Chapter Five: Recovery

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"I had to do it, Thor! I couldn't just let her suffer like that! I mean, it's just-"

I was in some sort of medical room. Sarena and Thor were arguing. Finally, they noticed I was up.

"What... What happened?"

Sarena sat down at the edge of the bed.

"You got stabbed in the stomach, and I knocked you out. When I did, some of your internal organs got fried. They had to do surgery on you."

Sarena glared at Thor, then looked back at me.

"They got most of the organs back to normal, but you're gonna have to go through some recovery stuff here."

I couldn't stay here! I sat up, and stumbled towards a mirror, and lifted up my blood drenched shirt. There was a huge scar where I was stabbed. I fell down. Thor called out.

"We need some-"

"I'm fine! I just am a little bit surprised. God..."

I slowly got back up and went in the bed.

"So, what do I do now?"

"Well, I can't do anything to help you now, but Thor might know what to do."

Sarena stormed out. Why was she mad at Thor? Thor took Sarena's place on the bed.

"Honestly, I cannot assist you at all, but I need to ask you, how did you do that?"

"Do what? Oh, you mean the Shadow Casting thing? I've been able to do that since I was nine."

"Sha-Dow-Cas-Ting... What is that?"

"It's when you take control of another person's body, like this."

I touched his shadow, and everything went black.


"Michelle! Michelle! You must wake up!"

"And YOU had to be stupid enough to let her touch your shadow..."

"Shut up, Sarena!!!"

I was still in the bed, but there were a ton of nurses surrounding me.

"Oh my god, why the hell do I keep blacking out?!"

Thor and Sarena noticed me. Sarena came closer, while Thor stayed in the back.

"Why did you touch his shadow?"

"I don't know, Sarena. I just don't know..."

"You got knocked out after Shadow Casting into Thor. It was weird, because, you know..."

"I almost always get it right."

"Yeah, and you were totally able to get in that soldier."

"Yeah. Um, can I talk to Thor privately?"

"Y-Yeah... Of course."

Everyone walked out. Thor got next to me.

"Thor, what happened when I touched your shadow?"

"Well, nothing happened."


Awkward silence. I broke the quiet.

"Can we at least try to be friends?"

He smiled.

"I give you my word."

He kissed my hand, and walked out. I felt so bubbly. It was ridiculous.

Sarena came inside.

"You okay?"

I touched my hand, still feeling the kiss, even though it was long gone. It wasn't even counted as a real kiss.

"Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine."

"I have to ask you something."

She sat on my bed.

"Do you want to go back?"

"Of course I do!"

Did I?

"Well, if you do, then we have to go now. But first, you should probably get dressed. Here you go."

She handed me a purple gown and some black flats. She left, and I got changed. I took one last look at the scar, then walked out. Some guards led me to the room Thor took us to first. A man with amber colored eyes put a sword in some type of statue. The walls started to move around. Thor and Sarena were in front of me. Thor turned around and led me to Sarena.

"I wish you could stay longer. Hold on."

He pulled both of us close to him.

Bam! We were surrounded by the bifrost, going really fast.

Finally, we landed.

Right in the middle of the S.H.I.E.L.D base.

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