Chapter Forty

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Chapter Forty:

Marinette heard something. A voice? She couldn't tell what it was. It sounded like it was echoing down a long tunnel, it's meaning lost in the darkness. Did it matter, though? She was already happy. She was in Adrien's arms... She could touch, smell, and sense him holding her close like he'd never let her go ever again. Everything was as it should be...

Stand up, Adrien whispered in her ear. You have to protect yourself from the enemy. And in return, I'll reward you.

She did as she was told.

* * *

The Game Master laughed as he scanned a number of Charms that had fallen to his persuasion. It had actually worked! He now had control of all of the Miraculous Game Charms! The Charm he smiled broadest at was Ladybug. She was the first one to get to her feet and look at him for instructions.

Oh, it was magnificent! Her eyes glowed with the purple energy and her dress shimmered silver. Gabriel couldn't wait to see what he could do with her. What a perfect pawn.

Around the room, the rest of the Charms were starting to get to their feet. Soon, all twenty-four of them were standing at attention and awaiting instruction. The only one that was still struggling was Adrien.

Gabriel stared down at his son, silently pleading that he take up the offer. His had been the one he had worked the hardest on. He wanted to give Adrien the best he could, and this was one of the only ways he knew how to. If he could numb his son to the pains of the world, maybe then everything could work out. Adrien would understand why he was doing this.

Gabriel took a couple steps toward his son. Adrien still struggled against the purple energy, screaming and crying. Purple bolts of lightning shot out of his body. Gabriel dropped down to his knees, knowing that if Adrien kept fighting, the energy could possibly kill him instead of help him.

"Adrien, please, listen to me," Gabriel said. "Everything is going to be okay. I'm doing this to help you."

Adrien had barely enough energy to look up into his father's eyes. In his green eyes, Gabriel saw how broken he was. If he didn't give in soon, death was imminent. The Game Master pleaded with him, resting a hand on Adrien's shoulder.

"Son, I know what's best. Please, trust me with this."

His son couldn't say anything through the pain. He only glared up at his father, until, just as Gabriel predicted, his expression softened. The Game Master was about to smile, but just then, Adrien's eyes rolled into the back of his head and he collapsed. Gabriel gasped and was barely able to catch his son's head before it hit the floor.

"A-Adrien?" he said, his voice cracking. He gently rested his head in his lap and ran his fingers through his hair. "It's going to be alright... I promise..."

He didn't realize it at the time, but Gabriel hadn't said that to help his son. It was to calm himself.

Ladybug appeared beside him. The Game Master looked up at her, only to find her expression emotionless and blank. She was awaiting instruction, as were the rest of the Charms. Gabriel took a deep breath, set his son's head down onto the floor as gently as he could, then got to his feet. He straightened his suit. It was time to put on his leader mask.

"Search the area," he ordered. "Look for anyone that might-"

Something slammed into his chest. The next thing he knew, Gabriel was flat on his back with someone on his chest pinning him down. He coughed and gasped, trying to get air into his lungs. As he did so, he looked up at the person. His throat closed and his heart stopped.

It was a woman. Blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders, appearing as though it had been freshly washed. She wore a blue and green costume, similar to the one Ladybug wore before he had taken control of her, except it wasn't a dress. It was like a spandex suit covered in feathers that accentuated the most flattering parts of her. She glared down at him, her bright green eyes piercing his. He hadn't seen those green eyes in years.

"Don't you dare hurt my son like that ever again!" she shouted.

He was too stunned to say anything.

She slapped him. "Gabriel," she ordered, "give up this fight and let the children go."

The Game Master melted. "P-peacock, I can't believe you're-"

"Now, Moth!"

He froze, shocked at her response, then hardened his expression. "There isn't anything I can do now."

She tightened her grip on her husband. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means I can't change them back," Gabriel answered, voice cold. "They're under my control now. There's no freeing them."

Then, he punched Peacock. She stumbled back in surprise, only to be kicked in the side. "How dare you show your face," Gabriel muttered, his anger boiling in his veins. "You left me to raise a son that was a failure!"

"You wanted Adrien just as much as I did, so don't you dare place the blame on him."

"You lied to me!" Gabriel smacked her across the face. "You left me to run a country and raise a son all on my own!"

"You were destroying our country whether I was there or not," Peacock snapped, getting to her feet and raising her fists. "I told you it was a bad idea, I told you to get rid of the Miraculous Games altogether!" She swung her fist, but it was blocked by Gabriel.

"That doesn't excuse the fact that you left me!" He attempted to knee her in the gut, but she moved out of the way just in time. "I had no clue what to do. I had to run the country, keep up good appearances, as well as raise a son!"

"It was your own fault for that," Peacock rebutted. "You're the one who didn't listen to me. You made your own life hard, and there was nothing I could have done to stop that."

"You could have stuck around and helped me!"

"You wouldn't have listened to me, you know that." She attacked again and this time was able to kick him in the face. He fell to the ground, groaning and coughing.

"I loved you and I was trying to protect you," he said, pulling himself up onto his knees.

Peacock circled him. "And I was trying to protect our son. I didn't think you understood what love was so I left you to help you learn that. Adrien is your son, your family, Gabriel. You needed to learn that he loved you, that he was trying to reach your high standards as well as staying true to himself."

She gestured to her son as she walked toward him and knelt next to him. "By starting up the Miraculous Games, the one thing I told you not to do, he was forced to choose for himself." She placed a hand on her chest.

"He used my example of choosing you during our Miraculous Games to know what to do in his. He felt so oppressed under your rules and expectations that he needed an escape. And you know where that escape was?" She got to her feet and raised her chin defiantly. "It was in the Games with Ladybug. He chose someone instead of you choosing one for him. Do you think he didn't know that you had twisted the competition?"

Gabriel was taken off guard by her speech. He took a couple steps back and shook his head. "I didn't want him to fail. I just didn't want him to end up like me, alone and struggling to keep things from falling apart."

"And yet, he followed in our footsteps." Peacock hardened her gaze and clenched her fists. "I helped him along every step of the way. I gave him the clue where to find your secret facility. I turned off the power in the arena. I helped him in and out of the arena without being spotted by your cameras. Face it, Gabriel. You can't force Adrien to do anything. You can only assist and warn him."

The Game Master squeezed his eyes shut, then dropped to one knee and started to cry. "I only wanted to have my family back together again." He looked up at her and pleaded, "Please, you have to believe me. Forgive me..."

Peacock rested her clenched fists on her hips. "It doesn't matter if I do or not. And I'm not the one you need to be apologizing to."

Gabriel shifted his tearful gaze to his son, who was sprawled on the floor in a lifeless heap. Knowing in his heart that it won't be enough, he clenched his fists and pounded the floor.

"I'm sorry, Adrien! I didn't mean to hurt you, I promise! I just..." He choked on his tears. "I just wanted the best for you... I wanted you to get the best companion you could, so you didn't have to go through the same grueling process your mother and I had." He looks up at his son's limp form. "I love you, Adrien... Please, forgive me. I am so sorry..."

Even though he had said the apologies, nothing changed. The Charms were still closing in around them.

Gabriel started to panic. "There's no way out of here."

Peacock let out a sigh and lowered her shoulders. She held out a hand.

"Yes, there is. We need to fight back."

"Fight back? I... I don't think that would be the smartest idea."

"Does it matter? We might as well go down in a fight."

Gabriel's eyes widened. He knew those words. Peacock winked at him, then pulled him up to his feet. She gave him a kiss on the cheek before turning around and raising her fists.

"I know how to take them down, even though you might not."

Gabriel's eyebrows furrowed. "Wait, what? I was the one who invented them, and if I don't know how to beat them, how do you?"

"Because I was there when you made them."

He turned his head to look at her. "What?"

"I told you, I was helping Adrien. To do so, I hid in your facility and kept an eye on your activities."

"You spied on me?"

Peacock rolled her eyes. "If that's what you want to call it, yes."

"Then why didn't you stop me earlier?"

"Because I knew it wasn't the right time. I couldn't have revealed myself until you were ready to see me."

Gabriel didn't respond with words, only a sigh and he raised his fists. "Okay, so, how do we defeat them?"

She smirked. "We need to take the Acute Conscious Unwired Mechanisms out of them."

"You mean the A.C.U.Ma's?"

"Obviously." She stood her ground and scanned the Charms as she speaks. "Once we take the darts out of their arms, that should release the energy from coursing through them, thus letting them go."

"Well, since you know more than I do, even though I created them, I'll follow your lead."

She smiled at him. "That's my Hawkmoth."

They charged.


(not edited)

*squeals* I've been wanted to put this chapter up for such a long time! Trust me when I say that this one was finished a long time ago, and I honestly couldn't wait any longer. I know I updated less than 48 hours ago, but PSSSH! Who cares, right?

More fic for you guys! Yay!

Some good news I also wanted to share with you guys is that I am going to be pitching Soul Mate to a couple publishing companies today and tomorrow! I'm SUUUUUUUPER nervous, but I think it will work out okay.

I am working on a drawing right now for this chapter, but since I don't have my stylus with me today, it's not gonna be posted today. I'll be sure to send out a notice when it's done and post it on here.

(Posted 2/24/17)

Thank you all so much for helping Miraculous Games hit 21K reads and over 1.2K votes! You're all the superheroes of my life, thank you.

Favorite Comment:

By: NutcrackerBri5


(I'm so sorry, these ones always make me laugh XD)

Well, I think that's everything for today.

And, as always, have a Miraculous day!

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