Going The Exra Milo

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Milo is walking to the bus stop where Zack, Bradley, Chad Logan and Y/n are.

As Milo walks in, Bradley and the two students stays away from him, much to Zack's confusion

"What's that all about?"
Zack asks

Y/n stares at the kid and smiles
"Oh, you're new here. Well my friend here has a bit of reputation."
She wraps her arm around Milo

Zack shows surprise and smiles jokingly

"So what is he, a tough guy?"

"Oh, I don't think anyone ever called me 'tough'. I'm Milo."

Zack shakes Milo's hand

"I'm Zack."

Y/n does the same

Chad whispers from afar
"No Zack! No, no, no, no, no..."

Ignoring their warnings, Zack continues talking with Milo

"So what exactly is this reputation?"

"Well, people have used the 'J-word' but you know what they say, 'Sticks and stones can damage your vital oragans so always wear body armor.' "

He knocks on his chest, which emits a wood-like noise
Hearing this Zack shows some concern

Melissa shows up but stays away from Milo

"Hi, Milo. Hey Y/n"

"Hi, Melissa."

Melissa looks around herself to see if there is anything dangerous

"I'm just gonna stand back here."
She takes a big step back from Milo

"Good call!"

Everyone stays away from Milo except Zack and Y/n

"So Milo, how was your weekend?"


"Yeah, I bet."

"I got a new scar, wanna see?"


Y/n takes a picture of his scar on her phone, and sends it to Melissa

"Oh cool! That's a good one."

"I know, right?"

Zack begins to worry

"Alright, seriously, dude. What's going on here?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... what is all of... this? And what is the 'J-word' ?"

Milo quietly tells to Zack
"Well, I don't like to say it out loud..."

A sound can be heard and a bungee suddenly falls out from somewhere

Zack picks it up
"Huh, it's one of those heavy duty bungees they use to tie stuff down at construction sites."
Milo wears a helmet

"Hey, where did you get the..."

A concrete drainage pipe coming after them.
Milo puts a helmet on both Y/n and Zacks head, and all three of them run
Zacks the only one screaming As Y/n grins wildly

There's only Bradley, Melissa and the two students in the bus stop left

Bradley bets
"I bet my pudding pack we don't see them again today."

Melissa steps in
"I'll take that action."

Bradley was suprised

"Yeah, are you kidding? Milo's tough. As a matter of fact,"

Melissa takes out a pack of snickerdoodle

"I'll see your pudding pack and raise you a snickerdoodle or are you just all talk?"


"Tch. She just called you out."

Zack is still screaming

"Wait, why aren't you screaming?"

Y/n replies
"Because I find this fun"

"And we find it doesn't help. Just hurts the larynx. Now hand me that bungee, and you better hang on to my backpack."

Zack screams

They swing on a street light, but the bungee breaks, the three fall and end up running on the pipe

"That bungee was definitely defective."
Y/n states

Diogee follows them and barks
"No, Diogee! Go home! Silly dog. He's not supposed to be in the street."
Zack's screaming when they fall down a hill. The pipe stops running, make them fall into mud

Milo watchs upwards
"You two might wanna slide over this way a little bit."

The pipe falls onto them, shoots them up and they hang onto it

"The 'J-word' wouldn't happen to be 'Jinx', would it?"

Y/n nods happily

Melissa and Bradley take a seat

"So Melissa, what's up with your boy? I can almost taste that snickerdoodle now."

"Oh, yeah? Now you want to make it more interesting?"

"What you guys are talking about?"
Nick asks

"Melissa's betting that Milo's gonna make it to school and on time."

"I'm in! What's happen so far?"

"Concrete drainage pipe chased him down a hill."

"I got some vegan cheese sticks that says we don't see them 'til after lunch."

"I got gummy licorice."

"Alright, alright. Let me get my notepad."

"No, no, nonono! Wait, wait, wait!"
They stop running to see the bus leaving

"Oh, man. I'm gonna miss my first day at the new school. My parents are gonna flip out!"

"Don't worry! My dad always says, 'What doesn't kill ya only makes ya late for school.' So I don't think we're gonna miss the whole day."

Diogee follows them and barks yet again

"No! Diogee, run home! I'm going to school."

Diogee goes away

"Plus, if we catch the bus at the next stop, we may not even be late. I got the bus route marked on my GP... S. It must have gotten wet when we fell in the mud but... fear not! I've got a backup right here. Paper map! Old school."

The map is taken by an eagle
"Huh? Heh. Don't worry! I remember the way. This has happened before!"

"This has happened before? This exact thing!"

They begin running again

"We'll beat them to the next stop. We'll just have to go through the rock quarry."

"Rock quarry? Sure. What could possibly go wrong?"

An employee is preventing them from going across

"Sorry, boys. There's a little oil spill, as you can see. It's quite a mess so nobody's getting through today."

"I think we can still make it across. I brought galoshes."

Y/n pulls hers out of Milos bag

"I didn't."

"I've got an extra pair. And they're hazmat rated for a level 4 biohazard."

"Well, I don't think..."

"Here's a certificate from the EPA.What are you? A nine? Nine and a half?"

"Well, it's notarized so I suppose if you..."

The eagle appears again, holding the paper map until it's set on fire by electricity. It drops the map to the oil spill. The whole oil spill suddenly get fire and blows up the way

"Maybe we should go through the woods."

The students are looking outside to see the fire. Melissa sees Milo Y/n and Zack go to the woods

"Look! They're safe! They're cutting through Coyote Woods."

"Coyote Woods? What exactly is your definition of safe?"

"Go, Milo!"

"So do you even know where we are?"

"Yeah, the fire's dried out my phone. We are right in the middle of Coyote Woods."

"Wait, Coyote Woods? I've got a thing about coyotes. They're like big dogs that are dangerous to pet!"

"Oh, don't worry. There's no coyote here."

"There aren't?"

"No. Actually, the woods were named after actor Peter Coyote."


"Yeah! He donated all this land to the city... as a wolf preserve."

"You get how that's not better, right?"

"Don't worry! Wolves love peanut butter."

Milo throws a PB&J sandwich to the wolves, but one of them throws it back on Zack's back, who screams louder.

Y/n takes a branch and getting the sandwich off throwing it to a tree

"Follow me"

They climb up to the tree to escape the wolves

"You know, wolves barely ever attack humans."

"Is that true?"

"Oh, yeah. Bees are the responsible for many more fatalities than wolves every year."

They look up and see a bee hive right next to them. They try to crawl through the tree, and it starts to flex

Milo sees that they are outside the fence
"Hey, we're out of the woods!"

"What do you mean?!"

"We're outside the fence. Just jump!"

They jump down the tree, which shoots the bee hive to the sky. Then it appears to fall near Zack and Milo, who duck, preparing for that, but it falls in the woods side of the fence

"Wow! That was incredibly lucky! The way the day's been going I was pretty sure it was going to come here and..."

Suddenly, something crashes into the fence several times, when the fence finally breaks it's revealed that the bee hive fell onto a wolf and made it angry. At first they are confused by the scene, but when the wolf starts to chase them, they run away. Upon seeing this, Mort and Bradley are surprised

"Are you guys seeing this?"

"Yeah! Why is that wolf wearing a turban?"

"Double or nothing? Who's in?"

"How many fatalities are blamed on wolves and bees together?"

Milo cheerfully smiles
"Well, we would be the first"

They fall into a sewer, the wolf is heard howling away.
"Here you go!"

Milo gives Zack a light
"These will help us navigate in the dark."

"Dude, if and when we get outta' here, I'm gonna have to go my own way. No offense. I just can't handle all of this."

"All of what?"

A raccoon pauses their conversation, Y/n ducks to avoid it.

"This cyclone of calamity that follows you everywhere you go. How do you live like this?!"

"How do you live like that?!"

"What do you mean?"

Y/n and Milo stop walking to face Zack
"He means, you want to live like those other kids? They took a bus to school today. A BUS! Does that seem like more fun to you?
Milo is the only thing that makes life interesting and fun for me, trust me he's the best thing that will ever exist. Once you get to know him, you will never regret the day you met him. I sure didn't"
Milos heart skipped a beat but he ignored it

"Alright. Where to next?"

"Well, there's a loose grate up over here to the left. We've been here before."

"Of course you have."

They step out of the sewers and walk on a construction site

"Alright, I guess we turn the water back on."

A worker obeys pulling a valve. Meanwhile another worker arrives to talk to the foreman.

"You know we're missing one of those heavy duty bungees that we tie stuff down with. And also a section of that concrete drainage pipe."

Water blows up from that pipe. Zack turns to see this, and falls into a wheelbarrow and Y/n jumps in after him. Milo then pushes them to escape the water following them Zack and Y/n hold on to eachother for dear life. They run on a crane, which breaks and let them fall on a flowing truck

"Hey kids, Milo! Is that a new scar?"

"Yeah! Thanks for noticing."

In the bus, Melissa lists the things that students have bet.

"Okay, Chelsea's in for a pack of chips. Sid's up to two pudding packs. I like that confidence, Sid, but you're going down. Mort's down for cheese sticks and an apple, and Bradley is the big spender with a whole vacuum-sealed lunch pack, which I can cover, but I'll have to bring it tomorrow."

"Huh! Look! There they are! Oh, man, they're gonna beat us to school."

After saw them flow to the river

"Never mind. There they go."

"Anyone wanna up the ante?"

All the students raise their hands, and Melissa smirks

"We should get a way to steer this thing to shore."

"We don't need to. Look! The Maple Street Bridge. Here. I'll give you a boost."

Milo lifts Zack who lifts Y/n then the wolf attacks them again, but Diogee comes right on time to rescue them. As a result of this, the hive is knocked off of the wolf's head

Petting his dog
"Excellent, Diogee! Good boy!"

Gives him some dog snack
"Here you go. But I do need you to go home, okay?"

Diogee swims in the river
"Go home! He's not supposed to be in a river."

The wolf goes to the shore, a car has to avoid it and crashes against a water tower

"You know, I don't know if it's the adrenaline talking, but I'm starting to feel like we can handle anything that comes our way."

The water tower falls onto the river, make a big wave and flows them to a cliff, where they fall freely

"Or maybe not anything."

They end up in an alien spaceship with two aliens inside, one of them points at Zack.

"Ninety seconds to the bell. There is no way he's making it.:

"Heh. If you're so sure, it's not too late to sweeten the pot."

"Done. Three jawbreakers and some vitamin C tablets.

She stares at him
"What? It's cold and flu season."
In the spaceship, Milo and Zack are tied in two alien devices. The aliens are testing some unknown tool.

"This is so exciting!"

"You know, they are from out of town. Maybe they don't even realize they're inconveniencing us."

"Uh, guys, guys. Um, I realize you've come a long way. But we really need to get to school."

Both Milo and Zack smile nervously, and the aliens turn off their tools.

In the school, there are only few seconds to the bell

"Well, Melissa, start passing out the loot."

Y/n Milo and Zack appear from the alien abduction right before the bells ring. The whole class seems to be very surprised

"Phew! Made it all in one piece. Of course the wolves got my lunch."

"Mine got crushed at the bus stop. Guess we're going hungry."

"I don't bring mine"

"Don't worry. I got you three covered."

Other students put all the food they bet on Milo's desk

"Oh, look! A vitamin C tablet."

Zack stares at him
"What? It's cold and flu season."

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