Chapter Forty-Five

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Chapter Forty-Five:

"And you have everything you need packed?"

Adrien laughed and finished tying his black shoes. "Yes, Mom. I even remembered to pack my toothbrush."

His mother gave him the stink eye before straightening out his suit. "I'm surprised you've remembered everything, since you only started packing less than a half an hour ago."

"I guess you could say I'm nervous." He turned and pushed down his suitcase, shoving as much as he could down so he could zip it up.

"Uh-huh, and it's definitely not because you don't want to come to the Inauguration ceremony."

Adrien looked over his shoulder to see his mother with her hands on her hips, as if disapproving his decision to get on on the earliest train leaving that morning.

"Mom, you know how much I've been looking forward to this. It's not that I don't want to attend your Inauguration or anything, but, well... I don't want to attend."

His mom laughed, then came up to him and enveloped him in a hug. "You're silly when you're not constantly on a leash." She kissed his forehead. "Are you sure you don't want to stick around for the rest of the day? There's going to be a big dinner later on tonight."

Adrien shook his head. "I'm sure. Besides, I have a funeral I have to attend."

"That's true." She glanced down at the lump in his suit's pocket, then back at him. "Are you sure that you're ready?"

Adrien could tell his mom wasn't just talking about attending the funeral. He had been lolling over the idea for a few days now and, if he was honest with himself, he felt like they were ready. It was just finding the right time after everything had calmed down.

"I think I am... I mean, I've thought of everything else, but this just seems like the right thing to do."

His mom smirked, then brushed his hair that hung over his forehead aside. "I trust your judgment. You have my blessing, since your father isn't exactly in the right place to extend his own." She paused, then said, "Give Nathanael's family the soon-to-be President's sincerest condolences."

"I will."

Adrien gave his mom one last smile before enveloping her in a tight hug. She smiled and squeezed him in return. They stood there for a little while before Adrien pulled away and scooped up his suitcase. His mother watched him with a sad smile on her face, but didn't say anything. Adrien walked over to the door, but before he left, he glanced back at his room. It was much more empty than it had been before. All of his casual clothes had been packed into his suitcase, which left most of the drawers empty. His bedsheets were gone, the TV was off, the white couch was spotless, and the bathroom had been cleaned out as well.

He'd be coming back, just not anytime soon.

"Adrien," his mom said.

He shifted his attention to her. She had a small tear tracing down her cheek, but a proud smile on her face. Before he knew it, she tossed him something. He was barely able to catch it with one hand, but when he looked at it, the suitcase in his other hand slipped out and hit the floor. It was his silver cat baton, fixed and as clean as ever.

"Call me when you get there safely, okay?"

Adrien looked up and gave his mom a tearful smile.

"I will, I promise."

They shared one last smile before Adrien turned around and walked out of the room. As the door shut behind him, a sense of peace settled over him. He couldn't believe he was leaving the mansion he had been cooped up in for years. It was... good? If that was true, why was he so sad?

"You ready to go, bro?"

Adrien turned to find Nino walking up to him dressed in all black - suit, tie, shirt and all - with a packed duffle bag of his own slung over his shoulder. Adrien gave him a small smile and nodded, slipping his baton into his suit pant's pocket.

"Yeah, I am. Are we meeting the others at the train station?"

"Yup. Alya's taking care Marinette while Juleka and Rose are taking the other Charms. We should be getting to..."

Adrien nodded periodically as his friend talked, only half listening to the information. He had stopped listening once he had mentioned Marinette. Shoving his hands into his pockets, his mind drifted to her. Was she okay? Would she be able to keep it together for the press or would she end up breaking down again?

"Did you get that?" Nino asked, and Adrien assumed he had finished talking.

"Yup. We're meeting up with the Charms at the train station, hopefully arriving in their district an hour or two before the funeral. From there, we're going to drive over to the funeral home, stay for the small ceremony, then drive in the funeral parade to the cemetery."

Nino glanced at him, one eyebrow raised. "Well yeah, but you missed the most important part."

Adrien blinked, then glanced at his friend. "What did I miss?"

"Nathanael's parents requested that you help carry the casket."

His throat hitched with emotion. Adrien had to look away from Nino, trying to swallow the lump away. "Y-yeah, of course. I'd be honored to."

After that, a silence fell between the two friends. It was as if Nino knew that Adrien needed his space, so through the full car ride to the train station, he stayed quiet. He didn't even plug his music into the car, just put on his headphones - which Adrien was grateful for. As much as he loved his friend, he wasn't in the mood for a bass drop.

As he drove, his mind kept repeating the same questions over and over again.

Can I really do this? Will she be ready? Am I sure this is the right time?

It repeated so many times that Adrien hadn't realized that they had gotten to the train station. They parked near the back of the lot, which made him feel a little better. More time to collect himself. Nino climbed out first, stuffing his phone into his pocket and pulling his headphones down around his neck. Adrien stayed in the car for a moment longer and tried to pull his nerves together.

They had a funeral to attend.

As he got out of the car, Nino was taking their luggage out of the trunk. Adrien locked the car, then went over to help his friend. He pulled the suitcase's handle up, falling into line with his best friend as they made their way to the train's platform. Walking through the parking lot, Adrien could easily make out their group. It was the only clump of people on the platform that were wearing all black.

They walked up the group, Nino raising his hand and waving.

"Hey, we're here!" he called.

Alya was the first to turn. She was dressed in a simple black dress and flats with half her ombred hair pulled back. She gave him a big smile and rested her hands on her popped hips. "What took you guys so long? It's not like your castle is far from here."

"Mansion, actually," Adrien corrected.

Alya rolled her eyes sarcastically. "Same diff. I'm glad you could make it, though. Are you sure it's cool that you're missing out on your mom's Presidential ceremony?"

He nodded. "Yeah, it's fine." He glanced around the group. "Is Marinette here?"

Smirking, Alya jabbed a thumb over her shoulder. "She's sitting on the bench with Ivan and Mylene. It was her way of escaping the Queen Bee of terror." She used her head to motion to the dramatic girl she had mentioned. Both Nino and Adrien looked over her shoulder to see Chloe. Unlike everyone else who was dressed at least in a respectable outfit for a funeral, she was in a strapless, black mini dress matched with zig-zag patterned stilettos. She was applying black lipstick as she talked to her friend Sabrina.

Nino scrunched up his nose. "I can see why. Why is she coming anyway?"

Alya shrugged. "Who knows. She might just be doing it for her reputation."

"That wouldn't surprise me," Adrien commented. "Now, if you please excuse me, I'm going to go find Marinette."

"You got this, dude," Nino encouraged. Both he and Alya gave him a thumbs up. Adrien smirked at how in synch they were, then made his way through the crowd of Charms. He said hello to a couple of the people there like Lila and Alix, but he was only goal was trying to find Marinette. He stretched his neck to see over the crowd. As he did so, he spotted the bluish-black headed girl he knew and loved. With a smile on his face, he leaned against the bench that Marinette, Mylene and Ivan were sitting on. From the looks of it, Marinette seemed to be in a fairly positive mood. She was smiling, laughing with Mylene over something Ivan had commented. Adrien wouldn't have been surprised if it had been directed at Chloe.

"Oh, hey Adrien!" Mylene greeted, giving him a shy smile. "We were just laughing at how Chloe looks like an ugly troll in a beauty competition."

He chuckled. "Can't say that I don't believe that." He glanced at Marinette, and Ivan seemed to pick up on it.

"Hey, Mylene, do you think you and I could talk in private?"

She glanced at Ivan, then between Marinette and Adrien. She smiled. "Of course."

The two of them left, walking away hand in hand. Adrien took the opening and sat down on the empty bench next to Marinette.

"Did you sleep well last night?" he asked, trying to break the ice a little bit.

She shrugged. "If only getting two hours of sleep is considered well, then yes."

Adrien glanced over at her, but her gaze was rooted on the small black wedges she wore. He tucked his hand into his pocket, feeling the box that was nestled there. Was this the right time?

"I'm sorry you didn't sleep well. Were you worried about today?"

"I wouldn't say worried..." she trailed off, and he waited for her to respond, but she didn't. The two of them sat in silence for a few moments. Adrien's mind was racing, and he could feel a small drop of sweat trace the side of his temple.

"Are you okay?" Marinette asked. He looked over at her and realized that in the silence, she had turned to look at him. "You look like you're about to throw up."

He shook his head and wiped his brow. "No, no. I'm alright. I guess I'm just hot in this black suit."

Marinette smirked, and opened her mouth to say something, but a train whistle cut her off. The group in black watched as the train they were taking pulled into the station. Once it stopped, the Charms picked up their bags, suitcases, and backpacks and made their way inside. Adrien stood up and held out a hand for Marinette to take. She gladly accepted the gesture and picked up her own duffle bag. The pair strode over to the train car, and Adrien gestured for her to walk inside.

"After you, My Lady."

She giggled and stepped inside. "Thanks, Kitty." She waited just inside for him and once he fell in line with her, the two of them linked arms as they walked further into the train car. Adrien scanned the seats. He spotted Alya and Nino near the front of the car, which didn't surprise him. Ivan and Mylene sat together, so did Juleka and Rose. Lila, Felix, Chloe, and Sabrina all shared a table setting to his left. Everyone else had filled in the spaces in between.


"Come on, I think there are some more seats in the next car over." He nudged Marinette to go first. They walked down the aisle, waving to some of the Charms as they went, before stopping at the door at the far end. Adrien opened it and allowed Marinette to step through. Just his luck, the caboose car was empty.

It was much more spacious than the train car that the Charms were in, though it wouldn't have been able to fit all of them. At the very end of the car, a semi-circle window covered the back wall. Marinette walked toward it in awe, pressing a hand against it.

"This is so cool," she commented.

Adrien smiled. "I figured you would like it better in here than being crowded in one train car with everyone else. Besides-" the train lurched forward right on cue "-it'll have a great view."

Marinette laughed and sat down on the padded couch that was pressed up against the glass window. "You really do know how to treat a girl, don't you?"

He winked, then set down his suitcase and made his way over to her. He took a seat next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Without hesitation, she laid her head on his shoulder. The train began to pick up speed, the world outside the window rushing past them.

"Are you sure you're okay attending Nathanael's funeral?" Adrien asked softly, running his fingers through her hair.

She shrugged. "I guess so..." He felt her shift to look up at him. "Is my fake smile really that obvious."

"No, not really. I just know what the real one looks like." He kissed her nose. Her lips turned up in a smile instantly. Adrien chuckled. "Yup, that's it. There's the smile I've been looking for all morning."

Marinette bit her lip and looked away, her cheeks flushed pink. "I'm sorry, Adrien. I guess I just don't want people to worry."

"I understand. It's not easy, plastering a smile on your face and pretending everything's okay."

Her shoulders slumped a little bit. It took her a couple seconds to respond. "I wish everything was, though..."

That was what he had been waiting for. It was time.

Taking a deep breath, Adrien reached inside of his suit's pocket and pulled out a small, black box.

"Everything will be, Marinette. From now on, at least."

Furrowing her eyebrows, she shifted her attention from him to the black box. Her cheeks turned tomato red.

"Adrien," she muttered, but he could tell she had no intent in finishing her thought, so he continued. He unwrapped his arm from her and shifted his position until he was down on one knee in front of her.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, you and I have been through so much together. We've fought side by side, and whether we've won or lost, I knew that never left me." He paused, afraid to meet her gaze. "I know that this is sudden and that this is supposed to be a day of mourning, but I know for a fact that Nathanael wouldn't want you crying. He hated seeing you cry. I know that he wouldn't want you to be depressed over him."

With a bit of courage, Adrien flicked his eyes up to meet Marinette's. Her blue orbs were watering with tears. He plowed on, desperately hoping he wasn't making a fool of himself.

"Though it was never officially announced, I believe everyone knows that you were the true winner of the Miraculous Games - the very last one that will ever happen. Not only were you the winner of the games..." he could feel his cheeks flush, "but you're the winner of my heart."

With shaky hands, he held up the black box and cracked it open. Inside were two bands of silver, nestled together between lumps of velvet.

"Ladybug, will you be my betrothed?"

Marinette gaped at him, one hand over her mouth in shock while the other pressed over her heart. With a small laugh and a few tears trailing down her cheeks, she nodded.

"Of course, Chat. Of course."

Then, before Adrien knew it, Marinette threw her arms around his neck in a hug. He almost dropped the small, black box, but he let out a laugh and caught it before it fell to the floor. In that touching moment, Adrien couldn't help but blink back tears of his own and bury his head into the crook of Marinette's neck. They stayed like that for so long, Adrien lost all sense of time - not that he would need it anyway.

He was the first to pull away. Marinette's tears had left lines of mascara on her cheeks, but Adrien didn't care. He reached inside of the black box and pulled out the two rings. Marinette held out her hand, and, before he slipped it onto her ring finger, he looked her in the eyes.

"These ring were my parents," he said simply. "When I told my mother that I was going to do this, she pulled off her ring and handed it to me. 'The ring of Champions', she had called it. She arranged that my father's ring be brought in before we left so that I could have it." He pushed his mother's ring onto her finger, then gently pressed his lips against Marinette's knuckles. "I don't know how well this is going to work out, what with the country still begging for answers, but I guess we'll just have to get used to it."

She giggled in response, then pulled out the other ring from the box. "Well, I know one thing for sure."

Adrien raised an eyebrow as she slipped the ring onto his finger. "Oh? And what's that?"

"That I love you."

They both shared a smile before Adrien curled his fingers under Marinette's chin and kissed her. She didn't complain one bit. After all, everything was over. Though, nothing would ever be the same. 


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