Chapter Twelve: I Hang Out With A Hot Celebrity

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Well, guess what?! The end didn't come!!!
"Peter, she's waking up!"
I woke up in a bedroom with an old woman dabbing my forehead with a wet towel. A boy about my age walked in.
"Aunt May, can I talk to her just for a sec?"
She looked at me, then back at the boy.
"Yes... Yes, of course."
She walked out, and the boy sat on the bed.
"Are you feeling better?"
"Yeah.... Who are you?"
"I'm Peter."
I looked at the closet behind him. Inside, peeking out, was a red and blue costume with webs on it.
"Wait, you're-"
"Shhhh.... Don't say that out loud."
He pointed at the door. I nodded. He continued talking.
"I saw you fall out of the S.H.I.E.L.D building. I got you, and brought you here. My aunt thinks that I found you in an alley. Can I see it?"
The first thing I thought was how hot he was.
"You can look."
He lifted my shirt halfway, and there was a web on my wound. The web was blood soaked.
"Ooh... Not good. Wait one second."
He slowly took off the web, and spewed out a new one on it.
"That was the third change. Gosh, that was a messy shot. I'm gonna go for a sec."
He stood up and was about to walk out.
He turned, definitely confused.
"I have powers, too."
He immediately sat back down.
"You do?"
I smiled.
"Yeah. I can go in other people by touching their shadows."
He furrowed his eyebrows.
Why. Did. I. Keep. On. TALKING TO PEOPLE?!?!
"Like this. You're gonna move a bit."
I leaned over and touched his shadow. I walked to the other side of the bed. I sat down, and got out of him. He stared at me.
"How did you-"
"How did I do that? I get that a lot. I just... DO it."
He stared. He looked down, realizing that it was getting weird.
"Sorry. It's just that you remind me of someone I knew."
Awkward silence.
"Um, do you want to check it again?"
He lifted my shirt up. It stopped bleeding.
"Do you think you can get up?"
I got up, and walked around.
"I feel a lot better."
"Good. Do you want to go out?"
I grinned.
After Peter put his suit on under his clothes and making an excuse to his aunt, we left the house. He took his shirt and pants off. He put and his mask on and put the clothes in his backpack.
"You look good."
He put his arm around my waist.
"Are you ready?"
He put his hand up, and a web shot out. We leaped in the air and went across New York City.
Finally, we went into an alley.
A gun cocked behind us.
"Put her down, Spider-Man."
He put his mask back on. In front of us were two agents. I rolled my eyes.
"Here we go again..."
Peter put his arm in front of me.
"Stay back."
He threw a web at them and whipped them up to the top of the building.
"We should probably go."
He grabbed me, and we went up. On the way, Peter popped a question.
"Why do they want you?"
"Well, I'm something they don't know. And of course, they HAVE to find out about me."
We kept on going, and then I heard a gunshot. Peter looked down, and watched blood coming from his gut. He let go of the string and started falling.
I let go and grabbed him in thin air. We dived down.
"Peter, Peter!!! Wake up!"
He started to regain consciousness and shakily made a spider web in between two buildings. We fell in it, and I got stuck.
"Peter... Peter, are you alright?"
He crawled over to me. He wavered around and ripped open the web. We fell about seven feet to the ground. He passed out, and I started to drag him back to his Aunt May's place.
When we got to the house, May opened the door, staring at Peter.
"May, I need you! He got shot!!!"
"Yeah, I know. He's Spiderman!!! But he needs your help!"
She immediately went into action. She grabbed him and put him on the bed I was on just hours ago.
"Get me water."
I did so, and for the next hour, we waited next to his bedside for him to wake up.
"Is he really Spider-"
"Yeah.... I'm sorry about all of this."
She kept looking at him.
"It's alright. It's not your fault."
I felt so guilty.
"No, it's all my fault. If I'd never come here, Peter wouldn't have been shot. S.H.I.E.L.D's following me. I have powers, and I brought you two in this mess."
I started sobbing. Suddenly, May gave me a hug. I cried into her shoulder.
"D... Does she know?"
Peter was up.
"Yeah... She knows."
I wiped my eyes and gave him a hug.
"God, don't do that again."
Suddenly, Peter sat up straight.
"You have to go."
"They're coming."
All of the sudden, a huge claw bursted through the window and snatched Peter's Aunt.
"It's all right..."
"No, it's not!!!"
Peter pushed me away. We were in his room, ten minutes after his aunt was taken away.
"Hey, hey, hey.... Just look at me."
He looked up with his bloodshot eyes. I gave him a hug. He sat there for a long time. This guy saved me from S.H.I.E.L.D. I mean, I had to help him.
"We're gonna get her."
He looked behind.
"They're here."
I stood up.
"But, I thought that was them-"
He forced my head down as bullets raced through the walls.
"WHAT WAS THAT?!" I asked.
"I don't know, but we've gotta go."
He gingerly grabbed me by the waist, and broke through his window. He shot out a web, and swung. He hurriedly put his mask on, and continued shooting out webs. "THIS MIGHT HURT!!" He roared through the wind.
We crashed through an stock building. The stockers roared for their deals, but noticed us. We both groaned, and hoisted ourselves out of the shards of glass. Peter grabbed my hand and we ran through the crowd of confused stockers.
My thoughts were interrupted by the fifteen or so SWAT looking guys crashing through the window. The bystanders were freaking out by now, realizing that Spiderman was with a girl and was being chased down by some military dudes.
"Spiderman! You're under arrest for assisting a criminal!" A SWAT member shouted behind his mask.
"Wait, that's illegal? Never heard that one." Peter smugly replied.
"Enough, games. Just give her to us and no one gets hurt."
"Why do you need her? Also, why the heck would you threaten the innocents?"
He motioned towards the group, who were now cowering in fear and calling 911. Some were actually not being idiots and were heading to the elevators.
"They're not all innocents. We're not, either."
The soldier pushed his sleeve upward, revealing a red tattoo of a skull with tentacles stretching outwards. Peter sighed.
"This isn't good." I muttered.
Of course it had to be Hydra.
There aren't many options of escape when you are surrounded by one of the most-scratch that-MOST-dangerous terrorist group in the history of mankind. You can't run, you can't hide, and you can't fight, so one thing's left: shadowcasting.
I leaped into a hydra dude's shadow and stepped into the brain of the maniac's mind. His thoughts? Nothing, which was unusual. Probably brainwashed. I aimed the soldier's gun at the leader's head.
"Move and he's dead." I said in my now super manly voice. "Do I sound like that?" I whispered.
The leader dude slowly turned, and judo flipped me to the ground.
"Crrrrrrap that hurt!" I groaned. A few of the soldier chuckled as I hoisted myself up.
While getting up, I noticed something hurtling toward the window.
The item crashed through the window and paused inches away from a soldier's face. It had what looked like a camera on it, and little wings. It slowly hovered away, and a Scottish voice erupted from the robot in a crackly voice.
"Bottoms up, Hydra!"
Thank the Lord Almighty that Peter, the stockers and I were crouching on the ground.
The robot exploded and a gas floated around, suffocating the people who were standing.
"KCCCHHLLLEEECCKKK." The leader choked.
"What'd you say? You need to speak louder." I replied.
"Seriously, I can't hear you over the sound of victory."
And then, the Hydra guys all collapsed dead.
A few moments later, the elevator let out a "ding" and it opened, revealing a guy tapping an iPad. As soon a the elevator opened, all of the remaining stockers raced inside. The dude hardly noticed them, and continued using the iPad.
"Where is that bloody file-" He muttered. He looked up and noticed us. "Oh, hey. You with Hydra?"
We shook our heads.
"Okay, good." He put his fingers up to his ear. "Hey, we have a few people up here, don't see any injuries, 'cept for the dead guys, obviously! We've got-" He paused and stared at Peter.
"Oh my god... You're, you're Spiderman! I'm Leo Fitz, with SHIELD. Not the evil one, or the new one. Just the classy, regular one. It's an honor. Oh, Jemma would love this!"
"Wait, what are you talking about? Evil SHIELD? New SHIELD? I was there literally a day ago, and it was completely normal!"
Suddenly, Peter's feet looked very interesting.
"Um, not quite a day ago."
I turned to him.
"... What are you talking about?"
His reply was so quiet, I could hardly hear him.
"You were out for two weeks."
"WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?! WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!?!?!"
"I'm sorry! I didn't think it would be important!"
"NOT IMPORTANT?!?! Why would Hydra and a new SHIELD NOT be important?!?!?!?!"
I stormed around and sat down angrily. Thinking about it now, I was acting like a five year old who didn't have her teddy bear, but I was MAD.
"I wasn't really looking at the news at the time! I didn't notice all of this crazy stuff was happening-"
Leo interrupted us.
"Look, Spiderman, acquaintance o Spiderman, we need to get out of here, before the Hydra guys get here."
"Wait, the Hydra guys? We just killed them-"
And a stupid little ding interrupted our conversation.
"Oh, is that another freaking Hydra dude-" I stopped mid sentence realizing that I was right.
It was a freaking Hydra dude. I'm so smart.
Shortly after discovering this inconvenience, I felt something lodge into my shoulder.
Oh yay! A sleeping dart.
I looked at the others collapsing as exhaustion enveloped me. I struggled to stay awake, grasping a desk for support.
"I... Am not... Going... To fall asleeeeeep."
And then I fell asleep.

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