Chapter Thirteen: I Go Through The Pain-Olympics

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So we got kidnapped.
Zippity freaking do dah.
I woke up blindfolded in somewhere cold and wet. I knew it was cold, because, yeah. It WAS cold. And secondly, I was leaning against a soaking wet wall.
Anyways, when my eyes opened, I could only see cream colored cloth and dark silhouettes.
I attempted to say something, but after realizing the wet rag taste in my mouth was a wet rag, I decided to keep my mouth shut. The only thing I could muster out were hums and grunts, which didn't sound as threatening as I had hoped. I heard a few men chuckle. I also realized, unfortunately, that they had tied my arms and legs to a chair. They spoke in what I believe was German, until they converted to a heavily German sounding English.
"How are you feeling right now, Michelle? Defeated? Lost?"
I felt the rag drop from my mouth. Someone must have untied it.
"More like I need to get that wet sock taste out of my mouth."
A few people laughed. The original voice continued.
"Ah, a smart aleck. But also powerful. We have done some... Research about you."
"Oh, you mean Facebook stalking me? Do you really find me that attractive? Aw, that's so sweet-"
A hot pain burned my cheek. The metallic taste of blood started to fill my mouth. I spat out the red gunk.
"Did you just punch me, asshole?" I asked with anger.
"Yes I did. And I'll do much worse if you don't do what I say. You can control others by going into their shadows, correct?"
"It's called Shadow Casting, jerk. Do your research."
The man sighed. "Well, my employer believes your powers could be very useful."
"THERE'S MORE OF YOU?! Jesus Christ..."
Another burning feeling on my face. Now on my right eye. I could feel the swelling begin.
"ENOUGH with the funny talk!!! We need to test your skills. The cloth on your face gives in enough light for you to see the shadows. Shadow Cast into any one of us."
I smiled. "And if I don't?"
"Well, let's just say we will make you Shadow Cast."
Well, that didn't sound good. But, I mean, what could they do to me? Worst case scenario, I Shadow Cast if it hurt too much, and run away as fast as I can.
"Yeah, no. I don't feel like it. Sorry, boys. Can't do it."
Silence followed.
"Well, then. It leaves me no choice."
I heard a buzzing noise before the pain followed. It was a taser or something, but like a knife, because it was literally STABBING ME. I bit my lip to try to keep the scream from leaving, but I guess it had a mind of its own. It escaped my lips, and the shock stopped. I lowered my head, all of my energy leaving me. The man talking laughed a bit.
"This, child, is not true pain. Would you like to find out?"
"No, not really-"
A crackly voice from a walkie talkie interrupted our blind conversation.
"Es ist die Winter Soldier! Es ist die Winter Soldier!"
Gunshots, then silence.
"Petrov! Petrov!!!! PETROV!!!!" Farther ahead from the room, I heard screams and gunshots.
"That stupid traitor," the voice remarked "Is going to ruin our plan. So long, Michelle. This won't be the last time you see... No wait, hear me."
Footsteps, gunshots, silence. More footsteps. But now I saw a shadow walking towards me. I shuffled the chair as far away as I could, until the voice belonging to the shadow talked.
"Woah woah woah woah! You gotta calm down!!! I'm not gonna hurt you! Look. The blind can see."
She untied the rag that was covering my eyes, revealing... A girl. She couldn't have been older than fifteen. She had light brown hair, blue eyes, and big, blocky glasses. She had on what looked like a Captain America Shield t-shirt. She looked pretty epic. For a nerd, you know. She had a cuts and bruises across her body, showing that she had been pretty knocked up. She hoisted my arms onto her shoulders.
"Wow, those are some pretty nasty wounds. I'm Alexis, by the way. Your name?"
I was freaking exhausted, so I barely muttered out an answer.
"Michelle?" Alexis replied. "Huh. You know why the Hydra people kidnapped you guys?"
You guys? I had completely forgotten about Peter and Leo!
"Did you get... The others?" I mumbled.
"Oh, you mean Spiderman and that SHIELD agent? Yeah. We got 'em. Wait one second." She put her hand to her ear. "Yeah. Got her. She's pretty beat up, but she'll make it."
And that's when my powers went haywire.

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