Chapter Eight: Offers and Lies

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I crawled to the corner of the room as paramedics raced in. Some agents dragged me to the office of the man with the eye patch. On his desk was a little sign saying "Nick Fury". He glared at me.

"I should probably kill you right now, but I need to talk to you. You guys can go now."

The agents walked out. Suddenly, Nick Fury was gone. In his place was a woman with blue skin and red hair.

"Wait, are you a Shadow Caster? Where's Nick Fury?"

"Oh, he's alright. And no. I'm not a... Whatever you said. But I need you to trust me. Come here."

She seemed kind of trustworthy.

"What can you do?"

The woman smiled.

"I can be anyone I want to."

She flickered into different people, like a TV changing channels. She changed back to normal.

"W... What do you want me for?"

"I'll tell you later. We need to go now. Just press the button."

She held out a remote with dozens of triggers, switches, and a button.

Sarena bursted inside, locked the door, then noticed us. Electricity popped around her hand.

"Michelle, get away from her. Now."

"Let the girl make her own choice, Sarena."

"Michelle, don't trust anything she says! She's with the bad guys. Just... come over here."

I looked at Sarena, then shook my head.

"S.H.I.E.L.D's the enemy. Not people like us."

I slammed the button, and everything was black.


"She's coming back. Are you ready, sir?"

"As ready as ever, Mystique."

I was in a room with metal walls. For once, I wasn't tied to a table or anything.

"Where am I?"

And old man came to the bed side.

"Well, Michelle, your at my base, with no restrictions. Unlike the S.H.I.E.L.D agents, I'll let you go when you would like. But first, I need to find out if you are a mutant or an experiment. Put your hand out."

I realized who he was.

"Why did you take Sarena? I thought you liked us with powers."

"Oh, I do. But she... Failed to cooperate. You haven't yet, so I'm not going to hurt you."

"Why did you work with Loki?"

"He was the only one with the ability to get others so quickly over here. We would've had you two days ago, if he wouldn't have gone to Asgard when you escaped with Sarena and Thor."

Suddenly, the wall crashed open, and a woman with white hair and a man with full scale claws bursted in.

"Ah, Storm, Wolverine. Made it just in time."

The walls started to move, and Storm and Wolverine ran towards me. The pipes on the walls seemed to snatch them and tie around them.

"What are you doing to them?"

"Oh, just so they won't get in our way."

I leaped on the old man's shadow, and I found out his name was Magneto.

I let Wolverine and Storm down. Wolverine lit a cigar and started smoking. Storm stared at me.

"How did you do that?"

"I've done it since I was nine."

Wolverine looked up.

"How are you going to get out?"

How was I? As soon as I would get out, Magneto would tie us all up.

"Okay, do what I tell you to do. No questions. I need you guys to beat me up, but don't knock me out. I'll let you know when to stop."

Storm looked surprised.

"That's your plan?"

Logan punched me/Magneto in the face.

"I'm loving this plan!"

It immediately started to hurt. He kept punching. It was like his knuckles were made of steel.

Well, they were, but whatever. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Okay, stop it. I can get out now."

I got out, and felt immediately better. I got a better view of Magneto. He had a bloody nose, a swelled eyebrow, and a black eye.

"Wow, you beat him up. Can you give him one more blow?"

"My pleasure."

Wolverine gave him one more blow to the stomach, and Magneto was out. Wolverine heaved him over his shoulder and walked out the hole they just blew open. I followed them out.

There was a huge jet in the front. We got in. Inside, there was a boy with bright blue eyes, and a girl about my age. She looked up, and saw Magneto.

"Why the hell do you have him, Logan?"

"None of your business."

"Well, it kind of is. We're in this mission with you guys."

The boy noticed me.

"Who's she?"

"Xavier's gonna find out."

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