07 | Pride

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She needed to lie.

The words bubbled to her lips, mind supplying everything she knew she needed to say. But, gods if it wasn't a struggle. They couldn't seem to escape, laying on the tip of her tongue without the faintest desire to move further.

She wanted to yell. Scream. She wanted to toss her tea in Rae's secretly smug smile. She wanted to demand they tell her how she was supposed to like a man who had his possession of her engraved into her very skin itself.

But, it would be pointless.

Because, in the end, they knew. They knew--and each word she said would be in Zuher's ears before the end of the hour.

'Release your pride.'

It was so easy to think, but ten times more difficult to do. Iliana drew a breath in through her nose, pasted a smile on her lips that stunk of Aeolis, and tightened her grip on her teacup until she could have sworn the porcelain might splinter beneath her fingers.

"I...admire him, truly."

She wanted to throw up.

"He's terrifying, of course. But, that's the least an emperor should be, isn't it?"

For some reason, her mind went to Lykos. It recalled those moments as he rescued Natia, when she recognized him as the people's king. Awe-inspiring in the most fearful of ways.

"I'm afraid I don't know enough of him just yet to have a more informed opinion." She needed to stop while her tongue was still civil. "But, his kingdom is thriving."

On the backs of its people.

"So, I think he fits the position well."

The position of a tyrant.

Rae's smile thinned, before she laughed. "That's true. I suppose I'll have to ask you in a few months when you've had more of a chance. He does enjoy playing the slow game with his pets."

There was an unspoken request in the demon's words. And, despite her earlier censor, Iliana couldn't help but seize the bait.

"What of you, Lady Zavitika? What do you think of His Imperial Majesty?"

The demon's black eyes widened, one of her hands releasing the other to cover her cheek in mock surprise. "Me?"

"I'm curious," Iliana explained. She picked up her tea, using it to busy her mouth lest she say more.

The woman studied her for a moment, no doubt letting the tension amongst the ladies build. The anticipation was near palpable, as the other tables seemed to feign petty conversation, but spoke no louder than a whisper.

They all wanted the answer.

"Oh, it isn't much different than yours, I'm afraid," Rae admitted slowly. "I admire him greatly. He has done wonderful things for my family. He gave us status we couldn't find in Letia after the war and offered my husband far more opportunities than he deserves."

Iliana had thought it before, but did Rae not like her husband?

"Oh, he even recently offered to find me a bella," she added. "He knows how much the loss of my last pains me so."

Rocks weighted Iliana's chest. They were so heavy she struggled to think past those simple words.

Gods. The dreams were right.

Ayo--Zuher's second in command, Rae's father in law--had been the one to enslave Callias and Melitta.

She'd had her doubts despite the memories clearly showing Melitta leaping into Nicolet's arms, and Callias strapped up at a whim of Rae's, but here it was in front of her. Near verbal proof.

She wanted to strangle her. She wanted to scream at how simply the woman spoke of enslaving someone. Of ruining their life and ultimately driving them to their deaths.

The sudden violent urge wasn't unfamiliar to her, but it felt out of place amongst the flowers and tea. Not for the first time, Iliana felt like a nightmare in her own skin. The pretty dresses, the petty gossip, all of it paled before the situation unfoiling before her.

Being the sane one in an empire of insanity couldn't last long, could it?

"Oh, but I suppose my favorite part of him are the quiet moments," Rae continued, voice dropping as her lips slipped into a demure smile. "Zuher can be so kind when he pleases."

"Lady Rae?" one of the other ladies squealed.

"Will he--"

"Oh, I couldn't dare imply that," Rae replied as she dropped her hand from her cheek. "It wouldn't be my place..."

And just like that, Iliana realized she was a toddler when it came to the peerage.

The ladies forgot about her as they fawned over Rae, searching for a favor they hadn't known they needed until that moment--which had likely been the woman's goal. By badgering Iliana, she'd allowed herself the calmest, accidental moment to hint at a secret relationship with a man everyone was desperate to impress. The implications made Iliana feel as sick as her own words had.

Was it true? A lie? Would Rae risk such a lie, knowing that everything would be reported back to the emperor in question?

Was Rae sleeping with Zuher?

Whatever the answer, one thing was clear--the Rossi siblings were as dangerous as they came.

A fox indeed.


As morning turned to afternoon, and afternoon to evening, Iliana thought that the flower viewing would end with her being escorted back to the tower. Afterall, there were few possibilities left when the sun had already dipped below the horizon by the time the ladies finally quit mooning over roses.

But, much to her surprise, then horror, departure from the greenhouse led to being escorted in a different direction--towards the main building where Zuher's office lay. And, even then, things did not go as planned. Instead of leading her towards the dead-end hallway, Aria ushered Iliana through a separate door that seemed to lead into a deeper wing of the palace. It wasn't until she realized there were no other visitors that a suspicion about where she was sank into her mind.

She cleared her throat. "Is this...Zuher's wing?"

"It is." Aria's clear voice was echoed with a deep tension in her shoulders, but nothing else. 

Whatever the guard's opinions of her, she apparently wasn't going to explain what was to come.

Iliana drew in a strangled breath. Like with the office, two guards stood watch outside of Zuher's quarters. They paid her little mind as Aria paused by the door. Hesitation flitted across the soldier's face, before her expression fell into nothing.

"I'll be back to fetch you when the hour arrives."

And with that ambiguous farewell, Aria turned and left. Iliana's heart pounded in her ears as she faced the door. Every part of her wanted to run. It couldn't be what she was worried of, because that would have happened long before now if Zuher's interest laid in her direction. Still, she couldn't help it. Her hand trembled as she knocked on the door on the door with more confidence than filled her entire frame.

"Come in."

Snakes coiled in her stomach as she pushed the door open, before almost collapsing in relief.

It wasn't his personal quarters.

A simple, circular wood table centered the carefully decorated dining hall. The room was smaller than the official one, but no less ornate. Expensive tapestries hung over the walls, a plush, crimson running carpet sinking beneath her every step as she entered. Zuher sat at the head of the table. His fingers idly drummed a pattern against the side of his crystal goblet. His usual suit and jacket had been traded out for evening wear. Silken fabric clung to his frame, revealing a good portion of scarred skin though the dipping 'v' at its neck.

As always, the scrutiny in Zuher's pitch colored eyes felt akin to being studied by a fathomless abyss. Iliana dropped into a curtsy. Her legs trembled as she waited for his word to rise.

"Elegant," he eventually muttered.

Still, she waited. Eventually, he laughed. "Rise, pet."

She straightened, then bit her lip as he beckoned her closer to the table. Still, aware that running the opposite direction wasn't an option, Iliana approached. Zuher didn't stand as she reached him, merely caught the neighboring chair with his foot and dragged it out.

"Your throne."

Gods, how she wanted to smother him with his own necktie.

Still, it was more than she had been offered before, so she took it without protest. He chuckled again, perhaps amused by her silent compliance. Weighing his preferences, Iliana chanced a glance, only to find him still studying her, only now with a faint smirk. His hand reached for her neck, ignoring how she flinched back as his fingers brushed the bandages along her skin.

"I've had a talk with Aatami."

Her stomach sank as she recalled their bruised face. How much should she trust a witch who had obviously lost their mind long ago? How much could they have spoken of the future they warned her of?

When Zuher continued to stare expectantly, Iliana cleared her throat. "Oh."

"They claim they weren't aware of your immunity," he continued. His fingers tapped along the bandage, sending a shiver down her spine as his thumb pressed against the hollow of her throat. "Odd thing, isn't it? Two witches, and no one knows a thing. Not that I asked the second one."

The question felt rhetorical, so Iliana held her tongue. Zuher left the words in the air for a moment, the light pressure from his thumb growing, before he sighed and dropped his hand.

"If I asked, would you have an answer for me, Pet?"

Her mind stuttered. "I don't know much of magic."

It wasn't a lie. Something he seemed to catch as he studied her expression, then clicked his tongue. His good mood seemed to fall into annoyance as he raised a hand to rap on the table, the other falling to the arm of his chair. Within the second, the back door opened and a servant strolled in, hands clenched around the handle of a cart to the point of white knuckles.

A hearty scent filled the area.

Iliana's stomach growled, gnawing at the emptiness she hadn't noticed until that moment. Zuher quirked a brow, his bad mood falling as quickly as it had formed.

"My witch did have a few opinions about your health," he mused. "Stated that if I wished to have you living in another month, I ought to feed you more often."

Iliana hesitated, then dipped her head in agreement when silence followed his words. Zuher hummed, before gesturing for the servant to serve her. They pulled the cover off the cart and settled a bowl of broth before her, alongside a rare steak for Zuher. Seeming to notice her study of his meal, Zuher laughed.

"If a starving person eats like an emperor, they'll get sick, no?"

There wasn't an ounce of guilt or concern in the words. Just simple observation--as if they were discussing the law or weather. Iliana bit back her budding irritation from her face. If she said something and he took away the food, what then?

Her head was already spinning with the scent alone.

Wine was poured. Iliana studied her goblet, taking a careful sniff of the suspiciously thick crimson, before chancing a sip. It was bitter--a richer taste than she liked--but, it was wine.

She picked up a spoon, only for Zuher to make a reproachful noise. Her hand stilled.

"What do you say, Pet?"

Irritation burned her throat. Her fingers trembled. But, gods how her stomach twisted.

"...thank you."

"There's a better way than that," Zuher said. He held out his hand as his lips slowly twisted into a knowing smirk.

She stared at it.

Another line. Another relinquishment of her pride. A lesson he wanted to enforce.

Iliana felt faint as awareness settled in the pit of her hollow gut. But, even then, she slowly replaced the spoon on the table and settled her palm in his. It was a slow knowledge that had begun to sink into the back of her mind with each point he proved. It was chilling and awful. It went against everything she was.

But, if she wanted to survive...the desire had to tower above everything else.

Ignore the lines. Remember Kain and the gods. Just for now. Just until they arrived. Just until whatever secrets Aatami had somehow managed to withhold from Zuher for all this time came to pass.

Otherwise, when they happened...what of her? What became of a simple pawn to fate?

She couldn't stifle the gasp that stole from her lips as pain jolted down her arm from his fingers. Blackspots crossed her vision. Thought dissipated.

Then, his touch was gone--and Zuher was smiling.


Iliana picked up her spoon. 

A/N: Things are picking up on her side--I'm so excited. 

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