Chapter Four

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Chapter Four:

The train ride was long and boring, and especially awkward with Nathanael sitting next to her. Marinette couldn't help but feel closed off. With the boy on her left and a window to her right, she wasn't going anywhere.

"So," Nathanael started. "That was a really brave thing you did back there for Mrs. Chamach's daughter."

Marinette shrugged. "It was no big deal," she replied emotionlessly.

"No big deal? I bet hundreds of people know you now and are super impressed!"

"It was no big deal," she deadpanned. "Please, Nathanael, I don't want to talk about it..."

"Oh... of course. Sorry." He shrunk down in his seat, turning his head partly away from her. Marinette bit her lip. She didn't mean to make him feel bad, but she just wasn't in the mood. Leaving everything behind her was proving a challenge. She had watched out the window until the last glimpse of her district had disappeared over the horizon. Even with the hugs and support from her family and friends, she still was a little uncomfortable.

"Look, Nathanael," Marinette started quietly. "I didn't mean to offend you. This is just all so new and... stressful... Please don't take any of my moods personally. It's not your fault."

He gave her a small smile. "Hey, it's no big deal. We can support each other during this difficult time."

Grateful, Marinette smiled. "Yeah, I like that idea."

The pair was about to talk about more serious things, but they were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. It was Alec. He was wiggling his eyebrows at them, TV cameras peeking over his shoulder.

"Ooooh, looks like we have some sparks flying!"

Nathanael's face blushed as bright as a fresh tomato. Marinette's expression hardened.

"I'm sorry, Alec. I think you have the wrong idea. Do you guys ever give us some time to talk alone?"

"Nope," Alec replied with a bright smile. "Now, tell me. What are you guys most excited for?"

"E-excited for?" Nathanael questioned.

"Yes! The food? The fight? The fans?"

"W-well... The food, I guess?"

"Great choice!" Alec turned to Marinette. "And what about you, Miss Dupain-Cheng?"

She got to her feet and looked directly into the camera, plastering a smile on her face. "I am excited to stand up for my family and friends, taking them with me all the way until the very end."

The camera men and Alec let out a simple: "Aww..."

Taking Nathanael's arm with an air of triumph, Marinette pushed past the TV crew. "Now, if you'll please excuse us, we need to talk."

Before they could complain, she pulled Nathanael into another compartment and closed the door behind her. She let out a frustrated breath. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be so harsh..."

"No no, it's okay. You have the perfect reason to feel that way."

She gave a slight nod. "Alright... But now that is all sorted out, we need to talk strategy."


"Yes. If we are to beat the rest of the other Charms in the games, we need a plan."

Nathanael self-consciously stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Okay. What do you have in mind?"

Marinette tapped her chin. "Well, where we go depends on what the Games arena is like, but I think we can make one commitment now: we need to stick together. Neither of us goes solo."

"I'm okay with that," he responded a little too quickly.

"Then that's what we'll do. Since they said that we have a very low likelihood of dying, I think we should all be able to get home safely."

Nathanael nodded, looking down at the floor and rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "You know... I read a book once. It told a story that took place in our society. It described two people who were chosen for the Miraculous Games, and in order to survive, they acted like they were in love in order to gain votes." His eyes moved from his sneakers back up to her eyes. "Do you think it would be a good idea if we did the same thing?" Before Marinette could respond, he rushed on. "I know it sounds crazy, but we might be able to pull a similar string." He sighed and looked out the window. "It might be the easiest way we can get home to our families together."

Marinette was speechless. Maybe Nathanael was onto something. Alec had already asked if they were a couple. If they acted like one...

But what about Adrien? Her heart reminded her. She mentally shook her head. As nice as it would be to win Adrien's heart, her head told her she needed to get home to where it was safe.

"That's a really clever idea. I think we should try it. We'll just have to be careful." She held out a hand, a genuine smile stretching across her lips. "You ready to go back?"

Nathanael, his face flushing pink, nodded and took her hand. They interlaced their fingers together, each taking a deep breath, then walked back into the train car with the cameras. Marinette couldn't help but feel like she was putting on a mask. Hopefully, she wouldn't have to wear it forever...

She hoped and prayed the lucky charm would be on her side.

* * *

"- and you have a hair appointment before the Charms get here. Once that is finished, you will be escorted to the fitting room where your suit will be waiting for you. Makeup will be outside the door..."

Adrien decided to start ignoring Natalie. As much as he appreciated the help she was giving him, she always took things to the next level. He was standing completely still as a tailor pinned a suit to perfectly match his body. He had been standing as straight as a board for the past two hours and he was about ready to give up.

To help distract him from the overwhelming sense of dread of the night, he let his thoughts drift aimlessly back to the Charms that had been chosen. He was intrigued by many of them, but the same girl kept coming to mind.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

Apparently she had been the daughter of the local district bakers before she had been chosen. It was hard for him to imagine such a delicate girl working in fiery oven rooms. Well, now that he had time to really delve into the idea, it kinda did make sense. The way she carried herself, the slight tilt of the chin. The more he thought about it, the more he could see her wiping flour across her forehead while rolling out dough or helping her parents take bread out of ovens.

He wondered if she could bake exceptionally well. Well, there was no doubt that she could, but it was more of a question of would she? Would she retreat to the kitchen to bake in order to keep her mind off of things or did she have some other hobby? Some jobs weren't hobbies, so Adrien couldn't be sure. Would she make cakes or cookies? Bread or waffles?

Mmm... waffles.


He snapped out of his thoughts and turned his attention back to Natalie. She was irritably tapping her foot against the floor. "What did I just say?"

Adrien rolled his eyes and stated emotionlessly: "My hair appointment is after I get tailored here, and once that's done I will put on the suit. The makeup people will be outside the door when I come out. The rehearsal of the ceremony will begin at five and the actual ceremony itself will happen at seven. When all the Charms arrive, I am to introduce myself and attempt to be social with them. That part of the night will continue for -"

He was cut off by someone clearing their throat. Turning his head, Adrien saw someone standing in the doorway. He stiffened, which was almost impossible for how still he had been standing for the tailor.

His father walked into the room, one of the lights glinting off of the clear glass in his glasses. The white suit he wore was accented with a hint of purple and red, which oddly went very well together with his shiny black shoes. He regarded Adrien with an air of disappointment.

"I thought you would be ready to go by now."

"I am," Adrien stated, his voice as stiff as his spine.

President Agreste stared at his son for a moment longer before turning his attention to Natalie. "There has been a change of plans. The ceremony will start at six instead of seven. Rehearsal starts in less than an hour. See to it that my son makes it there on time. We cannot make the wrong impression to our guests."

Natalie's face had gone from a normal pink to a ghostly panicked white. "O-of course, President Agreste. I will keep a close eye on him."

His father nodded with approval, then turned his attention back to Adrien. For a long time, neither of them said anything. Adrien waited for his father to say something that he did not favor of about him, but in the end, he just turned his back and walked away. The door closed silently behind him. The tension in Adrien's back receded and he was left feeling like a rag doll. Natalie began to panic. She flipped through her paperwork, muttering to herself about having makeup and hair working on Adrien at the same time.

While she freaked out and was trying to cram Adrien's schedule, Adrien just stared at the door. He wished he had said something. There would have been no possible way for him to tell his father 'I love you', but maybe a nod of his head would have been enough. Oh well. The opportunity was gone, lost in the past that would never change.

Adrien pushed the chatter between Natalie and the tailor aside, not allowing their stress to seep into his mind. He needed to stay calm and collected. Besides, he would be able to ask Marinette all the questions he had been wondering about.

That would just have to be what kept him going for now. 

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