20| the ultimate fresher's party pt. 2

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Growing up, everyone heard stories about Angels and Devils. But has anyone heard about the mixture of those two entities? The answer is no. Now as you look at Jungkook slowly strolling in your direction, you're sure that mixtures do exist.

Presented himself in a classy black attire, royalty as the colour speaks for itself, he was that modern prince walking out of fantasy. A sheer buttoned up collar empowered by a thick black silk vest-jumpsuit fitted his proportioned physique. A long black over coat having one of the lapels folded on his right ribs area and tied with a thin gold belt, with a customised JK embellishment. Splashed japanese cluster of florals sequins enthralled the torso of the vest suit, left panel of the coat including the sleeves and right elbow region. A rolex flexed on his wrist, his wavy hair gently pushed back while a strand or two were curving down his sculpted face. Glitters flashed on the edges of his hair and ear helix. Dark pigment sweeped over the lids dramatically transforming his doe eyes to a sharp one and not to mention the rhinestones like orbs refining the eyes into a solid statement. Shoes- ankle heeled shoes.

Jungkook looked ecstatic; almost sinful.

"You're drooling yet again, Piglet." You immediately closed your gaping mouth at Taehyung's statement and straightened your posture as Jungkook reached you. Embracing Taehyung in a bro hug, his eyes landed on your form.

Jungkook shamelessly raked his eyes through your figure, his gaze lingering a little too long on your cleavage and exposed leg; eyes darkening in the process. You felt yourself slightly quiver under his intense gaze.

"You look mesmerising, Aera." You brows raised in surprise and a prominent blush rose to your cheeks at his sultry tone. You blinked hard before clearing your throat and smiling. "You too look splendid, Kook."

He smirked to himself when he noticed your blushing form. "Thankyou." He flashed a seductive smile your way.

Taehyung's eyes looked back and forth between the oh-so-smooth exchange going on infront on him. 'What am I missing again?' He thought to himself before shaking his head, the brainstorming too much for his pretty brain.

Jungkook averted his gaze away from you. "Where's Jimin hyung?" He asked Taehyung.
The latter's eyes wandered the hall before landing on a shorter male conversing with Lea. "There." He pointed.

"Let's go to them." Jungkook said and they started walking the other way before you stopped them. "Uh I feel a bit thirsty, might as well grab a drink."

"I'll come with you." Taehyung offered but you politely declined. "Ah no it's fine. You guys go, I'll come there in a few." They nodded and walked off.

Passing by dancing students, you sighed when you reached the mini bar. A bartender not so older came to you. "Can I get a glass of apple juice, please?" He nodded but stopped when a voice came from beside you.

"I'll order the same as the lady here." Confused, you turned your head sideways to see a man sit on the high chair parallel to yours.

The said man was clad in a formal emerald green suit. The first few buttons of his crisp white shirt undone exposing his sharp collarbones while a jade green silk tie loosely hung around his collar. He had black studs fitted on his earlobe. Freshly dyed silver hair pushed back while a few strands fell on his perfect chiseled face, covering his grey eyes. Fingers adorned in black rings and a silver bracelet was clasped around his wrist.

"Hey." He sweetly smiled at you. He looked awfully familiar but you couldn't grasp the memory.

"Hi...do I know you?" You squinted your eyes, trying hard to remember where you saw him.

He chuckled. "Am I that forgettable?"

"I'm sorry but I can't..." You trailed off, feeling bad.

"Don't worry. Um remember the math class? Juice spill?" You gasped when the specific memory came rushing back to your mind.

"Baekhyun!" You exclaimed, snapping your fingers at him.

He nodded, impressed. "That's right, Min Aera. Took you long enough to go through the memory lane."

"What, not my fault you look different. You dyed your hair right?" He nodded.

"Yes I did." He raked a hand through his smooth shining hair.

"Long time no see huh." You took a big gulp from your drink the bartender served a few moments prior.

"Well what can I say, I'm a very busy man." He sighed dramatically making you playfully scoff.

"Yeah, very busy indeed." You both laughed before his eyes travelled up and down your form.

"By the way, you look marvellous, really different from the last time I saw you." You gave him a bashful smile.

"Thankyou. You too look quite attractive." Before he could thank you, a voice boomed from the speakers. Turning around the swivel chair, you saw the junior batch head boy standing in the middle of the hallway with a mic in his hand.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Hello and welcome to the Fresher's 2k19. I, Park Hyun, the mc for tonight, along with my batchmates have prepared a surprise event for you." You noticed the cute kid getting nervous which made you give him a cheerful smile and a thumbs up when he briefly looked your way. It seemed to relax him a bit because then he stood more upright.

"The surprise event is a masquerade ball room dance, but with a slight twist. You all will be given a black mask to cover your face but instead of only one partner, you'll be switching partners everytime the melody changes and dance with the person behind you. It will repeat 3-4 times, the gender doesn't matter." Everyone let out impressive cheers before two girls started passing out the mentioned masks.

The mask was classic black with no designs whatsoever, enough to cover your half forehead till your nose. After almost everyone tied the masks, the boy spoke again, "Shall we begin the dance then? Please choose your partners."

"Wanna be my dance partner?" Having no other choice, you accepted Baekhyun's offer and placed your hand in his extended one. He led you to the dance floor while everyone did the same. You placed your hands on his shoulder but he had to slightly bend down in order to place his hands on your waist because of his tall frame.

"Are you comfortable?" He asked you, concern edged in his voice.

"I'm good, just a bit embarassed because I look like a toddler infront of you." You pouted making him laugh.

"Don't worry, Aera. You got a pretty decent height." As if on cue, the music started playing. Everyone started swaing their bodies while you and your partner did the same.

"So, are you going for the hiking trip tomorrow?" Baekhyun asked as he softly caught your hand and twirled you.

"Yup, I am. What about you?" You answered before placing you palms on his shoulder.

"Nah, I have some important work to attend to, though I'd love to join." You hummed in response before raking your eyes through the crowd. You spotted Lea dancing with Taehyung and Jimin dancing with...Jungkook? You stifled a laugh when you saw Jimin accidently stepping on Jungkook's toe making him groan in pain and push Jimin away.

The music suddenly changed, meaning time to change partners. "Welp, time to go. See you around." Beakyun stated before throwing a wink your way and turning around. You smiled in return and turned around as well but had no time to look up as an arm softly draped around your waist. You looked up to see Jimin flashing a toothy grin at you.

"Well hello again, Pebbles." You grinned.
"Hey, how did you suddenly teleport here?"

"Uh well, I was dancing with Jungkook and then saw you, so thought of dancing with you since we haven't danced before." You nodded.

"Hmm, I saw what you did to Jungkook." You giggled when his face turned red in embarrassment.

"Hey! Not my fault he wasn't paying attention." He pouted.

"Yeah, I just hope you don't stamp on me." You laughed when he glared at you.

"I won't." Saying that, he twirled you twice before placing his hands on your waist and swaying.

"Have you finished packing for tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yes, I did this morning. Just a few things left."

"Oh cool. I'll have to leave early to pack as well as to sleep early." He looked around.

"Yeah same. Lea and I have decided to leave by 9pm so we could wake up early for tomorrow." He nodded before the music changed.

"Oh well then, see you in a bit!" You both smiled before he twirled you one last time and you came face to face with Azalea.

"Ooo hello sexy." She raised her brow and placed her hands on your shoulder while you placed yours on her slim waist.

"Hi there, gorgeous." You winked at her and you both shared a laugh.

You glanced down at your watch to see it was 8pm. "What time will Hobi come to pick us up?" You asked.

"He said his evening dance session will get over by 9 so he's gonna directly come here from there, then it depends on the traffic." You hummed before twirling her.

You both did some silly moves and kept giggling. The song changed yet again making you furrow your brows. "Huh, didn't the song change a bit fast?"

You looked at Lea confused but saw her looking at something behind you with a look of mischief in her eyes. Before you could look behind, she immediately twirled you around and pushed you. "Wha-" You abruptly got cut off when your head got stuffed in a chest and two arms found their way around your waist to steady you.

"I'm so sor-" You looked up only for your heart to stop beating when your eyes met his sparkling ones. Bodies flushed, your nose was practically touching his and you could feel his warm minty breath fanning your already warm face. His gentle coffee brown orbs were gazing at your brown ones with so much intensity, you felt like getting lost in them.

"Be careful, or you might actually end up falling for me." You felt a shiver run down your spine at his deep and rough voice.

Heat rose to your cheeks before you pushed him off. "W-What.."

Jungkook started chuckling heartily at your cuteness. "You're so cute." At his statement, you looked at him wide eyed and blinked your eyes. He seem to have noticed it too because then he stopped laughing and cleared his throat. "S-Sorry." He let out softly as the tip of his ears turned red.

You both looked at the dancing couples awkwardly before he spoke. "So uh, let's dance...?" You nodded and went forward. He placed one hand on your waist and intertwined the other one with yours, pulling you closer to him. You felt butterflies starting to dance in your stomach at his touch as you placed your other hand on his shoulder and started swaying to the melody.

"Um ready for tomorrow?" He asked you quietly and you looked at him.

"Uh yeah, you?" Everyone seems to be asking about the same thing again and again.

"Pretty much. Only sleeping is left." You lightly chuckled before silence engulfed you both once again. He spinned you around before holding your other hand and swaying; back hugging you. You tried to steady your breath when you felt his head on your shoulder, his warm breath fanning your earlobe. "Isn't it getting a bit boring?" The music stopped, marking the end of the dance session as everyone howled and clapped before going their own ways.

"Sort of." You huffed and he turned you back to face him. "Wanna get out of here?"

You raised your brow. "Get out and go where?"
"Anywhere, besides the party is gonna get over soon due to the early morning trip." You bit your lip and looked around. There was nothing special going on except students simply dancing, some chatting and some drinking; some of them even started leaving. You sighed and looked at Jungkook.


✡ ✡ ✡ ✦ ✡ ✡ ✡

Apparently, Tae and Jimin didn't let you leave before having some 'fun'. So after almost an hour of clicking many silly and model like pictures - thanks to Taehyung - and joking around while munching on food at the buffet, Jungkook and you paddled out the hall and into his BMW. When informing Lea, Jungkook had to assure her to drop you off safely and only then did she let you go, but not before teasing the hell out of you with a promise of providing her with the juicy details later.

Driving through the almost quiet streets of Seoul, Jungkook and you ended up at the infamous Han River. It was 9pm by the time you reached, so you both agreed to go home in just thirty minutes as it was getting late. Currently, you were standing beside each other, leaning on the railings of a bridge, drinking in the moment of serenity as the citylights surround you.

A cool wisp of air blowing past made you lightly rub your arms and hug yourself. "Are you cold?" You shook you head at Jungkook's concern filled question.

"A bit but not something I can't manage." You heard shuffling sounds before you were pulled closer to him by your waist and a half coat was draped over your left shoulder, the remaining half on Jungkook's body; your right shoulder pressed with his. The coat was actually pretty huge to cover you both up at once.

You looked at him, amused at his gesture. Sensing your gaze, he turned his head sideways. "What, I don't wanna catch a cold before tomorrow's trip." You both chuckled.

A soft chime of bell was heard and your heads turned to look at the Icecream man with his cart going the other way. You both instantly looked at each other.

"Are you thinking what I am thinking?" He raised his brow at your question, a smirk on his face.

"Fuck the cold." You laughed at his comment before you both walked towards the Icecream cart.

You ordered a vanilla flavoured cone while he went for a mint chocolate chip one. Instead of stopping him like how the girls do in dramatic movies, you urged him to pay for your icecream saying him to 'Be a gentleman for once', to which he shook his head at your dorkness, a smile on his lips.

"Who eats Mint Icecream." You scrunched your nose in distaste when he took a bite.

"Elites do." He shrugged, a smug smile on his

"Yeah, cause 'elites' can't seem to afford toothpaste." You snorted.

"Ha ha, you're so funny Aera." He deadpanned.

You grinned proudly before taking a huge bite of your vanilla cone. "Mhmm." Your eyes closed when the sweet flavour hit your taste buds.

When you opened your eyes, you saw Jungkook staring at you with amusement. "What?"

He suddenly brought his hand forward and using his thumb, gently wiped the corner of your mouth where the icecream had gotten smudged.

You froze. He was staring at you with a soft gaze, a small smile playing on his lips. You again felt the butterflies errupt in your tummy when he didn't remove his hand and instead moved his hand up, tucking a lose strand of hair behind your ear and then sliding his hand back to lightly cup your cheek.

You felt yourself melt under his hypnotising gaze. You could stare into his starry orbs that contained so much spark all day and not get tired. Not to mention the city lights reflecting off his face making him look so much enthralling.

The sudden honk of a car passing by made you both snap out of whatever trance you were in. Pink covered your entire face and spread till your neck as you tried to cover your face with your hair. A shade of pink dusted his cheeks as well but he hid it by looking elsewhere. Clearing his throat, he looked at his watch. "Ehh it's late, w-we should get going."

You nodded before starting to walk behind him and to his car. Settling down, he roared the engine to life and hit the road. There was an awkward silence in the car. You kept gazing out the window but saw him stealing a few glances your way from the window glass, making you purse your lips.

You're glad when he suddenly spoke in order to cease the awkwardness. "W-What time will you reach to the bus station tomorrow?"

"The bus leaves by 9am so maybe half an hour prior." He nodded before taking a right turn, entering your area.

"I think they should have kept the trip next weekend." You stated.

"I feel the same too but semester exams are coming up soon so that's why they're rushing things." You rolled your eyes.

"Ugh, exams." He laughed when you exaggerated the term.

Soon enough, you reached your home. You both got out of the car before you walked towards where he was leaning on his car door.
"So, um see you tomorrow..." You trailed off not knowing what exactly to do.

"Uh yeah, see you." He placed a hand on his nape and looked down, a habit of his when he's nervous.

The next moment was unexpected.

You don't know what came over you, but looking at him being so cute, you went closer to him before standing on your tippy toes and softly pecked his cheek. Whispering a 'thankyou', you didn't notice nor wanted to look at the shocked look on his face and just walked away, more like ran like a madman.

Jungkook looked at your retreating form in utter shock, his mind frozen from your action. He bit his lip after your door closed and settled in the car. Looking at the closed door of your house once again, he started the engine before driving off into the night; a silly smile on his lips.

Closing the door to your room, you pressed your back against the door before closing your eyes. You then placed a hand on your chest, where your heart was thumping like it ran a marathon, cheeks lifting up in a smile.

You replayed today's events in your head, but your mind lingered on a certain someone. Your eyes flew open when the sudden realisation hit you like a truck.

You might like Jungkook.



A/N: 🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚.

*cries in ddaeng* 🙀

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