Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty:

Adrien drummed his fingers, watching the TV with the intensity of a ninja. Or a ninja cat, more like it. His mind was racing a thousand miles an hour, so much so that it was hard to keep everything straight in his brain.

He had done it. He had kissed Ladybug.

What was so surprising, other than the fact that he had actually kissed her, was the fact that she hadn't pushed him away. She had kissed him back. As joyous as he was, Adrien couldn't turn off the nagging thought that she might have just done it for show. He hadn't realized at the time, but the kiss had been caught on camera. It had been on replay for the past several hours as Alec and Nadja gossiped about it. Every time it turned on, Adrien would get a stupid grin on his face, relishing in the beautiful moment they had shared.

Something else bothered him, too. Though the kiss had felt real to him, Alec and Nadja had been comparing it to the kiss Ladybug had given Fox. The two hosts had sent out a poll to the audience to see which kiss they had enjoyed better. They also included a different poll for the audience to vote between who they thought would win Adrien's heart. The results had not come in yet.

Recaps from the previous night began to scroll by. As Adrien watched Queen Bee plead for her life, there was a knock on his bedroom door. He turned to look over his shoulder as the door opened. Nathalie stepped inside, her clipboard stacked with papers and her tired eyes looking up at him. For a moment, Adrien felt pity for the poor woman.

"Adrien, your father wishes to see you."

He got to his feet. "I'll be there in a moment. Thank you, Nathalie."

Nathalie nodded, then closed the door as she left.

Biting his lip, Adrien tucked his phone into his pocket. If Ladybug needed him, his phone would notify him. He just hoped it wouldn't go off while he visited with his father.

Adrien made his way to the door, but before he left, he glanced back at the TV. Alec and Mrs. Chamach were discussing 'FireFox', the ship name the audience had come up with. Furrowing his eyebrows, Adrien listened closely. Had the results come in?

"Honestly, I think their relationship is stronger," Alec was saying. "Ladybug is a strong-willed woman, everyone knows that."

"However," Nadja interrupted, "Fox seems to unlock a certain part of her that Chat, her protector charm, never gets to see."

"That may be true, but I think we need to see what our viewers voted for. They decide the fate of most people in the arena."

Adrien raised an eyebrow. That was an idea. Maybe he didn't just have to help in the arena. Maybe Chat Noir could make a public appearance...

The results were revealed. The screen was split in half, one side labeled 'FireFox' with a picture of Marinette and Nathanael kissing, the other labeled 'MariChat' with Marinette and him. Percentages showed up, starting at 0 then rapidly climbing. Adrien bit his lip, switching between the two percentages. Which would be higher?

The numbers stopped, and there was no taking them back now.

FireFox - 62%

MariChat - 38%

"Wow!" Alec commented. "Looks like FireFox won by a landslide!"

"Well, the public has spoken," Nadja said. "I wonder how their relationship will blossom, especially after having Fox see Chat kiss Ladybug last night."

Adrien's eyes widened. What? Nathan saw them?

"Indeed. Who knows how FireFox will work once the games are over. To be honest, part of me wants them to win, but then they'll be separated."

Nadja nodded. "Seems like it. If Ladybug wins, Nathanael will be shipped back home and she'll win Adrien's heart."

Yeah, well, she already had.

"If not, Nathanael will win and Marinette will be sent home. Who knows, if they both lose, they might be able to have a true relationship."

Alec laughed. "Sounds like they have a rough deal. Better than Ladybug falling for Chat, however. Since none of us know who he is, once the games are over, he'll disappear and never be seen again, similar to years previous."

"Marichat does have its flaws. Let's look at the results for who the public thinks is going to win Adrien over."

Adrien scowled, folding his arms. This should be good.

The poll popped up with a picture of him on top with each Charm girl's name written beneath it.

Ladybug - 1%

Wolf - 32%

Panther - 21%

Queen Bee - 46%

"Yiiiiikes, looks like Ladybug isn't high on the list."

"Most likely because she's in two different relationships at once," Mrs. Chamach commented. "No wonder no one is rooting for her and Adrien."

Adrien sighed, then walked out the door and closed it shut behind him. He didn't want to hear the rest of that conversation. After taking a moment to steady his nerves and calm his mind, he strode toward his father's office. It took him a couple minutes, due to the mansion's sheer size, but he didn't mind the walk. It helped him ready himself for his father's words. The doors that lead to his father's office stretched from floor to ceiling, which gave him a chill. He never enjoyed going inside.

Taking a deep breath, Adrien knocked on the door.

"Come in," a gruff voice replied. Adrien pushed open the door and stepped inside. A white desk stood in the middle of the room, covered in papers and other important documents. Paintings hung on the dreary grey walls, only one of which Adrien liked: the one of his mother.

Behind the white desk, sitting in a jet black chair, Adrien's father shuffled through a file. He didn't even look up at his son before speaking.

"You have failed me, Adrien."

He froze, staring at his father in shock.

"W-what do you mean, father?"

He scowled. "You have made our family name look bad." With a flick of his hand, President Agreste slid the file across the desk and looked up at his son, his eyes deadly cold. "You have tarnished our reputation."

Adrien clenched his jaw. "How? How have I done such a thing?"

His father got to his feet, resting his hands on the desk. "You have picked sides."

"Oh, so that's what this is about?" Adrien snapped. "Just because I watch the Games and think someone's better suited for the job?"

"Don't you dare talk back to me!" President Agreste demanded. "You know better, I taught you better."

"You taught me? HA! Yeah, right." Adrien clenched his fists. "Nathalie taught me, not you. And these Games are teaching me more than you ever taught to me!"

"That's enough!"

"No! It's never enough!" Adrien stepped forward and picked up the file his father had been looking at. It was labeled, Game Charms. "These people are getting hurt, father. They're risking their lives for me, and in doing so, I've learned who would be more prepared for the job. I should have a choice in this, considering I'm going to be marrying the person who wins!"

Gabriel slammed his fist on the desk. "You are acting irrational! No son of mine should be caught up in the delusions! If your mother was here, she would put you back in your place!"

Adrien froze at the mention of his mother. He had gone too far, he had crossed the line. His father was breathing heavily, barely able to keep control of his anger.

"You will go to your room, having contact with nobody other than Nathalie. You will have no TV, phone, or device that has internet. The Miraculous Games news will not reach you. Young man, you are grounded. Leave!"

Adrien stood unmovingly, his mouth agape in shock. What had just happened?

"LEAVE!" his father shouted.

Adrien grit his teeth. "I will never, ever stop, father. No matter what you do to me, but as you wish."

He turned sharply, then stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Nathalie was waiting outside the door, and opened her mouth to say something, but Adrien shoved past her. Feet pounded up the stairs after him, his name echoing off the empty walls as someone ran after him, but his door was slammed shoot and locked before the person caught up to him.

Adrien pressed his back against the door, a mountain of emotion bubbling up inside of him. Anger, frustration, loathing, fear. His throat clenched and he tried to hold back a sob. Tears pooled in his eyes as he slid down to the floor.

What was he going to do?

In the background, he still heard his TV on, broadcasting the Miraculous Games.

"-out of all the charms," Mrs. Chamach was saying. "It will be almost impossible to change the rankings since the public has spoken.

"Ladybug is in the top spot, thanks to her protector charm, Chat Noir. Fox is a close second, thanks to the FireFox couple name circling the media. Queen Bee is a little ways behind and..."

Adrien turned out after that and dropped this head into his hands.

"I'm sorry, Ladybug," he whispered, tears leaking out and trailing down his cheeks. "I've failed you once again..."

* * *

Outside Adrien's door, Nino cursed, banging on his friend's door. Something had gone down in President Agreste's office, and he was determined to find out what.

"Come on, bro. Just open the door," he muttered. He didn't get any response. Sighing, he dropped his fist and slumped his shoulders. Something had been going on with Adrien, and he didn't like it. He had heard screaming from President Agreste's office, which concerned him a lot. Gabriel Agreste never raised his voice unless it was to gather a crowd's attention.

He had dropped his cleaning job on the second floor to check out what was going on. Though he could have been severely punished for doing so, he had a feeling it needed to be investigated. As he had come upon the office, trying to stay out of sight of Nathalie, however, Adrien had thrown open the doors. The sound had startled Nino, but as his friend pushed past Nathalie, he knew something had happened.

He called out his name, but it seemed as though Adrien couldn't hear him. Breaking into a sprint, Nino chased after a storming Adrien. His friend wouldn't respond to his questions or name calling, something he usually would- at least- half listen to.

Then, the door had been slammed shut on him, locked from the inside. Nino had stood outside the door, knocking and calling for Adrien to open the door. Besides, bros needed to support their bros. He still hadn't responded.

Behind Nino, someone cleared their throat. Straightening like a board, Nino turned slowly. He tensed his shoulders when he realized it was Nathalie.

"Nino, what are you doing?" she questioned, her eyes cold.

"I-I, uh..." He rubbed the back of his head, which caused his glasses to go askew for a moment. "I was just checking on Adrien. I heard yelling and thought that he would need a bubble bath or-"

"None of this is your concern," she snapped, cutting him off. "You will go back to your cleaning duties. You, as well as the rest of the servants, have been banned from seeing Adrien."

"But that's not-" Nathalie's glare hardened, and Nino shut his mouth. Better not to poke the bear. He cleared his throat, then bowed his head. "Yes, ma'am."

She nodded. "Good. You are free to go."

He bowed lower, backing away from the door and the harsh secretary. Once he was a good ten feet away, he straightened and speed walked as fast as he could down the stairs. He turned the corner, then pressed his back against the wall. He strained his ears to listen for any sounds that were abnormal, anything that would put him in danger. Peeking around the edge, he flicked his gaze up toward Adrien's door. Nathalie was talking to him through the door, saying something about meals coming twice a day and having no interaction with anyone.

"And there will be no phone or TV," he heard her say. "You have half an hour to deposit your electronics outside your door. If they are not all accounted for by the end of that time, you will lose one of your meal privileges."

No way. There was no way his bro was going to be starved by his own family.

Nathalie didn't get any response, so she sighed and turned away. Nino ducked behind the corner again, holding his breath. Luckily, she wasn't coming toward him. Once he was positive she was gone, he stepped out of hiding and clenched his fists.

His friend wasn't going to be alone, especially not like this. Enough was going on in his life already, he didn't need neglectful actions of others on top of it. Nino turned away and marched off toward the kitchen. The first thing he would do is get his friend some food. After that, it was just a matter of time and precision... 


Holy cow, I cannot believe it. 700 reads in three days?? You guys are so amazing! Thank you so much! 

Here's the next chapter, as promised. Chapter Twenty-One has been started, but it might take a little while to finish, due to the fact that my fall break is almost over. 

So yeah! I hope you enjoy this chapter! We've got some reactions from the Miraculous Games watchers, some family tension, and supportive best friends. What more could you ask for? 

Thank you again so much for all the support. Every comment, vote, and read really helps me to keep going. Besides, haha, it also lets me know if you guys like my writing or not, which is a plus. 

Don't forget to leave a vote/comment before you leave! 

And, as always, have a miraculous day! 

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