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2/23/19: This story was made years ago, so apologizes for OOCness, errors, and more!

"HEEEEIIIII!" Tsuna backed away, pointing her finger at Reborn, "Who are you?!"

Reborn looked at her weirdly, tilting his fedora down. "I am your home tutor, Reborn."

Tsuna paused for a second. "Oh....Yeah."


Reborn glanced at his student, "A mafia boss doesn't screech."

Tsuna paled, "Wait..I-I'm becoming a mafia boss?!"

Reborn kicked her in the head, "A mafia boss doesn't shutter."


Tsuna glanced up at the silver headed teen, "W-who are you...?"

Hayato smiled brightly, "I'm your loyal right-hand man tenth!"

Tsuna blanked out for a second before scratching the back of her head nervously, "Right.."


Tsuna blinked her eyes open, glancing around the room in wonder. "W-where am I..?"

Takeshi chuckled and rubbed the back of his head."Haha! You're in the nurses office!"hu

Tsuna looked up at him in confusion. "Wait, why am I here?"

Takeshi glanced at her on confusion, squinting his eyes. "You saved me..Remember..?"

Tsuna faked a relieved expression. "Oh yeah..."



Nana rushed upstairs, "Yes Tsu-chan.??"

Tsuna came out of her room, holding up a cow child. "You're going to have to tell Dad about this."

Nana blinked in confusion. "What do you mean Tsu-chan?"

Tsuna handed Lambo to Nana, "Who's the father Mama? I mean, I have a right to know who the father is..."

Nana held up a hand, smiling in amusement. "Wait, you think that this is my child?"

Tsuna blinked, "Of course, why else would their be a kid in here?"

Nana laughed. "Tsu-chan, we just took him in for a little bit. Remember?"

Tsuna looked at the ground, "Oh...Right."


Tsuna looked at her blazing hands, then to the person with a trident. "What the hell is going on?"

Mukuro blinked owlishly, "Uh...Were fighting..?"

Tsuna blinked, "Oh yeah, right."


"Wait wait wait, Who the hell are you?"

Xanxus paused his attacks as he looked at the girl in front of him.

Tsuna looked around, "Where the hell am I?!" She pointed a finger at the confused Xanxus, "Did you fucking kidnap me? And who the fuck are all these people?!"

Xanxus growled lowly at her, "What the hell Trash! This is the mother fucking battle of the rings!"

Tsuna paused for a second. "Oh.....Right.."


Reborn glared at his student, watching as she squirmed. "What do you mean that you don't remember the plan?"

Tsuna coughed lightly, "Its what I mean, I really can't remember Reburn."

"Its Reborn."

"Oh. Right."


Tsuna looked at the figure before her, "Who are you again?"

"Giotto." The ghost answered for the 3rd time.



"Welcome to Vongola."

Tsuna looked around confusingly, "What's Vongola?"

Nono glanced at Reborn. "A Mafia group..?"

Tsuna paled, "Wait. My dads in the Mafia..?"

Nono glanced at her in concern, "Yes?"

Tsuna looked at him in shock, "Then....W-who are you?"


Tsuna was so confused.

She was so scared and confused.

She honestly couldn't remember who some these people were and why they looked at her with such respect.

Tsuna backed away slightly, "U-Uh....Hi....?"

Tsuna then noticed how she was wearing a cape, she was dressed in a suit. How did she even get these on?

A black haired teen came and took her off the stage she was just recently on.



Tsuna turned around, facing the taller man. "Yes Reburn?"

Reborn growled, "Its Reborn."

Tsuna looked at him for a moment, "Oh...Right."


"-nd we just need you to confirm that."

Tsuna looked around, her eyes held confusion within them. "Huh what?"

Groans were heard throughout the room.

"Dame-Tsuna....We think you might have short term memory loss."

Tsuna blinked, "Well of course I do. I thought you knew that?"

Reborn tilted his fedora down, "Why didn't you tell us?" Tsuna sighed at the question

"Well you see Reburn..- "

"Its Reborn."

"..-I didn't think it was a problem, I mean, not even my mom knows I have this."

Mukuro sighed, "That's why you don't bring up the 'Day'"

Everyone besides Tsuna shivered slightly. "What 'Day'?"

Glances where cast to one another, "Uh...You don't need to know." Hayato chirped in.

Tsuna looked at them blankly, "Wait. What were we talking about?"

Reborn sighed to himself as he smacked Tsuna in the head.

Tsuna held her head, "What the hell Reburn!"

Reborn growled loudly, "Its REBORN!"

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