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-Natsu's P. O.V -

I was trapped by rocks. The voodoo doll thingy was nearly in reach. I could feel it on the tips of my fingers.

Lucy's head was going to be crushed by Kain if I didn't get the doll. Happy couldn't move, he was too low on magic energy to get the doll for me.

I heard Lucy's squeak, pain filling in her voice and fear.

But then I heard a loud crack. My blood ran cold, I froze. I looked over at Kain who held Lucy's body by her head. Her body was limb, just hanging there.

Kain dropped Lucy, and she limbly fell to the ground.

"No... " I heard Happy utter. His voice filled with sadness.

Kain laughed. I started at Lucy's body. She just laid there. I couldn't feel her magic energy anymore.

" Lucy... " I said quietly. My eyes widened in shock. She couldn't be dead. She just can't.

Kain's laughter made me angry.

-nobody's P. O.V -

Natsu burst the rocks off him in a pillar of fire. He shot at Kain. Punching kicking. His mind filled with images of Lucy.

Happy couldn't move. Watching the scene unfold. To shocked of Lucy's death.

Kain was down. Natsu ran over to Lucy's crippled body.

"Lucy. Wake up. " Natsu said, a nervous and pained laugh." Come on. It's time to wake up. We gatta beat GrimWar Heart. "

" Natsu... " Happy's voice trailed off.

" Lucy... " Natsu said, tears starting to run down his face. Happy's too. Natsu felt some warm liquid on Lucy's head. He took his hand away, and saw her blood on his hand. He froze and looked at the blood. Then back at Lucy.

Then rain poured down.

" LUCY!!!!! " Natsu's voice ripped the air.

-Everyone on the islands P. O.V -

" What was that? " they said.

-Lisanna's P. O.V -

Gajeel, Mira, Elfman, Master, and Evergreen were all lying down. They were badly injured. Freed put up some enchantments with Levy. Bixlo kept an eye out, while Wendy and I watched the injured.

" What was that? " Bixlo said. Someone was rustling in a bush nearby.

The person stepped out. It was a man. He had pink hair. He was carrying something to. A body. A blond girl. And a blue cat walked beside him.

" Natsu. " I said. He covered his eyes with his hair. But you could see tear stains on his face.

He walked up, and fell to his knees. Lucy was in his arms.

" What happened? " Levy asked, running up to Natsu. Happy looked extremely sad. He dropped to his hands and knees.

" Happy... What's wrong? " I asked, going up to the little blue cat.

" Lucy, she's... " Happy never finished.

" I don't feel her magic energy. " Freed said.

He was right. I couldn't feel her magical energy either.

Wendy froze.

" She's dead. " Natsu said quickly.

" What are you talking about? " I said. I began to shake.

" he's right. " I heard Levy say. Her voice shook in sadness.

Levy hugged Lucy's body.

" She has no heartbeat. No breath. No magic energy! " Levy said, tears down her face.

I looked at Natsu. More tears down his cheeks. His mouth was clenched closed.

" I just watched her die. " Natsu said." I couldn't do a thing. It's my fault she's dead! "

" Natsu it's not your fault. I'm sure Lucy doesn't see it that way. " Wendy said.

" How do you know what she feels or sees? Huh!? She's dead! " Natsu said. Showing his eyes. His eyes filled with intense sadness." I just watched as her skull was crushed by Kain! "

" He's part of the seven kin isn't he? " I asked.

" He is. " Freed said.

" And he crushed her skull... How? " I asked.

" He slammed me into a cliff, and boulders fell onto me. I couldn't move, I was stuck. " Natsu began." I tried getting out but I couldn't. Kain stomped on her back. We told her to run, but she refused. Then he took her head in his massive hand. And started crushing her head. He used a doll like thing to control people. It had a piece of Lucy's hair on it, so I thought if I used that I could defeat him using it and Lucy's body. My fingertips grazed the dolls fabric but then I heard her head crack. It was to late. Her skull was crushed. "

I just looked at Lucy's body. Levy was crying, and hugging Lucy. Wendy didn't move, only tears ran down her face. Carla and Lilly who were there stared in shock. I had tears down my cheeks.

" GrimWar Heart will pay. " Natsu said coldly.

" Aye. " Happy said.

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