Chapter Nine: Chillin' With The X-Men

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I AM SO SORRY IT'S BEEN SO LONG!!! Here it is... Finally.

The flight was really fast. I sat next to the boy. It was a bit awkward. He broke the silence.

"So... What's your name?"

"Michelle. You?"

"I'm Bobby. You can call me Iceman."

He grabbed my hand, and I heard a little plop. I looked down, and there was a heart made of ice.

"That's actually really awesome. Who's she?"

I pointed at the girl. She turned around. 

"I'm Kitty. Kitty Pride, really, but you can call me Kitty."

She put her hand out to shake, and it went right through mine.

"Oh, sorry. That's kind of what I do. What can you do?"

"I don't know if you want me to do it, though."

"It's fine."

"Kitty, can I use you?"

"Um, sure."

I leaned forward and touched her shadow. I looked at Bobby. His eyes looked like they were going to pop out of their sockets. I got out of her and smiled.

"So yeah, that's what I can do."

"What'd you do? I didn't see anything."

Bobby grinned.

"And she doesn't even remember? That is really cool." 

"Kay, guys. We're here."

We were in a place that looked like a secret base. Kind of like a S.H.I.E.L.D base. We got off the plane, and a man in a wheelchair rolled in.

"Hello, Michelle. I'm Professor Charles. Is it all right with you that I can find out more about you?"

I nodded. 

"Well, then. Come along."

We went into a medical room. I started to panic. 

"It's all right, Michelle. I understand that the last time, all of the times, you went in a medical room, it didn't end well."

"How... How did you know that?"

Kitty bursted in.

"He's telepathic. He can read thoughts and... Stuff like that."

She noticed everyone was staring at her.

"Kitty is right. I am a mutant, as well as the others. I'm going to find out how you got your powers. I want you to try to relax."

He put his hands on my head, and I waited. He took his hands off.

"This is unlike anything I've ever seen before. You don't have the mutant gene, you haven't been in a toxic accident, you weren't in any experiment, and you're still from Earth."

The mutants glanced at each other nervously. 

"What? What's wrong?"

"Well, we don't know exactly WHAT you are. We've never had anything like this."

Kitty shuffled around. 

"So... What are we gonna do?"

"Do what we do with everyone. Get her enrolled."


First night at Xavier's school was crazy. I got in a room with Kitty Pride, a girl named Georgia who can scream really loudly, and a girl named Lilly who could go in people's dreams and make people fall asleep. The girls surrounded me, asking a ton of questions. 

"What's S.H.I.E.L.D like?"

"Terrifying. Everyone there is crazy."

"I've been to S.H.I.E.L.D before."

I stared at Lily.

"You have? Seriously?"

"Yeah, she has. Lilly, tell her about your background."

"Well... When I was thirteen, I went in my dad's dream. I had no idea what was going on, and I started to freak out. It affected his dream. I don't know how, but it hurt him. It made him think that the dream was reality. My dad woke up and shot himself in the head so he could 'wake up.' When the battle of New York happened, I made most of the alien guys get knocked out. S.H.I.E.L.D got me a few years ago. I made everyone fall asleep, and I left. I was on my own after that. Xavier found me a year ago, and I've been here since"


Silence. Kitty suddenly fell halfway through the bed. She heaved herself back up. The two other girls giggled.

"Sorry about that. I'm trying to stop that. I once fell through Logan. He did NOT like that."

"His name's Logan?"

"Yeah. He came in 2000. So did Rouge."


"Oh, yeah. You haven't met her. You'll see her tomorrow."

"What does she do?"

"Oh, it really sucks for her. Whenever she touches someone, she kills them."


She nodded. Storm opened the door.

"Girls, it's one in the morning. Go to sleep."

"But Will doesn't have to."

"That's because he can't. You know that, Georgia."


"No buts, Kitty. And Lily. No going into Bobby's dreams."

Lily did a raspberry and plopped in her bed. The rest of us got in the beds, and Storm turned off the lights.

"Good night, girls. And Michelle."


"You're having the same classes as Kitty. She can show you where to go."

"Got it."

She closed the door, and I had the best sleep in five years.



I slammed the alarm off. The other girls moaned and stumbled out of our beds. 

Kitty threw me a sweatshirt and some skinny jeans.

"You can wear this today. We'll get you something else tomorrow."

We got changed, and I followed Kitty downstairs. There were a bunch of kids my age and younger. We reached a room with a man with blue fur all over him talking to a student. I couldn't stop staring. He noticed me, and smiled.

"Why, hello Michelle. I'm Mr. McCoy."

"Hey Mr. McCoy."

"Hi Kitty. Can everyone sit down? No floating, Connor."

A boy drifted down from the ceiling. Mr. McCoy went to the front of the room.

"Now, let's begin."


Halfway through the day, and it was lunchtime. Kitty, Georgia, Lilly, Bobby and I grabbed our food and sat down. Everyone edged away from us, especially me.

"Why are they backing off?"

"Oh, they know what you can do, and they don't want you to touch them."

A girl with a strand of white hair sat down in between Kitty and Bobby. She saw me and whispered something to Kitty. She nodded, and the girl smiled.

"I'm Rouge. I would shake your hand but I can't. It's nothing personal, it's just-"

"It's just your power."

"Yeah... So, what do you do?"

Lilly jumped in.

"Rouge, you will NOT believe what she does. Michelle, do it to me."

I shrugged.

"I don't know. Are you sure?"

"Yeah, positive."

I touched her shadow, and smiled at Rouge.

"Ta da."

"That is awesome! So you can go in other people?!"

I grinned.

"JUST by touching their shadow."

"Have you ever gone in someone on accident?"

"Yeah. A BUNCH of times."

A bell rung, and we put our trays away.

"It was nice meeting you, Michelle."

"You too. I'll see you in a couple of hours!"

Wolverine walked in and stopped me. 

"The professor needs you."


We went in Xavier's office. He sat behind his desk next to a TV. 

"Good afternoon, Michelle. I need to talk to you about something very important. Logan, you can leave now."

He walked out, and Xavier wheeled towards me. 

"Have you had a nice day so far?"

"Yeah. It's been pretty cool."

"Wonderful. I need to know.... Do you want to stay?"

"Wait, are you serious? I... I don't know. I mean, Sarena's back there. But, it's just that I don't want S.H.I.E.L.D-"

The TV flickered on, and Xavier looked at the screen. The agent held up a badge.

"Agent Ward for S.H.I.E.L.D, we are ordering you to return Michelle."

"I know who you are, and we won't give her back unless we need to or if she wants to. We made an agreement with Fury twenty years ago to keep away from each other. If we didn't disturb S.H.I.E.L.D, you wouldn't disturb us. Are you breaking the deal?"

"Well, it seems like your breaking your side of the deal, Xavier. Michelle is our property, and she's dangerous."

"She's a person, Ward. Not an experiment, not a piece of property, just a person. We are going to keep her until she wants to leave. This conversation is over, Ward."

Xavier turned off the TV and turned to me.

"So, what would you like to do, Michelle?"

"I think..."

I turned around. The door was halfway open. Rouge passed by and waved. I turned back to Xavier.

"I think I'll stay."


I got back to my room, and Lily was in there. She was drawing something on a notebook.

"Hey, Lily."


Nobody was in the room except for Lily and I.

"Where's everyone else?"

"Oh, they're doing their free time hour. Most people are outside. I honestly just like hanging out in here and drawing."

I sat on her bed next to her.

"What's that?"

I pointed to the drawing. It was some type of animal. It was the so realistic, I thought it was going to pop out of the notebook.

"It's a Phoenix. They're like this fiery bird that comes out of ashes and is 'reborn'. It's kind of cool."

"You're awesome at drawing. You should do that when you're older."

"I can't."

"You can't?"

She stared at me, like I was missing something obvious.

"I'm a mutant. I can't just GO out in the world and be like 'Hey, I'm a mutant. Wanna buy my stuff?' People are scared of me. My dad KILLED himself because of me. I can't do it.... I just can't."

She suddenly started crying. I didn't know what to do.

"I'm sorry... I didn't know it was so hard on you."

"You think?! Your parents haven't died because of you."

"One of mine did. My mom died in a fire trying to get me out."


"I should be the one apologizing. It's your first day, and I'm being a total ass. I'm sorry."

"It's fine."

Kitty bursted in, fist pumping the air.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!!!"

Lily stood up.

"What happened?"

"Bobby invited me to go ice skating  with him! And you guys are coming, too!"

I was the one who stood up then.

"How are we gonna go skating? It's the middle of summer!"

She gave me the same look Lily did just a second ago.

"Uh, he's called the Iceman for a reason!"



At midnight, we walked outside to the huge fountain. Kitty trailed ahead of us, passing through the walls. Lily and I passed by two graves.

"Who's are those?"

Lily looked down at the cold graves.

"Those two are a couple. Kitty Pryde knows about it. She was there when one of them died. The first, Scott Summers, got killed by his girlfriend, Jean Grey. Jean Grey's the one right there. She had telekinesis, you know, moving things with her mind and stuff. She got out of control, and then joined the Brotherhood, some group that HATED regular humans. She got crazy, and Logan had no choice but to kill her."



We finally made it. Bobby and Rouge were outside, Bobby putting something on the bottom of Rouge's shoes. He looked up.

"Hey, guys. Glad you could make it. You want me to put the blades on?"

Kitty walked up to Bobby and pointed to her skates.

"I've got my own skates, thanks. But these girls might need some."

Bobby came towards us. 

"Put your feet up on the edge of the fountain."

We did so, and he put on blades that were literally made of ice on our shoes. He touched the water in the fountain, and it immediately froze. We wobbled on, and started skating. I waved and went to Rouge.

"Hey, didn't they make the cure thing a few years ago? Kitty told me that you did it."

"Yeah, they did. I took it, and it worked."

"Wait, then why do you have the powers now?"

She looked down.

"It didn't last. A couple years ago, I was living like a normal person. I was, you know, just living. And then I hugged someone, and then-"

BOOM!!! An explosion erupted from the school.

"Oh my god... Guys, come on!"

Bobby led us to the basketball court, making a road of ice so we could skate. We got there, and Bobby skated to a wall. On it was a control. He pressed a few buttons, and the court started to open. We backed up. The jet I was in just the day before slowly rose up. When it got to the top, the back opened.

"Where are we going?"

Bobby stopped.

"Anywhere but here."

A few more explosions came from the school. We bolted in the jet and broke off the ice blades. Kitty sat in the pilot seat, and we all got in the seats. I looked at Kitty.

"Do you even know how to ride this thing?"

"I can drive a car, I can walk through walls, and I've kicked a lot of ass. It can't be that hard."

The jet jerked up, and waved around. Rouge gripped on the arm rests, like she was going to fall out.

"Oh my god. Are we gonna die? I don't want to die. What's gonna-"

 Kitty turned around.

"If you wanna not die, then SHUT UP!!!! Lily, can you make them knock it off?!"

Lily nodded, then everything was black.

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