Chapter 11: We Attempt An Epic Rescue Mission

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"Michelle!!! Michelle!!! Kitty, she's coming back."
I was in an alley with Lily and Kitty.
"What happened to Georgia and Bobby?"
Lily looked down.
"We got out, but Georgia got caught by them. I tried to wake her up, but she just couldn't. The tranq was too strong. We dragged you out, but we couldn't get her in time."
I put my hand on my head, pushing back my hair. I couldn't believe it.
They chose me over Georgia and Bobby.
"What happened to Bruce?"
It was Kitty's turn to explain.
"Oh, you mean Hulk? He went with them, too. They must have some really strong tranquilizers. They knocked him out. He shrank back to normal, and they dragged him out."
Three innocent people taken away all because of me. I had to do something.
"We have to go to S.H.I.E.L.D."
"Are you sure we can do this?"
"Trust me, I've escaped here twice."
We were in front of the base, which was a familiar sight now.
"Lily, you ready?"
"As ready as ever."
She closed her eyes, and a ton of thumps came from inside. I gave her a high five and we cautiously walked in.
Inside, bodies of agents littered the ground.
"Don't freak out. They're not dead. Just... Asleep."
We walked over the snoring agents, some in the weirdest positions. I grinned.
"Wow, your awesome. Nice job. Kitty, are you ready to do your part?"
"Yep. Are you?"
She held my hand, and we bursted through the walls without making a mess. We stopped at ROOM 45. Inside was Bruce.
"Okay, last one."
We went through the door. He woke up, and looked at us, stunned.
"How did you get here?"
"Thanks to Kitty and Lily. Lily made all of the guards go to sleep, and Kitty got me here."
He slowly nodded. Kitty continued with what I was saying.
"Yeah. So the agents are gonna wake up any minute, so we have to hurry.
"Kitty, you get him out. I'll get Georgia."
They left, and I Shadow Casted from wall to wall. I stopped.
I was in Sarena's room.
She saved my sorry ass twice already, and I hadn't done anything for her.
Well, I sort of saved her, but I bet she could've gotten out herself.
"Sarena... Sarena, wake up!"
She slowly got conscious.
"Michelle? Why did you come?"
"I need to pay my debt. Now come on."
I got her untied and slung her arm over my shoulder. I dragged her outside. Right in front of us was the one person I didn't need to see right now.
It was Nick Fury.
He aimed a small gun right towards me.
"Put her down, or else I'll shoot."
I slowly put her on the ground and winked at her.
"Now come over. Slowly."
I shrugged.
"I might be able to come, but be careful what you wish for, Fury."
I dived under him, and I felt a bullet go through my stomach. I touched his shadow before he could shoot anymore. The pain was gone.
"Sarena, you have to go. Now!"
She stumbled up and limped out. Suddenly, Coulson ran in and saw me.
"You know it's me, Coulson. You don't have to fake it."
He suddenly aimed a gun.
"Get out of him."
"I really don't think you want to shoot your LEADER."
"Well, let's see about that."
He shot my shoulder. I got out of Fury and broke through the huge window.
I fell down. Was this really how I was going to die? I closed my eyes, waiting for the end.

OOH SUSPENSE!!!!! Hope you guys liked it! Remember to vote and follow me!!! Love you guys!

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