Mirabel meets Bowser

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Mirabel groans as she started waking up. As her eyes finally opened she saw she was not in the nursery.
Before remembering that she ran away.
But she gets up and looks around the room.
It was all red and black, then the door opened. To a yellow with blue clothes with round glasses and some sort of wand.
"My name is Kamek. What is your name." He said.
"Ummm, my name is Mirabel Madrigal."  Mirabel said, as she gets up from the bed.
"My King, found you when you entered our world." Kamek said.
"And he wants to meet you."
"Me." Mirabel said, someone wants to see her, a king no less.
"Their is a dress in the closets, and the shower is over their. I will come to meet the king." He said, as he walked out of the room, and shuts the door.
Mirabel was confused what was going on, but she went towards the bathroom.
She gasped at it, it was beautiful.
After she was done in the tub, she puts the towel around her body. She goes to the closest and put on a beautiful red dress.
And saw what she looks herself in the mirror.
"Oh, I look great in this." Mirabel told herself.
Then Kamek came into the room. "He is ready to see you."
Mirabel nodded her head, and followed him.
After arriving to the throne room. Mirabel saw a large turtle with spikes on his shell.
Bowser looks at the girl that he has found.
She was beautiful, maybe more beautiful then peach. "My name is Bowser and I am the king of the koopas."  Bowser told Mirabel.
"Hey, my name is Mirabel Madrigal. And I want to thank you for saving me." Mirabel told Bowser.
"Your welcome." Bowser said. Then a small turtle in armor walked in.
"Dinner is served."  He said.
"Come you must be hungry." Bowser said, as he got off of his throne. He give her his big and claw hand for her to take. Mirabel took his hand with her small hand. Bowser was shock that she wasn't scared of him, not one bit.
He leads her to the dinning room, they both sat down.
As food came onto the table and they started eating.
"So Mirabel I want to know. How did you ended up in my kingdom." Bowser asked, making Mirabel frown.
Making bowser considered.
"I was running away."
Bowser frowned at that. "Why." He asked.
"At my home, called Encanto. My family was giving a miracle when my Abuelo sacrificed himself to keep my Abluelo and my mom and aunt and uncle safe." Mirabel explained.
"Abuelo." Bowser said confused.
"It means grandfather, in Spanish." Mirabel told him.
"He sound like a great man." Bowser said.      "Yay, I just I wished I know him." Mirabel said sadly.
"Then large mountains appeared and our home came to live with magic. Her name was casita." Mirabel said.
Bowser was in awe, that her home was alive.
"And in my family, in their fifth birthday they are giving a gift.
My mama, she could heal you with a meal. My aunt she could control the weather and my uncle he can see the future." Mirabel explained bowser.
"And my cousins and sisters, my oldest sister Isabella. She grows flowers and my second oldest sister Luisa she has super strength." Bowser listen to Mirabel but her face scowls when mention her oldest sister Isabella.
"My cousins, Dolores she has super hearing. Cousin camilo can shapeshift and lastly my littlest cousin Antonio he can talk to animals." Mirabel finished explaining.
"What about you." Bowser asked, as Mirabel didn't tell her gifted.
"I... I didn't get one." Mirabel said,
Bowser eyes widened at that.
"After my fifth birthday I was treated different.
They just forgotten that I was their." Mirabel said with small tears coming out of her eyes.
"Except for Antonio, he was always their for me." Mirabel said.
"That is so sad." Bowser said, making Mirabel smile at him.
And they continued on eating their food.
But bowser couldn't stop looking at Mirabel.
He let out a lovely sign as he watched Mirabel eat.

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