22 - Blondie and I go to a gala together

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I woke up to yelling in the living room.

Shit did someone find us?

I rubbed my eyes sleepily and walked out to find Isaac talking to someone over the phone.

"No me gusta este novio tuyo Blake!" 

It took a second for me to realise he was speaking in Spanish.

I recognised the name Blake as his sister's. The one he said I reminded him off.

I flopped down on the couch and Isaac smiled and mouthed a "Good morning" to me.

I realised the was talking about his sister's boyfriend.

Well shit!

"No, lo digo en serio, realmente no me gusta que estés saliendo con él!" He yelled

Holy shit! What did this guy do?

"Hmm, de todos modos, nos vemos pronto, te amo, adiós." {listen guys I speak Spanish but I'm not native so feel free to bully me}

He hung up the phone and looked at me and smiled.

"Morning Kay~"

"¿Por qué carajo no me dijiste que hablas español?" I yelled at him.

[Why the fuck didn't you tell me you speak Spanish?]

His mouth dropped.

"You speak Spanish?" He asked in bewilderment.

"Si, no jodas!" I yelled sarcastically.

[Yeah no shit!]

"Nunca preguntaste, así que nunca dije!" 

[You never asked so I never said]

"Hmm sure." I said.

"When did you learn?" He asked.

"Years ago." Came the jaded reply.

"You?" I asked.

"We spoke it growing up." He shrugged.

"What did your sister's boyfriend do anyway?" I asked.

"Exist." He replied.

I laughed. "Poor guy." I muttered.

"Anyway, we have to leave in another 15 minutes."

I shot up.

"Why didn't you lead with that!?" I yelled.

He laughed and I rushed to shower.

I had booked plane tickets for Luke and Kayleigh last night before I went to bed.

I couldn't wait to see them.

After I finished showering I changed into a T-shirt and jeans, grabbed my bag and frantically walked out the door.

"Come on." Isaac said. "Car's waiting."

We walked outside and got in the car.

Isaac got in the front and I sat in the back, but when I opened the door I was shocked to see who was there.

Chere Horowitz was there.

"Kayla." Grayson said.

"Gray." I said in disbelief.

I got in the car and we drove off.

"You came?" I asked.

"Why you don't want me here?" He asked, pretending to be hurt.

"How come?" I ignored.

"I was called and told by someone you wanted to see me." He furrowed his brows. "Did you not?"

"No of course I did!" I said.

Who would've called Grayson over.

Then I looked in the rear view mirror to see Isaac smiling.

That little motherfucker set me up!

"Are you alright?" Grayson asked.

"Eh, been worse."

"Well, the gala's tonight." He said.

"Shit! I forgot about that!" I exclaimed.

"Do you have a dress?"

"Yeah we bought em two days ago."

"Do you have a date?"


My cheeks turned a shade of pink.

"Well then, Kayla Diana Grambs, would you like to be my date?" He asked.

"Yes Gray I'd love too." I replied, still blushing.

I swear I could almost hear Isaac scream from the driver's seat.


When we got back to the house I got off from the car, but, Gray grabbed my wrist and stopped me.

"Meet me downstairs at 7." He said.

I nodded and walked off.

I was walking back to my room when I stopped and turned around.



"Just because your love life is nonexistent doesn't mean you screw with mine." I said.

His mouth dropped open.

"Dayummmmm." I heard someone say.

Xander was standing there.

"Lovely to see you too Xander."

"A pleasure as always Madame."

I fake curtsied and he walked off.

I turned my head back to Isaac.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"Relax I wasn't being that serious, thank you for getting me a date." I said.

"Very welcome." He said smirking.

I was about to walk into my room when a thought struck me.

I turned on my heel.

"Issac, for the record, if Gray hadn't asked me, I'd ask you to go with me."

He smiled.

"Good to know."

Ehem, people, I know what you're thinking. One word for you.



That night I got ready for the gala.

I had bought a black dress that covered all my wounds from the week but looked gorgeous and screamed elegant.

And I did my hair in a low bun.

It was the most out of character I had felt in a long time.

I left the makeup simple but added red lipstick.

Alisa said I had to appear innocent and non-threatening.

What can I say? I was a sucker for breaking rules, in the outfit I was wearing, a red lip was the most devilish and threatening thing I could do.

The dress had a really intricate back so it would take forever to get out of.

I wore a pair of black ballet slippers and then brought along a black purse.

You're going to be fine.

I told myself.

I opened the door and looked toward Isaac.


His mouth was open.

"Helloooo, Isaac you there?"

"Yeah." He croaked out.

I looked myself up and down.

"The dress is terrible isn't it? I knew it I~"

"No, no, Kayla, quite the opposite actually. You look gorgeous."

I smiled.

"Thanks Isaac."

We walked down the staircase and Gray was waiting there for me.

"You look stunning my love." He said as he kissed my hand.

"Thank you Gray."

We walked to the car and began to drive there.

Once we got to the venue there were lights everywhere.

Grayson leaned in and whispered to me.

"Just follow my lead and hold my hand love, you'll be fine."

I nodded as we got out of the car.

Lights were flashing everywhere.


"Kayla over here!"

"Is it true Avery is dating Jameson?"

"Are you and Grayson dating?"

Jesus, why can't I have a relationship like Libby and Nash?

"Is it true you dropped out of high school?"

"Do you actually suffer from anxiety or is it all a show?"

My mouth fell open.

How fucking dare he?

"Excuse me?" I yelled.

Grayson pulled my hand and pulled me away from the guy who I was about two seconds away from punching.

"How dare he?" I yelled when we were inside.

"I know love, I know. You just have to ignore it all okay."

"How can I when they're screaming in my face?"

"Listen Kayla, these people, fire these questions at you in order to stir up gossip. They're the people who hate you most but they're undeniably your biggest fans. But let me tell you something love, you don't owe these bastards anything," His accent thickened. "Not as much as they owe you. Ya hear?" 

I nodded. "I get it."


We both walked into the ball. There were chandeliers all over the ceiling and the place looked extravagant.

We moved toward the dance floor.

"Gray I can't~"

"Just follow my lead." He said simply.

He wrapped one hand around my waist and held my other one.

I placed my free hand on his shoulder and we began to sway.

There was extremely little distance between us now.

Our foreheads were touching and I felt people staring.

"Gray, they're looking at us."

"That's because they're all jealous, they want to be us love."

His lips grazed mine.

"Gray I can't."

"Why not, you kissed me before."

"No, you kissed me and I was half unconscious."

"So you're saying you don't want to kiss me?"

"No I'm not saying that I'm saying I don't want to hurt you."

"Hurt me how?"

"People want me dead Gray, I can't risk loosing you okay? It already hurts enough living with myself. If something happened to you I'd never be able to forgive myself."

He cupped my face in his hands.

"Kayla, nothing will ever happen to me or you okay? I'll make sure of it."

"You can't possibly~"

He cut me off by kissing me.

And then once he started, I didn't want him to stop.

He grabbed my hand and lead me up a few staircases.

Upstairs there was a library, even more gorgeous than the one at the house.

"This place is beautiful." I said awestruck.

"I knew you'd like it." He said, wrapping his hands around my waist.

I slowly brought my face closer to his and kissed him.

I pulled away only for a second and then he kissed me again.

Every time our lips met it felt like a rush of cold water.

Like my stomach was dropping in the best possible way.

He pushed me against a bookcase and began to kiss down my neck. I giggled like a 5 year old and then he began to bite on my neck.

I grabbed onto his hair.

"Gray that's gonna leave marks."

He just grunted in response and kissed along my jawline.

A fake cough made us pull away from each other.

"How you doin lovebirds?"


"Xander." Gray said, regaining composure.

"Gray, Madame."

I nodded in his direction.

"You two may continue, simply pretend I'm not here."

"In your dreams Xander." I laughed.

Gray turned to me.

"Do you want to get out of here?"

"Yeah that'd be nice."

So we walked down the staircase and out of the gala.

We got into the car and apparently my neck must have already had hickeys because the minute Isaac saw me he smirked evily.

"Shut up." I told him.

He continued smirking and opened the car door for us.

In the back of the car I drifted off to sleep.


Grayson's POV [enjoy it]

Kayla slowly began to nod off.

"How far are we?" I asked Isaac.

"Another 10 minutes." He said.

I let her rest her head on my lap and stroked her hair gently.

Her hair was so soft, it was like a cloud. 

It sounded insane but I was falling in love with her. Her smile, her laugh, her personality, her attitude, her.

She was doing something to me. Something out of a Jane Austen novel. Only she wasn't Emma, Elizabeth, Jane, Mary, Catherine, Anne or anyone of the sort.

She was Kayla. She was her own person and she made that clear.

And God I was falling for her.

Once we got home Isaac turned around.

"You want me to wake her up?"

"No it's fine." I told him.

I opened the door of the car and picked Kayla up bridal style.

Isaac opened the door of the house and I carried her up to her room.

On the way I stumbled upon Jameson.

He was laughing like a kid.

"Not a word." I told him.

I took her to her room and laid her on the bed, removing her shoes.

She really was a heavy sleeper.

I shut the curtains and switched off the lights.

I kissed her on the forehead.

"Sleep well my love."

She seemed to smile in her sleep.

I removed my jacket and shoes and laid beside her, pulling her into my arms.

Isaac peeped through the door.

"Everything okay?" He whispered.

I shook my head yes and he nodded and shut the door.

I looked at the girl in my arms, happily asleep and smiled.

"Goodnight." I whispered.

And slowly, I too drifted to sleep.


WC: 1721

I loved writing this chapter.

You guys want me to do more Grayson POV's?

Also they finally kissed! Like Ik they kissed before but this was a full blown make out.

Our boy Xander had to show up tho lol 😂 

Anyway, lmk what you guys think!



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