Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two:

Marinette held up her hands, though they obviously trembled. She and Nathanael refused to look behind them and, instead, kept their gaze locked on each other.

"Please," Fox stated to the person behind them, "don't hurt us. We can leave and find somewhere else to take shelter."

The person laughed. "You really think I would let my two biggest competitors off that easily, without any fight whatsoever?"

So, it was a Charm, not like Marinette hadn't have guessed earlier.

"We'll leave," Ladybug encouraged. "We don't want to cause you any trouble."

"Oh, but you already have." It was a girl's voice, judging by how it was. "You kicked my boyfriend out of the running."

The Charm made her way around them, a sword clutched in one hand and a knife in the other. Though it was dark, Marinette recognized her. It was Mylene, the Wolf Charm. Marinette had talked to her before the games had started and, to be honest, hadn't even thought about her. She had forgotten she was part of the competition, it wasn't like she was looking for trouble.

"We're sorry about that," Ladybug said, her tone soft with apology. "It was a bloodbath and we really didn't have a choice. He-"

"It's all your fault!" Wolf cut her off. "He would still be here if it wasn't for you!"

"Mylene," Fox said, his hands lowering slowly, "we're sorry for your loss, but you'll see him again after the games. He isn't dead."

"We were going to win together!" She jabbed her sword toward him and Fox shot his hands back up. "We were going to the win the games as a couple - as a team! We planned on meeting up later on in the games, and I sat here, in this cave, waiting for him. When he never showed up, I knew our plan had turned for the worst. We were going to survive this and split the prize!"

"How would you split the prize? Wouldn't that mean that you would marry Adrien and your boyfriend would get the job?" Ladybug asked.

Wolf shook her head. "No, we would press for the prize to be split, as in, we each get a high paying job."

"But only one person that's allowed to make it out of the arena is the winner," Nathanael corrected. "There wouldn't be anything that you-"

"I don't care!" Mylene pressed the tip of the sword underneath his chin. "I am going to win this thing for the both of us, and no one is going to stop me!" She surged forward to snatch the pin off of Fox's jacket, but Ladybug stepped in. She pushed Mylene away and stood in front of her partner.

"If you're going to take his pin, you're going to have to go through me."

Wolf cracked a smile, but there wasn't any kindness or happiness behind it. It was dark, malicious, maybe even murderous.

"I had heard stories about you two," she said smugly. "I heard that you were an inseparable team and almost impossible to beat, however," Mylene tightened her grip on her sword and knife, "that isn't going to stop me from kicking you out of the games."

Outside the cave, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled. In that moment of silence, Wolf attacked. She swung her blade, but Ladybug kicked up her leg and hit her wrist. The sword barely missed grazing Marinette's cheek.

"Get back!" she shouted at Fox. He took a step back as Ladybug ducked another swing from Mylene. Due to the enclosed cave, it was hard to dodge her weapons and protect Fox at the same time. Ladybug glanced over Wolf's shoulder at the stormy entrance. She needed to get outside. Behind her, Nathanael tried to find some way he could get around the fight without getting hurt. They were cornered and Mylene would soon overtake them if they didn't get out into the open.

Wolf jabbed her knife toward her, but Marinette hit the floor and rolled. She was able to pop up behind Mylene and wrap an arm around her neck.

"Fox, go!" she shouted.

Nathanael didn't hesitate for one minute. Barely missing Wolf's blades, he burst out of the cave. Mylene growled in irritation, then flipped her knife around in her hand and attempted to stab Marinette in the face. Ladybug dodged but was forced to let go. Taking a few steps back, she desperately scanned the cave floor for anything she could use as a weapon. Other than the occasional rock and the sleeping bag that was obviously Mylene's, there wasn't anything.

Wolf turned over her shoulder and swung. Marinette took another giant step backwards, but the blade was able to cut her sleeve. Her wounds that were almost completely healed, were now reopened. Wincing, Marinette, pressed a hand to her arm, blood seeping out between her fingers.

Mylene chuckled. "So, looks like the undefeatable Ladybug isn't as undefeatable as she looks."

"Well, I'm sorry I disappointed you, but I at least fight back."

Wolf's smile melted into a sneer. "Fighting back is going to kill you, and I'm going to do it!" She stabbed her sword at her, but Marinette fell back, hitting the ground butt first. She scrambled back out into the pouring rain. The wet grass and mud smeared all over her hands and all down her pants, but compared to the sword-swinging maniac in front of her, she figured her already-wet clothes couldn't get much more ruined anyway.

"Mylene, please," she begged but was cut off by the knife that sliced right in front of her, barely missing her knee.

"I am not Mylene!" her enemy shouted. "I am Wolf, the charm who is finally going to take down Ladybug!"

She swung the sword at her and Marinette squeaked and turned away. SHING! The right side of her head suddenly became lighter. Marinette gasped as she saw her right ponytail fly through the air and hit the grass. Still in shock of what just happened, she looked up. Wolf stood above her, her sword raised to impale her.

"This is for Ivan," she seethed.

Marinette firmly squeezed her eyes shut. I'm sorry, Chat... I should have been the one to promise not to get into trouble...

She heard Mylene scream in anger. Her whole life flashed before her eyes, or, at least it would have if the scream hadn't been cut off unexpectedly. To her left, something hit the ground hard. Marinette's eyes flew open and she turned.

Nathanael, that savior of a fox, had tackled Wolf and the two were now rolling around in the mud like a pair of pigs. Mylene's sword and knife had skidded out of her grasp, lost somewhere in the tall grass. As Marinette struggled to pull herself up, Fox punched and kicked Wolf like an animal protecting its children.

"I won't let you hurt her!" he shouted over and over with every hit he landed, a few of "Ever!"'s scattered in as well.

Ladybug got to her feet and was about to rush over and help him, but he seemed to have the situation under control. He had pinned Wolf. The girl was on her back, Nathanael's knee pressed into her chest and his hands firmly gripping her forearms. His face was smeared with a mix of blood, water, and mud. His hair had turned from red to brown due to the excessive amounts of wet dirt. Though, through that all, his eyes were flashing with anger.

"Nobody gets away with hurting Ladybug," he hissed, "not on my watch."

Marinette watched, the pouring rain dripping off of her nose, chin, and clothes, as Nathanael ripped Mylene's miraculous necklace right off of her neck. In a fog of purple and a flash of silver, she disappeared. Breathing heavily, Fox leaned back on his knees and lowered his head. Droplets of water dripped from the tips of his hair as if attempted to wash out the mud from it. Marinette dropped to her knees, trying to take in what had just happened.

For a collection of a couple minutes, neither Marinette or Nathanael said a word. They sat in the wet grass and mud as it continued to rain. Ladybug's cut stung on her upper arm, but she didn't pay any mind to it. She glanced behind her and spotted her severed ponytail. Was that really hers? She lifted a hand to grab the ponytail that was supposed to be on her right side but wasn't. All she felt was the broken and uneven ends of hair that were left.

As she was having this realization, Nathanael finally came back to reality. He looked at the wolf charm that was clutched in his right hand. Scowling, he shoved it into his jacket pocket with distaste. He lifted his head and turned to look at Marinette. When his eyes fell on her, his expression softened. With wobbly legs, he got to his feet, made his way over to her, and crouched in front of her.

A gentle hand reached up and cupped her cheek. "Hey, you okay?"

She nodded numbly. "Yes, I'm fine."

Nathanael moved his hand from her cheek to the hair that had been freshly cut. Marinette's emotionless expression faltered for a few moments as she bit her lip and closed her eyes. Though there was water already running down her face, Nathanael could see the small tear that leaked out of the corner of her eye.

"C-can you find her knife?" she asked quietly, barely audible over the sound of the pounding rain. Nathanael was confused by her request, but he nodded and stood to find one of the blades. He found the knife in a puddle just a few feet away. After shaking it off as best he could, he brought it back over to Marinette and handed it to her. She took it gingerly, then gripped it as she raised it.

At first, Nathanael almost screamed at her to stop. She was lifting it to her throat! But, to his relief and also deep sorrow, she pressed it against the stem of her other ponytail on her left side. He watched as she took a deep breath. Thunder rolled above them.


She pulled her hand away. Her severed ponytail hung limply in her fingers, covered in mud and soaking wet. With tears down both of her cheeks, Ladybug tossed it aside toward the other destroyed ponytail Mylene had cut off.

Now that her ponytails were gone, there was nothing holding her hair back. It was too short to put into ponytails now. The strands dripped water down the back of her neck and down her ears. Her bangs hung over her eyes, but Nathanael didn't need to see her eyes to know what she was feeling.

Before he could stop himself, he threw his arms around her and held her tightly. Marinette was taken off-guard for a few moments but eventually accepted the embrace. She buried her face in Fox's wet jacket and hugged him in return.

Though rain was still coming down in sheets, the two Charms stayed where they were. They were alive and that was enough to satisfy them for now.

* * *

Adrien leaned back on the couch, his heart finally slowing down after he had been on the edge of his seat for a full ten minutes. Taking control of his breathing, he counted each time he breathed in and each time he breathed out. 1... 2... 3... Everything was okay. Marinette was still alive. Ladybug was still in the running to win the Miraculous Games.

The bedroom doorknob jiggled and Adrien's heartbeat spiked. Stuffing the tablet he had stolen to watch the games into the crack between the cushions of the couch, he attempted to get into a casual position, as if he had just been sitting there doing nothing. No, he couldn't just be doing nothing. Adrien scooped up a magazine from the coffee table and flipped it open just as the door opened.

"Don't worry, dude. It's just me," came Nino's voice. "And, just so you know, the magazine is upside down, bro."

Adrien breathed out a sigh of relief and tossed the upside-down magazine back on the table. "How many times do I have to tell you, Nino, can you please knock before you come in?"

"If I knock, I risk giving away my position." His friend came around the couch and handed him a plate of food. "The kitchen staff is starting to get suspicious, bro. You need to chill when it comes to your meals."

Adrien graciously took the plate, smiling guiltily at his best friend. "I'm sorry, Nino, I eat a lot when I get nervous. And thanks for choosing a croissant over normal white bread."

He shrugged. "I know my friend, buddy. He'd choose a croissant over white bread any day."

The two of them shared a smile before Adrien went to town on his food. It was nice, having something so simple as a croissant with chicken salad to keep his spirits up. After all, the fight he had just witnessed had set his nerves on edge. To be honest, though, he still hadn't calmed down. His hands were still shaking. Keep it together, he scolded himself, Nino is still in the room.

About halfway through his meal, Nino glanced at the clock on the wall. His eyebrows shot up and he gripped his hat. "Oh crap, I have to go."

Adrien held up the plate, his croissant still in his hand. "Here, take the plate. I can't have Nathalie find it in here or else I could get in serious trouble."

"Dude, I'm already risking a lot just to feed you," Nino argued with a smile.

"True, and I don't think I'll ever be able to repay you for that."

Nino hurried over to the door, then gave Adrien a finger gun. "You're fine, bro. Just don't get into trouble."

His friend laughed. "I could say the same for you." He waved. "See ya."

Nino smiled then disappeared through the doorway and shut the door.

Adrien sighed, his shoulders dropping. Setting the croissant on the table, he leaned back into the couch and slumped into the cushions. How was he going to do this without seriously worrying his friend? He couldn't flat out tell Nino that he was Chat Noir. Not only would that cause problems, but he was afraid of what his friend might say. Would he mad at him for not telling him about it in the first place? Would he try to intervene in some weird way that would only end up hurting himself and others?

No, it was too big of a risk. This would just have to be a secret that would remain that way until the time was right. After all, he wanted Marinette to know that he, Adrien Agreste - the boy that she was playing to win for, had actually chosen her since the beginning? Even though it wasn't his choice who won or lost, he still wanted to have a say in the matter. And that matter was Marinette.

He didn't have a lot of time before Nathalie would come check on him to see if he was in bed or not. That would be in less than half an hour; less than half an hour to make one of the biggest decisions of his life.

After being cooped up in his room for a full 24 hours, Adrien had started to realize how much he depended on technology to keep in touch with the real world that was happening outside of his walls. There were the Miraculous Games going on, other people's lives being altered by every step each Charm made. However, could he let go of what he had in this room? His bed, his phone, his friends?

Could he let go of his family?

It wasn't an easy topic to think about, but Adrien's mind immediately went there. His mother. It had been a couple years since she had left, and though it couldn't have been more than two, the wound still felt fresh. He still remembered the day when she had disappeared. It had been simple enough; he had woken up, gotten ready for the day, and was on his way downstairs to talk to his dad about what he was going to be working on that day when he found the front door slightly ajar.

Adrien shut his eyes tightly. No, he couldn't do that to himself. He had to get over it. He was about to have a fiancee, and that alone was a scary thought. He didn't need to think about his mom's disappearance.

However, it almost seemed necessary. Adrien had thought long and hard about this question, and he wasn't sure how to react to it: Could he leave his father in the same way his mother had?

The consequences of such a move could be infinite, but was he willing to take the risk? Was he willing to throw all of his cards on the table and have his own life the way he wanted it? Sure, he would be in disguise for most of the time, but that didn't mean he couldn't make a difference. He needed to be there for Marinette. Watching her today fight off Wolf and almost get stabbed while on camera... it had broken something inside of Adrien. He needed to protect his lady, and being trapped in here was not going to work. He knew that Nathanael could take care of her while he was gone, but he wasn't exactly comfortable with the idea.

Ladybug had kissed him, so that had to mean something... Did she like him better than Fox? Was she using Fox just to survive the games? After all, it had been proven by the audience that they were cheering FireFox on more than MariChat, but... Marinette wouldn't use him like that, would she?

Adrien sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He had to decide. None of this questions would be answered if he just sat on the couch wasting time. It was now or never.

Biting his lip, he made his decision: he would rather be free than safe.

He pushed himself up and walked into his bathroom. After changing into his Chat Noir uniform, he picked up his staff. It reflected the bathroom lights off of its shiny metal service and the green paw print on the top end glowed faintly. With a gloved hand, Chat rolled the staff over in his hand and focused his gaze on the engraving he had spent years staring at.

Don't be afraid to chase after your dreams. Only you can make your mark on the world. - Mom. 


*all-knowing smile*

Hey guys! I'm so happy that I'm finally back. Ugh, it feels so nice to finally post a new chapter. I'm so sorry for disappearing last month. I honestly was so deeply involved with my original series that it was almost impossible to focus on this fanfic. On top of NaNoWriMo - which was hard enough - I am in the school play, which takes up a lot of my time. 

But hey! November is finally over and Christmas is just around the corner! Yay! 

This is the second time I have written this message, so I kinda forgot what I said before... So yeah. Whatevs, haha. 

I want to thank you all for the support you give me. Without you guys, this book wouldn't even be there. If it wasn't for you - yeah, you! - this book wouldn't have hit 5.2K yesterday. Again, I can't thank you enough. I just hope I live up to your expectations. :)

My favorite comment: 

By: The_Offical_Volpina:


I had a wonderful conversation with this person a few nights ago and they are amazing. They're so considerate and just an incredible person all around. Be sure to check them out!

Oh, and also be sure to vote if you liked the chapter and comment to see if you're the lucky person who gets chosen in my next chapter!

And, as always, have a Miraculous day!


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