[PROLOGUE - Brine's Revenge]

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'What... What happened? Where are... Why can't I remember?'
'...What you've done is unforgivable'

The girl laughed quietly to herself. She was tied to the earth, with thick vines binding her against the cool ground, but she could still see what those pitiful humans were doing.
Those stupid, ignorant children have no idea what they're doing.
I agree, my dear, but it's only a matter of time before it begins.
I suppose you're right; As per usual.
Chuckling darkly at the response, a figure covered in a cloak completely devoid of colour stepped into the few stray beams of sunlight breaking through the trees. He pushed his hood back, revealing oak-brown hair that slightly covered the man's eyes, When am I not? In all seriousness, we need to stop them before the boy remembers too much - He could put a halt to our plans once and for all.
Oh, I would simply love to help you out, but as you can see I'm stuck to the very ground I spawned from. The female spoke, a dangerous glint in her dull red eyes. The man chuckled once again, waving a hand at the foliage - Causing it to burst into flames. The embers licked at the girl's skin, yet she felt no pain - She was, after all, a god.

Ah, it feels good to be free once more. Now, Father dearest, what did you really come to see me for? Are your Brothers teasing you again?
I gave you life, I can just as easily take it away, just as I did your own Brother.
Well somebody's a bright ray of sunshine, aren't they? Honestly though, I know why you're here. You want the prophecy.
You know we too well.
I do have half of your thoughts, Father. Now, why do you want the prophecy so badly?
So that the blithering idiots known as my Brothers will finally know what they put us through.
Technically speaking, they didn't put you through anything. Uncle-
It's because of them that I'm like this! He gestured angrily to his eyes, blazing white with uncontrolled magic. His Daughter simply waved her hand dismissively, her own orbs beginning to glow their respective colour, Father, you know the prophecy off by heart. Just reading it again makes you even more corrupted, is that what Uncle Entity would have wanted? To see his beloved Brother fall into a pit of madness, just because of something that happened centuries ago?
...Fine. What do you suggest I do though, about the human boy? He's the weakest link, yet also the strongest, and I can't get anywhere near him! The ground shook as the god's anger boiled over, lightning crackling around the tool in his hands - A simple diamond pickaxe, blessed with the powers of the sky itself. The teenager simply crossed her arms and waited for her creator's tantrum to end before drawing a symbol in the air, conjuring a large crystal ball. Father, if you seriously want my advice, then stop having a hissy fit and just listen. You still have leverage on this boy, a powerful piece as well - Two pieces, infact.
What do you mean? The God was curious, letting the pickaxe fall to his side once more as he peered into the ball. A dark red mist swirled inside, before he saw a dreary scene. A tall woman, with dull blond hair, was chained to a wall. Blood splatters line the brick around her, and through there was no sound her could see the woman muttering to herself; Words such as "Home" "Seth" (At least, that's what he believed the word to be) and the most striking of all, "Son"
We have the boy's Mother, but we can also locate something else. The scene changed again, allowing the man to see a homely looking campfire with four figures around it. A furred creature was muttering quietly along with a humanoid slime, while a blond teenager around the age of seventeen was watching somebody on the outskirts of the camp with concern. At first glance, you might have said that they were dead, but as the image cleared a bit more you would have seen their sky blue eyes full of a deep, dark pain.
You're saying that... He cares, for this creature?
Apparently so, like I said - You have two pieces of leverage. Where do you wish to start?

The god pondered for a few moments, before his corruption began to take hold as a sadistic smirk etched it's way onto his face. This was followed by a dark, thundering laugh, but all his child did was watch through half-lidded eyes Father, do we really have the time for basking in glory? It's already been almost five years, the other will start regaining memories if we don't act fast.
Yes, of course. Is the boy's Mother already in the castle's dungeons?
How should I know? I've been trapped here for the past fifteen years. Also, most likely - Do you want me to prepare her for transit?
Not just yet, first we need to formulate a plan...
'I think i can handle planning, father. did you honestly think that you would kill me?' A slightly familiar voice broke into the clearing, followed by a swirl of golden particles. They slammed into eachother, and in a bright flash they were replaced by a young man. He grinned, gesturing to his form before crossing his arms, much like his Sister did 'So, Dad, I hear you're planning another rampage?'
What the - You should, be dead! The god spluttered, causing the male to snort and roll his eyes 'You of all people should know, Dad, that you can't really urt, or kill, the spawn of such a god such as yourself. Who would have the Preposterous idea of trying to kill a Brine?'



Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls and Personal Preferences, I welcome all of you to...

The second instalment of the "Glitched" series!

This has been going on behind the scenes a lot, as well as some... ahem, other projects {;)} and it's finally here.

Memory Glitch.

I hope you all enjoy, and see you all in the next chapter, and have a great Morning - Afternoon - Evening - Dawn - Dusk - Midnight - Paranormal Timezone!

(Updates should be every Monday and Thursday.)

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