Victory of the Daleks (1)

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A/N - Votes and comments mean a lot (especially ones which react to certain paragraphs or thing that happen).

I also have a Pinterest bored for Poppy. It should hopefully come up when you look up 'Poppy Watcher' and look at boreds.


"Ready?" The Doctor asks when Poppy comes down the stairs of the console room. She'd gone to shower and took her time. Not as long as Amy, who was still in the wardrobe.

"Always," she joins him by the scanner and he wraps his arm around her waist "you okay?"


"You almost killed a Star Whale yesterday," Poppy reminds him "I think you're not okay,"

"Maybe," The Doctor looked down at her. Somehow, she could see right through him. He leant down to kiss her gently - just as Amy walked in.

"Oi, you two! Stop snogging and let me meet Winston Churchill!" Amy walks up to the doors and the Time Lord rolls his eyes.

"I'll be meeting him as well," Poppy reminds her friend, joining her by the doors.

"Honestly," The Doctor muttered before stepping out the TARDIS, where armed men were pointing guns at him. Churchill walks through them

"Amy, Poppy? Winston Churchill," The Doctor introduces them and the two companions walk out

"Oh my god," Poppy says when she sees him.

"Doctor. Is it you?"

"Oh, Winston, my old friend,"

The Doctor goes to shake his hand but Churchill instead holds out his hand and beckons.

"Ah, every time,"

"What's he after?" Amy has an uneasy smile on her face.

"TARDIS key, of course,"

"Think of what I could achieve with your remarkable machine, Doctor. The lives that could be saved,"

"Ah, doesn't work like that,"

"Must I take it by force?"

"I'd like to see you try," Poppy snorts

"At ease," Churchill tells the soldiers.

"You rang?"

Churchill nods and leads them through the hallways, parts of the building falling on them when a bomb hits.

"So, you've changed your face again,"

"Yeah, well, had a bit of work done,"

"Bit more than a bit," Poppy adds, happily walking along "Cabinet War rooms, right?" she asks, looking around at her surroundings

"That's what I'm getting" Amy tells her.

"Yep. Top secret heart of the War Office, right under London,"

"I am a History teacher dear," Poppy reminds him

"Was," Amy corrects

"You're late, by the way,"

"Requisitions, sir," A woman comes up to the Prime Minister with some documents


"Late?" The Doctor checks his watch

"I rang you a month ago,"

"Really? Sorry, sorry. It's a Type Forty Tardis, it's. I'm just running her in,"

"Something the matter, Breen? You look a little down in the dumps," Churchill asks the woman

"No, sir. Fine, sir," she clearly was not fine.

"Action this day, Breen. Action this day,"

"Yes, sir," Poppy smiles at the woman kindly and it gets returned, if not a little forced.

"Excuse me, sir. Got another formation coming in, Prime Minister. Stukas, by the look of them," A man speaks up

"We shall go up top then, Group Captain. We'll give them what for. Coming, Doctor?"


"I have something to show you,"


Churchill blows some smoke out of his cigar and The Doctor waves it off, Poppy and Amy stand at the back.

"We stand at a crossroads, Doctor, quite alone, with our backs to the wall. Invasion is expected daily. So, I will grasp with both hands anything that will give us an advantage over the Nazi menace,"

"Such as?" The Doctor looks to Poppy and Amy uneasily.

"Follow me,"

They do, and when they step out, are greeted with, sandbags and sentries, and a white-coated scientist searching the skies with powerful binoculars.

"Wow," Amy says in awe

"Doctor, this is Professor Edwin Bracewell. Head of our Ironsides Project,"

"How do you do?" The man says/asks

A bomb lands nearby and the building shakes slightly, Poppy grabs on to The Doctor's arm before looking out at all the barrage balloons moored over the city.

"Oh, Doctor.... Doctor, it's..." Amy trails off. She was amazed and horrified, as was Poppy. This was London in World War two. London when food was low and hope was faltering.

"History," The Doctor says

"History..." Poppy copies him, agreeing with the statement.

"Ready, Bracewell?" Churchill asks

"Aye aye, sir. On my order, fire!"

"Energy bolts zoom out from a sandbagged emplacement towards the approaching Nazi planes. Everyone a dead hit,"

"What was that?"

"That looked Alien," Poppy looks up at The Doctor "Doctor?"

"That wasn't human. That was never human technology. That sounded like. Show me. Show me. Show me what that was!" He climbs up the ladder in anger

"Advance," Bracewell orders

"Our new secret weapons. Ha!" Churchill is excited

A Dalek rolls out from the emplacement. It's painted khaki, with an army utility belt around it. The British flag is under the eye socket.

"Oh my god," Poppy grabs Amy's hand. It was a fucking Dalek. Winston Churchill had Dalek's "fucking hell,"

"What do you think? Quite something, eh?"

"What are you doing here?" The Doctor asks the Dalek darkly

"I am your soldier," Poppy flinched at the voice. She'd never tell the Doctor. But what had happened when the earth was stolen. It did some damage. Jack knew, of course he knew, she worked for him for a bit. Martha knew, she figured it out. But no one else.


"I am your soldier," It repeated

"Stop this. Stop now. Now, you know who I am. You always know,"

"Your identity is unknown,"

"Perhaps I can clarify things here. This is one of my Ironsides," Bracewell tries to defuse the tension.

"Your what?" Poppy speaks up from below, still firmly gripping Amy's hand.

"You will help the Allied cause in any way that you can," Bracewell tells the Dalek


"Until the Germans have been utterly smashed,"


"And what is your ultimate aim?"

"To win the war,"

"Yeah, but what war?" Poppy mutters, and The Doctor turns to her in agreement.

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