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Mai sighed lightly as she walked down one of the many roads of Crocus.
Her feet took her, around until the sun was beginning to set in the distance. And she found herself standing next to the river to see it and it's beautiful reflection upon the water.


She jumped hearing the out cry of someone nearby her after she had just thought that she was alone to see the scenery.
She turned her head to see a raven haired man had punched the wall, his knuckles still pressed against the stone of the wall.
She gulped,"A-Are you alright?"she asked, not sure if he had heard her due to her low voice.
He turned his head, standing up straight as he turned to look back at her.
"Y-You're Gray Fullbuster from Fairy Tail!"she recognized, pointing up at him.
"Yeah,"he replied to her bluntly, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
She shivered at the cold atmosphere coming from him,"Um... You seem to be upset about something,"she noticed,"If you don't mind me asking, what is bother you?"
Gray had a gloomy look as his shoulders slumped. He leaned against the wall he just punched, hanging his head looking as if he had no sleep after hearing or seeing something terrible,"I've just been missing someone who was very close to me. So mush that I've began to see hallucinations if her and I've been dreaming of her,"he admitted,"She died before the games started."
"Did you love her?"
"Only as a friend... She was in the same guild and same team as I was in-" he stopped and looked back up at her with a blank stare,"Who are you?"
"I-I'm Mai!"she stiffened up.
"How come I was able to talk so freely with you?"he pried.
"I'm not sure."
He continued to stare at her.
"You know, your friend,"Mai spoke,"Though you're upset, I think you shouldn't be. You probably had good memories with her, and though they may be sad to look back at, just be glad you had a chance to be her friend. And from the how much you miss her, she must've been a great person."
Gray looked back down,"She was,"he mumbled. He stood up straight again, turning to leave,"Thanks, by the way."
"N-No problem!"she said as he began to walk away. She sighed lightly before her body hunched as she raised a shake hand to her head,"Why now?"she huffed out, clenching her teeth trying to walk back to the inn she was staying at, against the massive head ache.


She looked up seeing Floyd run  to her, taking her  into his arms,"Your head, is it hurting?"he asked,"Com on, let me carry you to the inn. You were out so late I was getting worried."
Mai suddenly gasped, dropping to her hands and knees despite Floyd's arms had been around her.
"Mai!"he reached down, touching her back.
"M-My body... So heavy..."she huffed,"It's... So painful..."
Floyd lifting her into his arms, her hood dropping as he did. Her ponytail flowing in the soft wind as for the strands out stuck to her sweaty, pale face.
"We'll be right there, Mai,"Floyd said as he ran. She could hear him, just before she blacked out.

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