shock

"How do we do that?"

"Back in where?"

"Come and meet my new friend," The Doctor rans Poppy's hand and starts walking


A vellum map of Venice is laid on the table and The Doctor, Poppy and Amy are looking at it with Guido.

"As you saw, there's no clear way in. The House of Calvierri is like a fortress. But there's a tunnel underneath it, with a ladder and shaft that leads up into the house. I tried to get in once myself, but I hit a trapdoor," he explains

"You need someone on the inside," Amy says

"No," The Doctor says immediately

"You don't even know what I was going to say,"

"Err, that we pretend you're an applicant for the school to get you inside, and tonight you come down and open the trapdoor to let us in,"

"Oh. So, you do know what I was going to say,"

"Are you insane?" Rory speaks from the barrel he's sat on.

"We don't have another option,"

"He said no, Amy. Listen to him,"

"There is another option," Guido points to the collection of barrels behind Rory "I work at the Arsenal. We build the warships for the navy,"

The Doctor sniffs the barrels "Gunpowder," he decides "Most people just nick stationery from where they work. Look, I have a thing about guns and huge quantities of explosive,"

"What do you suggest, then? We wait until they turn her into an animal?" Guido says and Poppy thinks she might have already turned.

"I'll be there three, four hours, tops," Amy tries

"No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no," The Doctor paces "It can't keep happening like this. This is how they go," He mutters, but Poppy and Alex heard "But I have to know," The Doctor sits down and Poppy gently comes and sits next to him "We go together, say you're my daughter,"

"What? Don't listen to him," Rory stands and tries to stop Amy

"Your daughter? You look about nine,"

"Brother, then,"

"Too weird. Fiancé,"

"No way!" Poppy nearly stands up to prove her point

"I'm with Poppy on this. I'm not having him run around telling people he's your fiancé,"

"I think it's be her doing the running around," Poppy mutters

"No. No, you're right,"

"Thank you,"

"I mean, they've already seen the Doctor. You should do it," Alex is nearly banning her head against the wall at this point, Amy didn't seem to get it


"Yeah. You can be my brother,"

Poppy snorts and put her head on The Doctor's shoulder

"Why is him being your brother weird, but with me, it's okay?"

"Actually, I thought you two were engaged," Guido points between Poppy and The Doctor "and that you two were brother and sister," he points between Alex and Rory "and you were trying to get with him," he points to Amy and The Doctor

"Iconic," Poppy says loudly

"Yeah, that's not helping," The Doctor tells both Guido and Poppy

"This whole thing is mental. They're vampires, for God's sake!" Rory exclaims

"We hope,"

"So, if they're not vampires?"

"Makes you wonder what could be so bad it doesn't actually mind us thinking it's a vampire,"


The Doctor had forced Poppy to stay, saying Alex would keep her company. But, when it became daylight and they weren't back, Poppy went against what he said and headed for the school. Alex was forced to follow to make sure her anger from Amy didn't cause her to do something rash.

"What are you doing here?" The Doctor asks when they appear, Amy and Rory were on their way back to the house

"Not listening to you. What are we doing?"

"Going to confront a fish lady,"

"Oh, interesting. Looking forward to it,"


Rosanna (the leader of the school) enters alone. The Doctor is sitting on her throne, Poppy is sat on his lap and Alex is standing behind it/leaning on it.

"Long way from Saturnyne, aren't you, Sister of the Water?"

"No, let me guess. The owners of the psychic paper,"

"Well, we have more than one. In case you steal ours," Poppy says

"Then I take it you're a refugee, like me?"

"I'll make you a deal. An answer for an answer," The Doctor starts "You're using a perception filter. It doesn't change your features, but manipulates the brainwaves of the person looking at you. But seeing one of you for the first time in, say, a mirror, the brain doesn't know what to fill the gap with, so leaves it blank, hence no reflection," The Doctor seems upset that they weren't vampires

"Your question?"

"Why can we see your big teeth?" Alex speaks for him, Rosanna laughs

"Self-preservation over rides the mirage. The subconscious perceives the threat and tries to alert the conscious brain,"

"Where's Isabella?" The Doctor asks

"My turn. Where are you from?"

"Gallifray," The Doctor answers simply

"You should be in a museum. Or in a mausoleum,"

"Why are you here?"

"We ran from the Silence. Why are you here?"

"Wedding present," Poppy says quickly

"The Silence?" Alex seems a bit scared, and Poppy has a headache again.

"There were cracks. Some were tiny. Some were as big as the sky. Through some we saw worlds and people, and through others we saw Silence and the end of all things. We fled to an ocean like ours, and the crack snapped shut behind us. Saturnyne was lost,"

"So, Earth is to become Saturnyne Mark Two?"

"And you can help me. We can build a new society here, as others have. What do you say?"

"Where's Isabella?" The Doctor ignores her

"Isabella?" At this, Poppy stands up and lets the Doctor confront Rosanna, they stand face to face

"The girl who saved my friend,"

"Oh, deserters must be executed. Any general will tell you that. I need an answer, Doctor. A partnership. Any which way you choose,"

"Sorry, got a girlfriend," He then whispers quietly "kind of in love with her," he then raises his voice "and anyway "I'm a Time Lord. You're a big fish. Think of the children,"

"Carlo? You're right. We're nothing alike. I will bend the heavens to save my race, while you philosophise,"

Carlo enters

"This ends today. I will tear down the House of Clavier, stone by stone," Carlo tries to move Poppy and Alex

"Get your hands off me, Carlo" Poppy almost threatens and The Doctor starts leaving so the two women follow

"And you know why?" The Doctor turns around" You didn't know Isabella's name," The Doctor's voice cracks a bit "You didn't know Isabella's name," The three storm out of the gates, purpose now in their steps.


The Doctor checks Amy's puncture wounds with his sonic screwdriver

"You're fine. Open wide," she does as instruct and The Doctor pops a humbug into Amy's mouth. Guido and Rory have got their own clothes back, everyone is now sat at a dining table, Poppy is on the opposite side to The Doctor and Alex is next to Amy.

"Argh. I need to think. Come on, brain. Think, think, think. Think,"

"If they're fish people, it explains why they hate the sun," Amy's voice is very childish with the humbug in her mouth,

"Stop talking. Brain thinking. Hush," The Doctor puts his right hand around Amy's mouth

"It's the school thing I don't understand,"

"Stop talking. Brain thinking. Hush," He does the same to Rory

"They needed a reason to collect the girls," The Doctor raises his eyebrow at Alex and Amy covers her mouth.

"I say we take the fight to them!"

"What did he say about violence?" Poppy sighs and The Doctor raises an eyebrow at her "God's sake," Alex covers her mouth and Rory cover's Guido's.

"Her planet dies, so they flee through a crack in space and time and end up here. Then she closes off the city and, one by one, starts changing the people into creatures like her to start a new gene pool. Got it. But then what? They come from the sea. They can't survive for ever on land, so what's she going to do?" The Doctor stares at Poppy who raises her eyebrow "Unless she's going to do something to the environment to make the city habitable. She said, I shall bend the heavens to save my race. Bend the heavens," The Doctor removes his hand and the others follow his lead.

"Bend the heavens," he rocks Amy and Rory's heads up and down "She's going to sink Venice,"

"She - she's going to sink Venice?" Guido asks

"And repopulate it with the girls she's transformed,"

"You can't repopulate somewhere with just women. You need blokes," Rory says

"She's got blokes," Amy realises


"In the canal. She said to me there are ten thousand husbands waiting in the water,"

"Only the male offspring survived the journey here. She's got ten thousand children swimming around the canals, waiting for Mum to make them some compatible girlfriends,"

"ew," Alex mutters at the same time as The Doctor

"I mean, I've been around a bit, but really that's, that's ugh,"

"That sounds like an American reality tv show," Poppy gets interrupted by a bang.

"The people upstairs are very noisy," The Doctor comments

"There aren't any people upstairs," Guido responds uneasily

"Do you know, I knew you were going to say that. Did anyone else know he was going to say that?"

"Kind of yeah," Alex says quietly

"Is it the vampires?" Rory whispers as the creaks get louder

"Like I said, they're not vampires," the Doctor holds up his UV light "Fish from space,"

A window breaks. 'Fish from space' gather the doors and windows.

"Aren't we on the second floor?" Rory stands up and the girls break the glass of the last window

The Doctor waves his UV light at them, then uses his sonic screwdriver to reveal their true appearance.

"What's happened to them?" Guido is horrified

"There's nothing left of them. They've been fully converted. Blimey, fish from space have never been so..." The Doctor looks for the right word "buxom,"

"Oi!" Poppy shouts "Watch it twat!" she drags him out the house quickly "move!" she shouts at the others.

They run out the house but The Doctor stays back for something, Guido locks himself in the house whilst The Doctor pleads with him, when The Doctor knows he's not coming out, he runs away quickly. The house goes up in flames and Poppy rushes over to The Doctor. She helps him up and he stares at the sky

"Rosanna's initiating the final phase,"

"We need to stop her. Come on," Amy starts to leave

"No," she turns back "no, no. Get back to the TARDIS,"

"You can't stop her on your own,"

"We don't discuss this. I tell you to do something, Amy, and you do it. Huh?" Amy storms off

"Thank you," Rory then speeds off after Amy

"You're welcome," The Doctor mutters then turns to Poppy and Alex "you two go as well,"

"Got it," Poppy runs away and Alex follows, they hide behind some barrels and watch The Doctor leave

"We're not actually go back to the TARDIS?" Alex laughs "That doesn't sound like you,"

"Na, we're waiting for him to go where he wants too, then we appear and make some sarcastic comment,"

"Yeah, that's more you,"


The Doctor goes into the school and the women quickly creep in after him, they watch as he opens the back of the throne

"You're too late," Rosanna appears "Such determination, just to save one city. Hard to believe it's the same man that let an entire race turn to cinders and ash. Now you can watch as my people take their new kingdom,"

"The girls have gone, Rosanna," The Doctor states simply

"You're lying," she starts to tear up

"Shouldn't I be dead, hmm? Rosanna, please, help me. There are two hundred thousand people in this city,"

"So, save them," she storms out and The Doctor sighs before running off. Poppy runs forward and binges out her screwdriver, starting too scan it.

"She's locked the controls,"

"What do we do?" Alex asks urgently

"Break it?" Poppy guesses and Alex cocks her head to the side before starting to pull out the wires. A few minutes later, both The Doctor and Amy and Rory run in.

"How are you guys here?" he gestures to the two women "Get out. I need to stabilise the storm," he tells both Amy and Rory, and Poppy and Alex

"We're not leaving you," Rory tells him

"Right, so one minute it's all you make people a danger to themselves, and the next it's we're not leaving you. But if one of you gets squashed or blown up or eaten, who gets the..." The house shakes and everyone falls over.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Bit of an earthquake," The Doctor stands up and Poppy and Alex continue with the chair.

"An earthquake?"

"Manipulate the elements, it can trigger earthquakes. But don't worry about them,"

"No?" Rory was a bit confused

"No. Worry about the tidal waves caused by the earthquake," The Doctor looked back at the other two women "Right, Rosanna's throne is the control hub but she's locked the programme, so, tear out every single wire and circuit in the throne,"

"Yes dear, that's what we're doing," Poppy tells him before yanking out a large cable

"How did you figure it out?"

Alex rolls her eyes and pulls out her screwdriver, she waves it about before putting it back in her skirt pocket. She knew that The Doctor didn't know about Poppy's screwdriver yet

"Ah yes right now we need it to shut down and re-route control to the secondary hub, which I'm guessing will also be the generator," The Doctor runs off and Amy and Rory come to help destroy the chair. When they finish, the four runs outside and look up at the bell tower.

"There he is!" Rory points

"Come on," Poppy mutters, she was freezing and soaking wet.

The Doctor opens the brass ball to reveal clockwork, not that anyone could see from down below. Poppy's contact lenses were starting to dry up since he was still wearing the ones from a few days ago (even if they were special alien ones that lasted a week)

"Come on," both Amy and Rory mutter,

The Doctor finds a tiny switch and stops the mechanism. Instantly the rain ceases, the clouds vanish and birds start singing again. The people cheer and applaud. Alex and Poppy hug, as do Amy and Rory.


After the Doctor went to talk to Rosanna, he came back to the others. Everyone was dry now, apart from Poppy's hair that was clinging to the moisture, she had plans to take out the plaits later, but she wanted curly hair the next day.

"Now then, what about you two, eh? Next stop Leadworth Registry Office. Maybe I can give you away," The Doctor leads them to the TARDIS

"It's fine. Drop me back where you found me. I'll just say you've..."

"Stay," Amy stops him outside the TARDIS "With us. Please. Just for a bit. I want you to stay,"

"Fine with me,"

"Definitely," Poppy agrees and Alex tries to hide a smile.

"Yeah? Yes, I would like that," Rory agrees

"Nice one. I will pop the kettle on" Amy goes to enter the TARDIS but stops "Hey, look at this. Got my spaceship, got my boys, got my girls. My work here is done," she enters on that, Alex and Poppy laugh before entering.

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