Drawings from yesterday.

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Yesterday Moon and I drew several drawings. She never posted hers, and I couldn't upload them last night, since my wifi was being a pain.


The dark blue on the wing has small white spots that shift, like the void. (It's like a starry night sky, but you can actually see the stars move.)

(This one is my wolf at age 35)
The uncolored part of the wings are like the blue parts (and blue parts of the wings in the previous), just simply black.

AHAHAHAHA... the internet is STILL slow :/ and the first colored pic doesn't want to be posted, apparently.


That's simply her wolf without wings or horns

This is the age progression.
I was the one who suggested what ages to draw. She was the one with the idea.

I'm not sure as to why I'm drawing in the kitchen 🙃

Anyone notice that my wolf practically went through Hell and back?

For four years she was stuck in a lab :P.
(The tear in her ear is due to her ripping the tag out.)

While I wait for the images to load, I'll tell Midnight's story.


As a pup, life was good. Werewolf dad and human mom, and everything a pup could ask for.
At six, she was allowed to hunt with her dad. One day, she strayed away, chasing a rabbit. Unfortunately, that wasn't a rabbit and she got lured into a trap. The scientists noticed her strange coloring and wings, and decided to include her in their experiments. Midnight was smart enough to stay wolf throughout those four years stuck. As she was escaping, she was planning on letting everyone out. The third 'person' she found was infected with some sort of virus. Midnight had no clue, and got close enough to take the bindings off. She got the muzzle? off first, and the infected bit her. Midnight chose to leave the infected in their bindings. This infection created Night Venom. She was found escaping with several other experimented folk, and was chased through the lab, and found a portal. She ended up going in there, and the group went in, but the pursuers didn't follow. Soon, they found out why. The portal was to the dimension The End. They went to the main island and explored a little bit. The dragon found them quickly. One of them was pushed off the edge when Midnight was tearing that one thing the scientists had put in her arm out. Midnight immediately went after them, and got him up. The void is a being in itself, and kinda soaked in through the wound. For some reason, Night Night (yes that's her name) and Halloween Night (Btw, nicknames for all insanities are simply their name without -one- Night) decided to become insanities for Midnight. Night Night started out perfectly sane, by the way. (The void sickness that soaked in through the wound? It makes you insane and you become fully a 'void creature,' with black skin that has white spots shifting like the stars. Night had absorbed {most of} and slowed the effect. So, only parts in her wolf form are like this, and the parts like that as a hybrid are hidden by her clothes, or a spell {the hands, for instance.} This skin can shift to any form the creature wishes.) They eventually got out and went their separate ways. After a while, she found her family. They lived in peace for a year. One of the people from a werewolf hunting orginization (The scientists are within this organization) found them and set fire to their home. Midnight got out with Sugar Puff (my lil sis) and noticed that her parents were still inside. She went back in and got her step mom out, then went back in for her dad. She managed to get him out, but got trapped inside. (Unlike Moon, she isn't able to control elements.) She would've died if Night Blaze hadn't become her insanity. That morning she was reunited with her family. The next day, Night takes over and breaks into the lab Midnight had escaped from and uses the patch she covered the wound (that wound she got from tearing that thing out of her arm) as a piece of paper and writes down the names of all the scientists involved in the project. (In the drawing of age 35, Night finally took control and killed them all, and used their blood to mark out their name.) She gets out and loses the guards. After a while, she starts the Shadow Wolves Pack after meeting a few friends.

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