26 - Our families give us opinions we don't want

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Kayla's pov

Turns out Gray was right.

Xander had blabbed to everyone about Grayson and I.

So, in consequence we were summoned to 'explain ourselves'.

The first to strike was Jameson.

"I must say Gray, I never expected you of all people to end up with a girlfriend."

Prior to heading down so our families could leap at us like it was no one's business {cause it wasn't} Grayson had asked me to let him do the talking. Hence, I didn't talk.

Instead I gave my best fake smile that said 'try me bitch' and flipped him off.

Avery let out a tiny gasp.

"Jealous much?" I asked Jameson, giving a pointed glance in Avery's direction.

Grayson gave me a look. Not a glare by any means, just a look that said, 'I told you I've got this.'

I settled down and brushed my long brown hair back and folded my legs making my high waisted jeans go up slightly [outfit 2].

Then it was Avery's turn.

I quickly gave Gray a look saying 'You got the rest, I'm taking this one.'

And yes, of course Grayson and I communicated through our eyes. Like any sane couple, of course.

"Are you sure the two of you dating is a good thing?" She asked.

"Is there a reason it wouldn't be?"

"I'm just saying that maybe Grayson doesn't think it's a good idea for the two of you to be seen out in public as- whatever the two of you are."

Before I could speak, Gray did.

"Firstly Ms. Grambs, who are you to dictate my opinion for me? Second I'm more than happy to be out in public with my girlfriend, also we've already decided the media doesn't have to know about our private lives."

I could pretty much see the rage on his face.

Avery meerly nodded.

The difference between Ave and I were that she was all bark and no bite. I could stab.

Then came Nash who had nothing but good things to say.

"Honestly, I'm happy for ya'll. And Gray, I'm happy that you've found a girl who makes you happy, she's a good kid little brother, you'll treat her well."

Grayson and I smiled.

You can always count on Nash to be the one who has something good to say.

"Always." Grayson said and kissed my hand, causing me to blush slightly.

Then was Libby.

I swear her smile was so broad you could see it from Mars.

"I'm SO happy for both of you! I'm gonna make you guys cupcakes! Awww you guys are so cute together!" Libby gushed.

I smiled widely and leaned my head on Gray's shoulder.

"Ooh can they be red velvet? Please Lib?" Nash asked.

I chuckled.

Libby was my little ball of sunshine. She couldn't be mean if she tried.

"Thanks Lib." I said and she blew me a kiss.

Then was Xander.

"My fair maiden, I hope you and my brother shall live to see happy days with each other."

"Why thank you gov'ner." I replied.

Next, Luke.

He had been glaring at Grayson the whole time as if to say 'she's yours now but she'll always be my girl.'

"Like I said, you'll to well to make sure she's happy. Something happens to her on your watch or you hurt her in anyway, I won't hold back."

Luke is the sweetest boy on the fucking planet. You cross Kayleigh or I, he has 0 mercy.

"I'd never hurt her, she's safe so long as she's with me."

Luke gave a silent nod.

Kayleigh ran up to me and wrapped my legs into a hug.

"I love you." She said

"I love you too my precious girl." I replied, picking her up and letting her sit in my lap.

When I updated Alisa on the whole 'I kinda have a kid' thing she almost fainted.

Luckily she lived long enough to give her opinion on my relationship.

"We should keep this out of the press for now." She stated.

The two of us nodded.

Then Rebecca and Thea.

"I think it's great the two of you are dating." Thea said.

"Yeah, good for you guys." Rebecca added.

I smiled faintly.

Thea and Rebecca, people who were almost strangers to me had better things to say than my sister.

Then came the opinions I truly dreaded.

Skye and Zara.

"I think Kayla is a lovely girl, you'll treat her well Grayson." Zara said.

Did Zara Hawthorne just describe me as a 'lovely girl'?

"I think it's fabulous you and Kiersten are dating. Charity cases are good for the foundation aren't they Zara?"

Half the room looked ready to kill Skye Hawthorne.

Grayson stood up and began yelling.

"How dare you make such snide comments about the woman I love? You've overstepped by a mile!"

He grabbed my hand and pulled me up as I handed Kayleigh to Luke to be taken out of the room. I didn't want her to watch her mom listen to a bunch of shit that came out of Skye Hawthorne's mouth.

"You'll stay far away from her and I ya hear?" His accent thickened.

"Grayson-" She began.

"I don't wanna hear it. How dare you insult her like that? She's been there for me more than you ever have. I love her, you can't change that and that's the end of it." Grayson finished.

He pulled me away from the room.

It was in that moment I realised Grayson admitted he loved me in front of a room full of the people closest to us.

My heart fluttered as he dragged me up to his room.

I let go of his hand and paced the room.

"Love, I'm so sorry you had to listen to that." He said, stopping me by wrapping his arms around me.

"Gray don't take this the wrong way but I really hate your mom." I said looking up at him.

He let out a humourless laugh and I nuzzled my head under his chin.

"Oh love." He muttered.

"I love you Gray."

"I love you too."



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