Chapter One: New York

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So pretty much, I lived a normal life after that in NYC. I didn't care about any S.H.I.E.L.D agents getting me. I felt normal. Well, until the Battle of New York.

I had a small apartment. I had a bulldog named Meatloaf and a cat named Felix. It was pretty normal. Nobody knew I was 17. It was pretty cool. I changed my birth date so I was 21. It was 2012, and everything was pretty good. Elections were coming, the Olympics had just started, and NYC was really busy. I didn't want to be in the hustle, so I stayed at my house.

I switched on the TV. There was a soap opera on. It was so stupid. I was about to change it, when it changed itself. The logo for NYCN news showed on the screen. Lillian Crocker appeared on the streets.

"We have some breaking news. If you can see above, there is some sort of wormhole from the sky. Officials say that this is not from this planet.

We highly advise you to stay inside until-"

There was some sort of creature jump on Lillian and attack her. There was a scream, and then static. I changed the channel over and over. It was all the same thing:

New York City was under attack.

A red blur whizzed past my window, with a HUGE thing following it. I looked out on my porch to get a clear view.

There was a lot of these creature-things on the ground, fighting a guy with a shield, a dude with a bow and arrow, and a girl with a lot of guns. A guy on a motorcycle came. I was thinking of how stupid he was to come out when all of these creatures were destroying Manhattan.

Suddenly, he changed into a monster. A full, raging, wished you were dead, put your head in some sand and hope he doesn't find you, killer, green monster.

He suddenly looked up. Straight at me, piercing in my soul. I know, pretty dramatic, but it's true!!! He suddenly ran towards my apartment. I ran into my bathroom and waited.

I was pretty scared. I mean, who wouldn't be? I sat in the bathtub, hearing shattering of glass and screaming. When there was silence, I cautiously walked out.

On the ground, there was a creature laying there, dying. I walked towards it, stupidly stepping in its shadow. I suddenly felt a ton of pain and felt all of the creatures thoughts. When you do a Shadow Cast, you feel the last feeling they had before you gave them a Shadow Cast. I realized this was a Chitauri, an alien wanting to kill everything in its way.

I looked out. The monster thing was on the building, smashing a bunch of Chitauri's heads. The monster looked up. He started climbing towards me. I started to scream, but a shrill shriek came out instead.

I ran inside and quickly got out of the Chitauri's body. It collapsed and stopped breathing.

The monster thing came inside. It glanced at me, grabbed the Chitauri, and jumped out.

I sighed with relief, and looked at the window. The red thing whizzed by again the opposite way, holding a missile.

A huge missile.

I slowly walked out, trying to see where it was going. My house was super close to the black hole thingy. The red thing went inside the hole. I held my breath, wondering what was going to happen next.

The hole started to shrink. I didn't expect the red thing to come out, but it did. It looked like someone pushed it. It started to slowly fall, so I got a better look at it.

I realized it was Tony Stark. He actually was my hero when I was a kid. I mean, he was different, like me.

Not AS different, but different. He was aiming staight towards the apartment, and he wasn't stopping. I needed to help him. I decided to do the stupidest thing EVER.

The monster thing was at the bottom of the apartment. I jumped off the porch, aimed towards the shadow, and went into the mind of the monster.

I found out it was The Hulk. I had actually never heard of him before. Also, the Hulk's only thought was rage. I wanted to smash a few things myself, but I had to save Stark.

I jumped on the apartment and caught Tony Stark. I jumped off and landed on the concrete. I quickly got out of the Hulk's mind. I hid behind a wrecked car, and checked to see what was happening.

A man in an old fashioned, patriotic superhero outfit muttered at the still red suit. The Hulk roared, and Tony Stark woke up.

I sneaked to my house so I could look unsuspicious. The police came into the apartments about a half hour later, telling us to leave the apartments and stay at the high school on the outskirts of the city until further notice.

We got to the high school, and it was crazy. There were kids with huge gashes on their faces, and adults looking for family members.

My cat was gone, and Meatloaf was at the apartment. They didn't let me bring Meatloaf because they were worried about dog allergies.

Everyone was huddled together, talking about their stories and families. I sat alone in a corner. One of the girls from the apartments, Christina, popped out of nowhere.

"Hey! Are you okay?"

She was 22. She was my best friend, but she seemed suspicious. She would be here one second, and be gone the next. I would just shrug it off, but it was weird.

"Yeah, but what happened with Tony Stark? That was so weird."

She shuffled a bit, like she had something to do with it.

"Can I trust you?"

"Of course! I'm your best friend!"

"Come... Come outside."

We walked to the front. Nobody was out there. What was she doing?

She stared at me.

"Tell me an address, then something that's there."

"664 Georgia Pine, Providence, Rhode Island. An empty bottle of Blue Moon beer. It's in a safe at the bank."

She suddenly disappeared.

She was like me. She had powers, and was like me.

She came back holding a beer bottle. An empty Blue Moon bottle that belonged to Coulson. Hands shaking, I took the bottle.

I hid the bottle in the bank safe nearby the hotel.

"You can't tell anyone, okay? I could seriously get in trouble with a group called S.H.I.E.L.D. So, shhh!!!"

She disappeared again. I stumbled into the school. A nurse walked over.

"Miss, are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah.... I'm fine."

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