Chapter 1: The Devil's Whisper

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I know that I should be working on my other work instead of typing up new ones.  But I figured that if I don't type it up and publish it, I'll end up regretting it because maybe someday someone else may get the same idea and publish it before I even could.

I'm sorry for any spelling and grammar errors.



In the beginning everything was fine aside from the foreshadowing thought of the unknown execution.

He didn't let the fact that he was now the vessel, the host of the King of Curses, Ryomen Sukuna.  Or the fact that he could see the cursed spirits.

But one moment his heart and mind faltered for even a few minutes was having to exorcise, no, kill those humans that had been disfigured into those curses so inhumane by Mahito.

Especially that of Junpei.  The boy who Yuuji hoped to befriend.  Hoped to be able to bring back to Jujutsu tech with him.  But....

.... Fate is a cruel mistress.

Unable to save him, to watch him die right in front of him, and having both Mahito and Sukuna laugh in his pain and desperate pleas to help him.

If asked if he was okay, he would lie, because it wasn't alright.  It was something that would forever eat at his heart and mind.  But what could he do?  He would exorcise every cursed spirit to prevent any more deaths and pain to other people.

Normally when someone is in pain or grieving inside, they would talk to someone.  Express their feelings to someone they hoped could help them, to have someone try to understand them.

But no one could truly understand the way the Yuuji felt.  That underlining fear that lurked just below the surface hidden behind his undying determination.

Whenever he lets his guard down and lets his mind wonder, his thoughts dwell into that possibility that any day may very well be his last.

He was lucky that Sukuna "saved" him when he "died", but will there be a second time with that?  Though he still believed that Sukuna would keep him alive considering that Yuuji was his only vessel, and who is to say that he would ever be able to find another vessel that would be able to host his very being.


It was obvious that he hadn't slept in a while, the dark circles under his eyes were there for all to see.  His lack of concentration, and anxiety.


Anxiety brought on with the whispers he hears whenever he tries to sleep.

"Why couldn't you help me?"

"Why did you let me die?"

"Once you eat all of Ryomen Sukuna's fingers, you will be executed."

"Die surrounded by people."

And it didn't help that Sukuna would speak to him, tell things that hurt, because they were nothing but the truth.  And lies that hurt yet sounded pleasing and hopeful to him.

Yuuji hated Sukuna, but he appreciated that Sukuna never coated his words with sugar and honey, he was always blunt and truthful of his thoughts.  Of how he thought of Yuuji being weak.  Of how Yuuji was too emotional and is the reason so many people suffered because of him.

"No one will be able to understand you like I do.  I see and hear everything you do.  I know everything you feel.  I alone can understand you, no one else."

The whispered truth was uttered in his mind every so often, when Yuuji believed that his friends understood him and helped him.

But did they really understand him?  Understand that growing fear and worry?  Understand that anxiety?  Understand how it felt knowing that he'd be executed all because he had consumed the fingers of Sukuna?

He knows that all sorcerers face that danger of dying any day, but it's a risk they know they are taking and are willing to take from what it seems.

But Yuuji didn't want to die.  Just not yet.  And would like to die in a way he hoped he could.


His smirk turned into a morbid smile as he once again uttered words to Yuuji.  Words that were nothing but the truth, truth that would slowly break his mind.  Telling him that he alone understands him.

Sukuna was never afraid of death, he had died before, and once again would be nothing at all.

He made sure to touch Yuuji with a small amount of his fearlessness of death, tempting Yuuji to reach out to him.

Seeking a comfort that he alone could give him.  Give him that fearlessness he so hoped for.

To seek for someone who could truly understand him.  To someone who would tell him the truth no matter how much it hurt.

And Sukuna was that being, he thoroughly enjoyed seeing that boy break apart, and have him reach out to him.

But the one thing he still disliked was that he still couldn't take over Yuuji's body.  But that was okay, because he would make Yuuji dependent on him.  To be only his alone.

"I can give you anything.  Keep you alive.  Wealth.  Power.  Yuuji, I know your mind very well.  You and I are one.  You are a part of me, you are mine."

The devi's whispers were tempting and painful.


Yuuji wanted to reach his hand out to such a devil, but he couldn't.  He didn't want to betray his friends, his grandfather's last wish.

He didn't want to betray himself, to go against his own beliefs and feelings.

"Itadori." Yuuji turned his gaze to Fushiguro who had called out to him beside him, "Are you okay."

Forcing a small onto his lips he responded, "Yeah.  Just a bit tired." He blinked a few times, "Fushiguro.... how would you feel knowing you'll be executed?" He sighed, "I don't know how I should feel about that?" He lied, because he did feel fear at the thought.  Fear and anger, and so very lost.

Fushiguro held his gaze for a few seconds before looking away towards were Kugisaki was talking with Maki, "I don't know.  I.... think I would feel empty and lost.  But, I can't say for sure."

"See, he also doesn't understand how you feel." Sukuna's voice rung in his mind.

"I see." Yuuji replied with a sigh, "Will you and everyone else stay with me until the end?" He asked hoping to get even a single ounce of reassurance.

"We will.  No matter what, we'll stay with you, and do everything to keep you safe and alive." Fushiguro said without even a thought.  This was something that he, along with everyone else felt.  They would find a way to keep Yuuji alive, to prevent him from being executed.

Even if it meant fighting against those elders that Gojo hated so much and found annoying.


End of chapter one, what did you think?  Was it any good?  I personally liked it.

It was kind of interesting to type this chapter, I feel that if Yuuji was a bit more weak minded and not strong enough emotionally and mentally, this is what it would be like, or so I think.

What do you think it would be like, if Yuuji was the complete opposite of what he is?  Not in personality wise, but in the fact that he was more emotional and let everything get the best of him and break him down.  Like that one moment of breakdown and self-loathing in a few of the chapters in the manga.  I think it was in chapter 119-127, though the beginning of that whole part there was in chapter 111, in the last couple pages of it.

If you haven't read the manga and you're planning to, go read it.  You're missing out on a lot.  Right now, there are 179 chapters of JJK.  I left off on chapter 176, because I want to let the chapters pile up so I won't be freaking out and anxious for the next chapter.

So, that's it for now.  Hope you enjoyed it.

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