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"Hey lance, so we got some food and water for you-" hunk walked in and saw the open cell that was empty. His jaw dropped as Kuron waved innocently.

"He went through the back like five minutes ago," Kuron shrugged as he picked at his nails.

"And you didn't say anything?!" Hunk cried out.

"I'm a prisoner, I cannot help," Kuron smiled deviously as hunk ran out.

"God dammit Kuron!" He yelled back.

"Guys! The dude escaped!"

Everyone looked out the window wide eyes, two biters with stab wounds in their heads on the ground.

"Son of a..."


Lance wheezed as he fell to his knees holding his side, the guy said it was a twenty minute drive to Walgreens.

But there was a god damn freeway...

He heard some thing move in the woods behind him and immediately hid behind a tree. Would they hunt him down? Why would they care if he lived or died? He just needed to get to his truck, he still had the keys.  He just needed to keep going.

Lance held himself up against the tree as sweat ran down the side of his face, looking up swallowing a lump in his throat, just breathe.

He looked to the side but screamed in terror as a biter was just about to attack him, he fell back trying to get away immediately but choked on a cry when he landed on a rock that slammed on his arm just in a spot that hit his fresh wound.

"Fuck fuck fuck," he grabbed his knife and kicked the biter back but it growled coming to him again.

He rolled over and crawled up to his feet to run again but it grabbed the back of his hood pulling lance back. He cried again in fear as it had a death grip on his clothes. Lance turned to keep his hands on its chest trying to keep its distance.

"Get off!" He yelled shoving harder and slammed the knife into its head, but it was to low and hit the biters jaw instead.

Lance stumbled back holding his side as he lost the only weapon. He fell to one knee panting for a breath and saw blood seeping through the hoodie. He wasn't going to make it, that was to much blood from what he's already lost. Lance cussed at himself forcing himself to move forward, that biter wasn't down and it was going to get him sooner or later.

He let out a shriek of terror when hands grabbed his back, the biters smell of death surrounded him as he couldn't even look behind him to see it. He could feel it's breath on him.

Lotor ran up and put the gun up against the biters head and pulled the trigger. The gunshot echoed as lance and the biter dropped to the ground.

Lotor panted out of breath as lance sat on his knees wirh his ears covered. Keeping his head down as his body trembled.

Lance felt a hand on his shoulder and grabbed lotors wrist to pull him down and twist his wrist behind the tall man. He looked pale as Lotor was surprised once again by the boy.

"Give me your gun," lance hissed.

"I don't want to hurt you," Lotor growled.

Lance looked at him confused trying to figure out what the stranger said but it was enough time for Lotor to kick him off and get back to his feet. Both of them stumbled back as they faced each other.

"I'm not going to-" "what? What the hell are you saying? Speak up!" Lance barked cutting Lotor off.

Lotor pointed to his ear confused.

Lance eased up and realized his ears were ringing still, the gunshot rattled his brain it felt like. He frowned cupping his ear again as Lotor looked around for other biters.

"Man that shit hurt," lance groaned glaring back at him.

"Your welcome," Lotor put a hand on his hip.

"And you're a pretty good liar I'll give you that," he sighed pushing his hair out of his face.

"Liar? Nah I'm just dramatic," lance huffed a small grin.

"Look pal, my truck is close at that store, I have the keys, let me just get to the truck and I'm gone, I won't say shit about your place," he leaned against a tree holding his wounds.

Lotor wasn't sure about him, the lad was obviously a manipulator that knew how to get out of situations. Who knew what the boy was before they lost society...

"How old are You?" Lotor glared a little with suspicion.

"Twenty," lance raised a brow.

"You're joking? You look like you're a child," he scoffed but the Cuban didn't find it funny.

"And you look like an old man, white hair and accent," lance motioned to him.

"I'm twenty also You prick," Lotor barked.

"Really?" Lance didn't believe him.

Lotor threw his hands up giving up on him and started to walk away. He didn't know what month it was anymore even.

"Oi! British asshole come back," lance chased after him.

"I'm going back, you're obviously fine, and can walk the extra ten miles to the vehicle, I wish you luck," Lotor waved him off as he grabbed his pack of cigarettes he knew Allura wouldn't let him smoke.

Lances heart dropped with fear, he cussed to himself in Spanish feeling the burning pain in his torso.

"What's your name again?" Lance gulped.

"No I'm done helping you, just don't let Kuron catch you again," Lotor inhaled the smoke as it was a blessing to his mental state.

"W-wait, I'm sorry," the shorter boy bit his lip. Lotor stopped and looked at him.

"I can't die, don't let me die, I'm sorry," lance fell to his knees in shame as blood dripped off his hand and into the leafs of the forest below him.

"I don't help liars," Lotor stood over him. "I don't trust you,"

Lance dug in his pocket and handed Lotor his wallet, the Brit opened the leather wallet and saw a picture of two children, his niece and nephew.

"Silvio and Nadia, I'm not lying, my nephew is sick and they need me," lance grunted as Lotor looked over at lances drivers license. He is 20... of course he was a Leo...

"Interesting, your older than me," Lotor dropped the wallet at lances hands.

"Really? Wow," lance coughed as Lotor helped him to his feet again.

"I was born in October, the 5th," he sighed and lance smiled.

"Fucking Libra," lance cackled but yelled when Lotor let him fall again.

"Walk yourself," Lotor left him behind.

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