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"I have a question," Terra started, placing her plate on the table. Bloom, Musa and Victoria lifted up their eyes to look at their earth fairy friend, who was a confused face expression. "Since when was it cool to be a nerd? And now it's cool to talk about fairy history?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" Victoria questioned, not understanding why Terra asked that particular question.

The earth fairy shrugged her shoulders. "Well, I-I Like school. I like getting good grades and reading alone with a cup of chamomile, but no one shares a frickin' apple with me, even though... gross," Terra explained to them.

Victoria chuckled, now knowing what she meant. "Is it about Beatrix?" She asked, even though she already knew the answer.

"I don't get what the difference is between her and me. Why's it working for her?" Terra rambled on, frustrated.

"Um, actually I have to go, sorry," Musa stood up from the table, sending the girls an apologizing smile and walked away.

"It's okay. I know why, really," Terra started as soon as Musa walked away from them. "It's 'cause she drinks and smokes and looks like her, and I'm..."

The brunette girl placed her hand on Terra's, squeezing it. "You don't need to change for anyone, we love you for being you," She spoke.

"Thanks," She whispered. "How are you feeling? You know... with the Silva stuff?" Terra asked.

Victoria sighed, leaning her head against the palm of her hand. "Shitty," She replied shortly. "Sky said they tracked the Burned One 40 kilometers north of here," The girl informed them.

"Wait, you're not going to look for that thing alone, right?" Bloom questioned, shaking her head as she glanced at Victoria. "It's dangerous,"

"You saw what I did yesterday. I can kill it by myself," Victoria told her friends. She was a powerful fairy, but the thought of losing control terrified her.

Her roommates said nothing. They just looked down on the table, not even trying to start another conversation with Victoria. She quickly packed up her things and got up from the table, leaving the cafeteria. She headed towards the winx suite in hope of getting some peace from her roommates. They were worried about her, but Victoria just couldn't sit tight and wait.

She had to do something.

Victoria put down her backpack on the floor, before grabbing her phone just to text her sister. She got no reply, so she walked out of the room, heading towards the specialist's training hall.

"I knew you were up to something," She heard a sigh behind her. The girl turned around, facing the blonde boy with a frown on her face.

"I was just taking a walk," Victoria lied, trying to convince Sky, but the boy didn't seem to believe her.

"Don't lie to me, Vic, I know you were going to the woods," Sky shook his head, closing his eyes for a second.

She crossed her arms across her chest, in a defensive manner. "At least I'm trying to do something," Victoria scoffed, walking up closer to the boy. "Silva is dying, Sky. He might not survive until the morning,"

The blonde boy didn't say anything, he just let out another sigh, before taking a few steps forward. "It's dangerous out there, what if you get attacked by the Burned One?"

"I won't," She protested, taking a step back, before fully turning around, not wanting Sky to see her watering eyes. "I just can't let him die," The girl whispered, wiping her eyes, sniffling.

Sky didn't reply, instead he brought her into a hug, comforting the girl. Victoria gave in hugging Sky back, despite the fact she had no control over her emotions now. Just like yesterday, he caressed the back of her head, while the tears in his eyes threatened to fall.

"Please, let the battalion do its duty," He begged, pulling away from the girl.

She pursued her lips and crossing two fingers behind her back, she nodded.

The blonde boy smiled a little. "I'll walk you to the suite," He spoke, motioning towards the hall for the girl to start walking.

As soon as she stepped through the door leading to her chambers, she heard nothing but a quiet voice coming from Bloom's and Aisha's room. They didn't seem to notice her, so she headed to her room, but as she entered her space, the girl heard Terra shout from the bathroom.

"Does anyone know how to do a good cat's eye?"

Victoria walked towards the source of the voice, just to find Terra standing in front of the mirror with her makeup smudged. The brunette girl winced at the sight of her frustrated friend, grabbing a wet tissue and starting to wipe the mess Terra created.

"I've done, like, 50 tutorials and this is what I get. What does Huda Kaftan have that I don't?" She cried.

The girl frowned. "Talent?"

"Style and Millions of followers," Aisha replied as she and Bloom walked in the bathroom.

Terra furrowed her eyebrows, glancing at her roommates who were dressed in their pajamas. "Why are none of you getting ready for the party?" She asked confused.

"Uh... I've gotta study," Aisha replied, sighing.

"I wasn't planning on going," Victoria shrugged her shoulders.

That was a lie. She just needed a distraction, so no one would see her sneaking out into the forest in hope of finding the Burned One and killing it.

"I have full-" Bloom added, but Terra quickly stopped her in mid-sentence.

Terra snickered nervously. "Cool. I don't care. You must come. I need full suite support," She said, desperately and after that a loud knock echoed through the bathroom. "Is that Musa or Stella?" Terra asked worriedly, not wanting to be seen in that state by the princess.

Musa came through the door, glancing at the girls. "Well, this is weird," She commented as she took in Terra's appearance.

"Get dressed. We have to go. We're gonna go to the party and we're gonna show everybody that we're cool and... fun... and-" Terra rambled on, making the girls look at each other and grin.

"Hot?" Musa finished the earth fairy's sentence.


The party was already at its best. Sweaty bodies filled the old courtyard, while music played in the background. Purple led lights made the whole place look like a typical club. The girl tried to get through the students, but it was hard since everyone was already drunk. After a few minutes of declining a few dances, they stepped in an old looking building.

"This is what exactly?" Bloom asked, glancing at the people, surrounding her and the girls.

"This is the east wing of Alfea. It used to be used for was preparations, but since there hasn't been any conflict for a while, no one comes down here. Except for tonight," Terra explained excitedly as she looked through the crowd, searching for someone.

The ginger let out a loud breath from her mouth, turning around and walking away with Aisha. "I need a beer," She informed them, disappearing in the crowd.

Victoria looked around, before sending Terra a smile and walked out of the building. She sat on a near bench and leaned her back against the cold wall. She slowly was sipping her beer, glancing at the groups of teenagers, who were getting drunk.

"I didn't think you'd come,"

The girl turned around, facing the blonde boy. "Yeah, I wasn't planning on going, but my roommate made me go," She informed the boy, who sat right next to her. Victoria scanned his tired-looking face, before passing him her cup. "How are you feeling?"

Sky took a sip from the cup, snickering. "I feel shit, Vic. I know I'm supposed to be strong, but Silva basically raised me after my dad died. We train to risk our lives, to fight, but I never let myself think that Silva..." He trailed off as he shook his head slightly.

"It's my turn now to comfort you, Sky," Victoria started, clearing her throat. "You said the battalion tracked the Burned One, right? And it will be only a matter of time before they kill it, so don't worry. I'll track and kill that thing by myself if they don't find it," She stated, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Sky nodded, agreeing to the girl's words. He sent her a smile, before chugging down her beer. "I could use a little distraction," He informed the girl.

"I heard they're playing beer pong if you want a a big distraction," Victoria smiled deviously as she stood up from the bench, making Sky chuckle. The girl outstretched her hand for the blonde boy to grab. As soon as he gripped her hand, she led them to a part of the building where the beer pong was held.

"You made a huge mistake," The boy laughed as they reached the table. He joined Riven at the end of the table, grinning as he glanced at Victoria who joined Bloom.

Sky managed to get the ball in one of the red cups, making Victoria drink it. She grimaced, feeling the gross taste of beer. Next up was Riven, who completely missed the shot, making the girls laugh.
Victoria grabbed the ball and lined up the shot, before sinking the ball into Sky's cup.

"Drink up, pretty boy!" She smirked at the blonde boy who looked at her in shock.

He grabbed the cup and downed the gross liquid, grimacing at the taste. And the game went on... Bloom, who already was drunk, missed most of her shots and Victoria who was only drunk a little, managed to land most of her shots.

"Use your magic to miss that shot," Bloom instructed to Victoria.

"Don't mess up," Sky warned Riven, who was focusing on landing his shot.

The brunette's eyes turned crimson red as she channeled her magic to the ball, making Riven miss his shot. The boy groaned, before waving them off and walking away from the table. Bloom began laughing and walked away.

Victoria grinned. "You feeling a little more relaxed?" She questioned the boy.

"Ah, certainly drunker," He responded, glancing at the girl from time to time.

Riven, who was super drunk, forced his way between Victoria and Sky. "Yeah, so much for not drinking tonight, but this one's a bit more fun that Stella, although... she's crazy." He spluttered drunkenly. "She reminds me of Ricky," Riven said after a while, scanning Victoria's face.

"Oh, Ricky," The girl nodded awkwardly, crossing her arms across her chest. "I've heard about her already, Riven. There's no a single thing I don't know about," She explained to the boy, who had a confused expression on his face.

"Vic, wait!" Sky shouted, seeing her leave. "Where are you going?" He asked, shaking his head slightly.

"I'm going to find Bloom, see you later, pretty boy," The girl waved at him, disappearing into the crowd of drunk and high teenagers as if she was always there.


heheheheheh i think i should add some drama

edit: 01/01/24
this chapter was okay ig, but vic calling sky pretty boyy made me blush kinda 🤭

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