Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve:

The day of the games arrived. After hanging out with Chat Noir last night, Marinette had not gotten a wink of sleep. The night consisted of tossing and turning, and ever a midnight snack, but no sleep. Her mind kept spinning in circles. It kept going back and forth from fear to excitement to anxiety to her nerves eating away at her stomach.

By the time morning rolled around, the sun streaming in through her windows, Marinette was a living, breathing, nervous, zombie wreck. Nathanael wasn't much different.


They were wearing the exact same clothes. They both wore brown cargo pants, combat boots, and a black V-neck shirt. He must have had the same outfit set out for him by their designers. There must have been some reason for it, and Marinette doubted it was a stylistic choice. They were going into the games, after all.

When he walked into the kitchen for their last planned breakfast, his hair was a mess and he was molding a piece of clay. Marinette figured it was a way to help him with nerves, but he didn't want to ask him. Besides, spending time with Chat made her feel guilty being around Nathan.

That was a totally different type of problem altogether. Marinette didn't want to admit it, but she was starting to like spending time with a certain black cat. She was competing for the guy of her dreams! She couldn't get distracted. Then that made her feel bad for pairing up with Nathanael. Judging by the amount of attention Nathan's interview had gotten concerning her and him, the whole country was shipping them. He was such a sweet kid and so supportive, but he wasn't for her. Part of her knew it would crush him if she told him that she liked another guy -- technically two guys now! Saying it was a little awkward was definitely an understatement.

Juleka and Rose escorted Nathanael and Marinette to the training building. Judging by Rose's lack of energy, they were headed for doom. Marinette felt so unprepared for this. It was no doubt that they were heading to the arena today, but why were they going to the training room? She could almost see the countdown she had seen last night with Chat ticking down. That thought scared her.

When they arrived, all of the Charms were there, standing atop platforms with their designers behind them. Chloe was mouthing off to Sabrina, Alix was describing something dramatically to Kim and Ivan, and everyone else had their own groups. Once Marinette and Nathanael were placed on their own pedestals, the door opened. Master Fu stepped into the room, his cane perched on his shoulders. Everyone fell silent. He walked to the middle of the circled platforms, his eyes closed as if he were on a stroll in the park rather than being watched by twenty-four kids. When his eyes opened, he looked directly at Marinette and smiled. She puffed out her chest a bit more.

"Welcome, Charms," he greeted. "Today is the day you prove your strength to the country. These games are usually to the death, but this year, as you all know, is very different." He snapped his fingers.

Next to their raised platforms, a table rose up from the ground. Placed carefully in the center, a purple and silver medal glistened in a velvet box. Each Charm's was different. Marinette's was a circle with five silver dots, one in the center with the other four dots surrounding the edges. A chain was tucked in the back as well as a fancy pin. She glanced over at Nathanael, who was holding his delicately in his hands.

His was in the shape of a fox tail, the end of the tail tipped with silver while the rest of it was purple. His, too, had a chain and pin. Marinette doubted they were for decoration.

"These are your lifelines -- the Lucky Charms," Master Fu explained. "If one of your competitors in the arena is able to steal your Lucky Charm, you lose."

Alix scowled, tightening her grip on her paw-shaped charm. "Are we allowed to hide them?"

Master Fu shook his head. "No, you must always have it on you. You may wear it as a necklace or a pin, but it must be in plain sight."

"But that's not fair!" Chloe complained.

Their trainer raised an eyebrow.

Ivan lifted a hand. "Master, once we take each charm, do we have to keep them in the open still?"

He nodded. "Yes. You must pin the Lucky Charm to your jacket once you have in your possession. This allows others to take the pin for themselves."

"So, could someone have twenty-four pins on their jacket by the end of the games?" Sabrina asked.

Master Fu gave a single nod.

"Sweet! That'll be me!" Kim boasted, jabbing his chest with his thumbs.

"Do not get too cocky, Eagle," Master Fu warned. "You do not want to be caught off-guard due to your self-centered attitude."

Kim wasn't listening. He was still bragging and shooting winks at Chloe. Marinette rolled her eyes.

"You will be taken into the arena once you've been fitted with your Lucky Charms," Master Fu continued. As he spoke, Juleka came up behind Marinette. In her peripheral vision, Marinette could see Rose coming up to Nathanael. They slipped waterproof jackets over their already identical outfits. It was gray and only fitted around the waist by elastic.

Marinette had to appreciate how it matched her outfit. She hadn't noticed before, but she saw that all of the other Charms were wearing the same clothes as her. The designers must have come together to create the outfit and had decided that it would best fit all of them.

Or was it something more?

Marinette studied the fabrics and what they could imply. The short-sleeve V-neck shirt and cargo pants probably meant that it was warm at some points of the day. The combat boots obviously were on to protect her feet from something. Maybe rocks or foliage? The jacket, though, was made for rain and warmth. Cold nights and storms?

She thought about all of this while Master Fu was speaking.

"Once you are in the arena, you will see the Cataclysmacopia. Inside will be weapons to fight with. It is preferred that you do not kill the Charms since everyone deserves a chance to win."

Marinette glanced over at Nathanael. He was looking at her and there was no way to hide the anxiety in his eyes. She gave him a confident smile. 'I'll help you,' it said.

"Due to the achievements two of you have reached, they will start off with an advantage."

"What?! That is so not fair!" Chloe screeched.

Master Fu held up a hand to quiet the group of Charms that had taken Chloe's side of the complaint.

"It is fair and each of you knew who the two were. It was not questioned until this moment, so the verdict stays in action."

Clumps of Charms started to mutter among themselves. Marinette shifted nervously on her pedestal. She had just become a prime target.

"One last note," Master Fu said. "Each Lucky Charm you receive has a special power inside. You can only activate ones that you acquire from other Charms. You cannot use yours for your own personal gain."

Nathanael looked at Marinette.

"Powers?" He muttered. She spread her hands.

"Designers, pin the Lucky Charms to the competitor's jacket," Master Fu ordered.

Juleka picked up Marinette's charm. With a confident smile, she pinned it to her jacket, on one of the two straps that lined the front.

"You can do it, Ladybug," she assured. Marinette smiled a nodded.

Once the designers stepped away from the platforms, Master Fu pulled his cane off of his shoulders.

"Charms, are you ready to prove yourself to the entire country?"

The Charms cheered.

"To the President?"

More cheering.

"And, now most importantly, to Adrien Agreste?"

The roaring of the Charms echoed around the room so loudly, it sounded like a sonic boom. Master Fu smiled, pushed a button on the floor with his cane, then bowed in farewell.

All around each of the pedestals, glass encased the Charms. It took them by surprise, some of them -- including Nathanael -- jumping a few feet in the air. Marinette locked eyes with Nathan. His eyes were spiking with fear. She gave him a thumbs up, hoping to lift his spirits.

And then, they dropped.

* * *

The next thing Marinette saw was the ground. Grass stabbed her arms and she saw something metal out of the corner of her eye. She couldn't believe her eyes. It was the weapon she had chosen the very first day of training -- a grappling hook.

Realizing where she was, she spun around and sat up. Every other charm was on the ground too. Each of them was in a field surrounded by tall trees that stretched to the sky. They were all equal distances from a metal structure that stood in the middle of the grass.

The Cataclysmacopia.

It was shaped in the shape of a cat, made of sheets of crisp gray metal. It almost looked like the Sphinx, but with its jaw hinged open all the way to the ground. The entrance of the monstrous-looking metal beast was lined with pieces of sharp triangles. They were its teeth.

Weapons decorated the ground around the structure, along with bags of food and water. Swords, spears, canteens, apples, and whatever else you could ask to survive with was scattered across the grass. They were all varying distances away from the mouth of the enormous cat.

Above the Charms in the sky, black numbers began to count down from five.

Five, four...

Marinette scanned the Charms. Nathanael was all the way across the field from her. They locked eyes.

Three, two...

'Follow me,' Marinette mouthed. He nodded.

One. A siren sounded.

Marinette gripped her grappling hook firmly and ran. Everyone else ran toward the Cataclysmacopia. The sound of a sword being drawn sent Marinette's heart straight into her stomach. Her breath hitched with nerves. Blood would be spilled if she didn't get out quick.

Marinette scooped up a red backpack, racing toward the edge of the trees. She heard Nathanael yell. Fear struck her heart. She risked a glance behind her. Her partner had barely dodged Ivan's spear.

A cannon fired.

He was running full speed toward her. She held out her hand as she swung her backpack over her shoulder.

"Let's go!" She shouted. He grasped her wrist and they both bolted for the treeline.

Behind her, she could hear the other Charms fighting. Two or three cannons echoed above the field. She could hear footfalls coming quickly toward her and Nathanael. It only made her run faster. It was becoming a lot harder since it felt like she was dragging Nathan behind her. She let her eyes study the trees ahead of her.

An idea came to mind.

She cocked her grappling hook with one hand and yelled, "Hang on!"

Wrapping her arm around Nathanael's waist, she pulled him close to her. He squeaked in shock but hook his arms around her neck. Marinette aimed at a tree branch.


They jumped into the air. The grappling hook snagged around the branch and the pair swung toward the foliage. Their feet didn't touch the ground. Just as they were at the peak of their swing, Nathanael cried out. His grip slackened and Marinette was barely able to hold him up before they dropped like rocks behind a fallen log.

Nathan hit the ground like a sack of potatoes. He moaned in pain, clutching his leg. Marinette froze. He was bleeding. A throwing knife was sticking out of his leg.

"Oh no," she muttered in shock.

Nathanael looked up at her, tears brimming in the corners of his eyes, but a small smile crossed his lips. He held up a clutched fist. Dangling from a chain, a purple and silver snake medallion sparkled in the light.

Marinette gasped. "You got one?"

He nodded, but that was the only thing Marinette saw before she was engulfed by the bushes. She screamed, her head accidently smacking against a rock A Charm sat atop her chest, smirking and running a cold knife down her face. Felix, Marinette thought his name was. She tried to get away, her vision swimming, but he held her down.

"Well, well, if it isn't the Lucky Ladybug," he taunted. "I've been waiting a long time for this." He raised the knife. Marinette shut her eyes.

Nathanael screamed. The next thing Marinette knew, the weight of Felix was off of her chest. Her eyes flew open and she sat up. The boys were wrestling on the ground, and even though Nathanael's calf was bleeding out of control, he threw punches left and right. Felix was trying to do the same thing but failed. One of Nathan's punches hit Felix square in the jaw, which gave him just enough time to rip the pin from off of his jacket.

A cannon sounded. Felix cried out in anger and tried to grab Nathan's pin, but his fingers went straight through him. His eyes widened.

"No, no, no!"

He kept trying to grab at Nathan's pin, but he slowly began to fade into silver mist. He let out a cry of rage before he was engulfed in a purple, foam-like substance. He was gone.

Marinette got to her feet and rushed toward Nathanael.

"We have to get out of here," she insisted.

He nodded, then winced and clutched his leg. His cargo pants were soaked with blood.

"I-I can't walk," he admitted.

Marinette's expression turned to one of determination. "Then, I'll carry you."


"No," she snapped. "IT's the only way. Grab on."

She bent down and carefully hoisted him up. He wrapped his arms around her, and after a minute of her shifting his weight, she began to walk away from the field.

They both could still hear fighting happening behind them, Marinette knew they had to get away as soon as possible. Besides, they already had two Lucky Charms out of the twenty-four possible.

That was a good enough start, right?

* * *

Adrien cheered, jumping up and down on the couch.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

He pounded his fists in the air in triumph. The bloodiest part of the Miraculous Games were over -- and Ladybug was still alive.

"Dude, calm down," Nino insisted, though he too was grinning like a madman. "You don't want your dad finding you jumping up and down on the furniture. He'd kill you for sure."

"Nino, Ladybug survived!" He launched himself off the couch and grabbed his friends arms. Adrien swung him around country-swing style, laughing and smiling.

"Dude, why are you so excited? Twenty other charms are still left."

Adrien stopped spinning and gripped his shoulders. "Ladybug can win, Nino. She is a fan favorite, has so much determination, and she has the perfect amount compassion. She saved her partner from danger and they both now have two Lucky Charms. They're one step ahead of the game!"

"But bro, that doesn't mean they'll win."

He spread his hands. "I believe she can. Then again, can you blame me?"

Nino chuckled and punched his arm. "You're crazy, man. You're going to get yourself in trouble."

Adrien frowned, scrunching his lips into the corner of his mouth. "I'll be fine as long as my father doesn't find out. Besides," He looked at the TV screen they had been watching. "Ladybug will be in more trouble than I will ever be if my father realizes I've been picking favorites."

"And if he does?"

That made Adrien pause. He shoved his hands into his pockets and gave his friend a one-shoulder shrug.

"Then I hold my ground. If he thinks he can betroth me to any random girl, he better believe that I'll find my own path."

Nino patted his shoulder supportively, then left the room. Adrien waited until his friend left the room before returning his attention to the TV. The camera had focused on Ladybug and Fox as they made their way through the forest. Alec was talking over the footage.

"Those two make a great pair, don't you think so?"

Mrs. Chamach responded almost instantly. "I agree, Alec. Another perfect match made by the Miraculous Games."

Adrien clenched his fists.

"Survive until tonight, my lady. I promise you, I'm coming." 


AH! Oh my gosh, we're finally in the arena! 

I am so excited to write this part of the story, guys. Like, seriously. I am so pumped. I have so much planned and I have so many great scenes that I am looking forward to! 

Have you guys figured out the important clue for this chapter yet? Be sure to be on the lookout for the clues to the underlying, secret story plot! 

Make sure to drop a vote before you go, please! I would greatly appreciate it. :)

Today's comment question is this: What animal did Felix represent? 

And, as always, have a 'miraculous' day! 


For those of you who cannot see the image above, here it is: 

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