Victory of the Daleks (2)

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A/N - Votes and comments mean a lot (especially ones which react to certain paragraphs or thing that happen).

I also have a Pinterest bored for Poppy. It should hopefully come up when you look up 'Poppy Watcher' and loot at bordes.


"They're Daleks. They're called Daleks," The Doctor tells the PM over his desk

"They are Bracewell's Ironsides, Doctor. Look. Blueprints, statistics, field tests, photographs. He invented them," Churchill gestures to the blueprints on his desk.

"Invented them? Oh, no, no, no,"

"Yes. He approached one of our brass hats a few months ago. Fella's a genius,"

"A Scottish genius, too. Maybe you should listen to..." Poppy shushes Amy and the doctor continues

"He didn't invent them. They're alien,"

"Alien?" a Dalek glides past and watches them, Poppy grabs Amy's hand again

"And totally hostile,"

"Precisely. They will win me the war,"


The four are walking along the underground corridors again

"Why won't you listen to me? Why did you call me in if you won't listen to me?" The Doctor asks, infuriated.

"When I rang you a month ago, I must admit I had my doubts. The Ironsides seemed too good to be true,"

"Yes. Right. So, destroy them,"

"Exterminate them," Poppy adds

"But imagine what I could do with a hundred. A thousand,"

"We are imagining," the Doctor glares at one gliding past.

"Amy, tell him," Poppy breathes out

"Tell him what?"

"About the Daleks," The Doctor says like she's dumb

"What would I know about the Daleks?"

"Everything. They invaded your world, remember? Planets in the sky. You don't forget that," Amy looks clueless

"Amy, tell me you remember the Daleks," Poppy gently touches her shoulder. How could she forget?

"No, sorry,"

"That's not possible," the Doctor's eyes widen and he and Poppy stare at each other.


"So, they're up to something. But what is it? What are they after?" The Doctor's leaning against a pole, Poppy leaning on his shoulder.

"Well, let's just ask, shall we?" Amy goes forward

"Amy. Amelia!" The Doctor warns but Amy just taps on the Dalek

"Can I be of assistance?"

"Oh. Yes, yes. See, my friends reckon you're dangerous. That you're an alien. Is it true?"

"I am your soldier," It replies

"Yeah. Got that bit. Love a squaddie. What else, though?"

"Please excuse me. I have duties to perform,"

"Winston. Winston, please!" The Doctor goes over to Winston, taking out his cigar. Poppy losses interest and looks around at her. History is literally unfolding around her. Oh, how she'd missed this. She hadn't been somewhere historical since Agatha Christie. And nowhere big in history since Pompeii.

"Doctor, Poppy it's the all Clear. You okay?" Poppy zones back in at Amy's mention of her name

"What does hate look like, Amy?" The Doctor asks


"It looks like a Dalek," he says bitterly "And I'm going to prove it,"


"All right, Prof. Now, the PM's been filling me in," The Doctor says as he storms in, his companions following "Amazing things, these Ironsides of yours," he looks through some files "Amazing. You must be very proud of them,"

"Just doing my bit,"

"Not bad for a Paisley boy," Amy jokes as Poppy sits on the armchair of the chair The Doctor was now collapsed in.

"Yes, I thought I detected a familiar cadence, my dear,"

"How did you do it?"

"Come up with the idea?" Poppy clarifies The Doctor's question

"How does the muse of invention come to anyone?"

"But you get a lot of these clever notions, do you?" The Doctor gestures with his hands, they eventually rest on Poppy's thigh.

"Well, ideas just seem to teem from my head. Wonderful things, like. Let me show you," The Doctor stands up and Poppy takes his place on the chair. "Some musings on the potential of hypersonic flight. Gravity bubbles that can sustain life outside of the terrestrial atmosphere. Came to me in the bath,"

"And are these your ideas or theirs?"

"Oh no, no, no. These robots are entirely under my control, Doctor. They are..." Bracewell gets interrupted by the Dalek bringing him some tea. Poppy quickly stands and moves next to Amy. She didn't want to be anywhere near it.

"Thank you. The perfect servant, and the perfect warrior,"

"I don't know what you're up to, Professor, but whatever they've promised, you cannot trust them. Call them what you like, the Daleks are death,"

"Yes, Doctor. Death to our enemies. Death to the forces of darkness, and death to the Third Reich," Churchill enters, A dale following

"Yes, Winston, and death to everyone else too,"

"Would you care for some tea?" The Dalek asks and The Doctor knocks the tray out of its 'hand'. Poppy flinches, as does Amy. Poppy grabs Amy's hand again. It was becoming a thing. Poppy did it with Donna, but she didn't think she knew Amy well enough. Something made her trust her.

"Stop this! What are you doing here? What do you want?"

"We seek only to help you,"

"To do what?"

"To win the war,"

"Really? Which war?"

"I do not understand,"

"This war, against the Nazis, or your war? The war against the rest of the Universe?" Poppy clarifies from behind The Doctor

"The war against all life forms that are not Dalek!"

"I do not understand. I am your soldier,"

"Oh, yeah? Okay. Okay, soldier, defend yourself," The Doctor picks up a rather large spanner and starts hitting it. Poppy and Amy flinch at every hit.

"You do not require tea?" It responds and The Doctor hits it harder

"Stop him! Prime Minister, please," Bracewell begs in distress

"Doctor, what the devil? Please, these machines are precious," Churchill tries

"Come on. Fight back. You want to, don't you? You know you do," he keeps going

"I must protest,"

"What are you waiting for?" He finally tops "Look, you hate me. You want to kill me. Well, go on. Kill me. Kill me!"

"Doctor, be careful," Amy cries from the corner

"Doctor! Stop!" Poppy tries to drag him away with Amy, but it doesn't work.

"Please resist from striking me. I am your soldier,"

"You are my enemy!" The Doctor hits the Dalek with every word.

"And I am yours. You are everything I despise. The worst thing in all creation, I've defeated you time and time again. I've defeated you! I sent you back into the Void. I saved the whole of reality from you!" He pauses slightly to catch his breath "I am the Doctor! And you are the Daleks!" He kicks it into a wall. Poppy may have been terrified. But she had to admit, it was kind of hot.

"Correct," Poppy's eyes widen at the sudden readiness to accept "Review testimony," The Dalek that got hit, looks to the other one

"I am the Doctor! And you are the Daleks!" The Doctor's voice rings out from one of the Daleks

"Testimony. What are you talking about, testimony?" The Doctor demands in panic

"Transmitting testimony now," the other Dalek confirms

"Transmit what, where?"

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