Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:

"Welcome to the 65th Annual Miraculous Games!" Alec, the usual announcer for the games, declared. The crowd clapped, but by the sound of it, none of the kids there were excited to be standing in orderly lines and awaiting their doom.

"As we all know," Alec continued, "we choose two lucky kids from the audience to compete in the amazing Miraculous Games! But, as a twist this year, the Charms will have a very low chance of dying!"

The silence of the audience proved just how shocked everyone was at that notion.

"That's right, folks! We have a special competition this year! President Agreste has created a video for all of you to view." He nodded to the technical crew and they started the video on the plaza's projector.

"Good morning, citizens," President Agreste started, his butterfly glasses gleaming in the odd stage lighting that was illuminating him. "I am pleased to announce that this year's Miraculous Games are going to be very different. Instead of competing for the mythical creatures to the death, a much greater prize is at stake." He moved aside and waved his arm at his son, Adrien, who took his spot by his father's side. Even though he was over a video, Marinette (and every other girl in the crowd) sighed. Alya nudged her and she straightened.

"This year, the winner of the Miraculous Games will be either, depending on if the winner is male or female, betrothed to the next leader of this strong country -- my son Adrien Agreste -- or promoted to work in a high office here at the Capital.

The gasps that ripped through the crowd could have sucked all of the air out of the atmosphere. Girls began to whisper quietly to themselves, now overly excited to be one of the chosen. The boys were excited as well, talking among themselves about what it would be like to work in a high office.

Marinette watched the video while everyone else talked. She couldn't help but notice the sadness hiding behind Adrien's eyes. She had spent hours staring into them through her posters, and even though it may not have been the same thing, she knew sadness when she saw it. Why was he so sad? He was about to get a friend. Well, then again, it was more like he was gaining a wife.

Huh. Maybe he did deserve to be sad.

"Mari, are you daydreaming about him again?"

"AH!" Marinette jumped, throwing her hands around her face in a jazz-hand fashion. "Alya, don't scare me like that!"

Alya raised an eyebrow, but before she could tease her more, Alec asked for their attention again.

"It is now time to pick the Lucky Charm for this year's Miraculous Games! Mrs. Chamach, if you would please bring the bowl up to the stage?"

The audience's eyes were glued to the spherical bowl as it was brought up to the stage. Hopes and prayers filled the plaza. Breaths were held. Fingers were crossed. Alec reached into the bowl and brought out one slip. Unfolding it and stretching it out, he cleared his throat.

"Manon Chamach."

Mrs. Chamach froze. The bowl slipped out of her hands, clattering on the stage, thankfully not breaking. Her face was pale with shock and her lips were trembling.

"N-no," she stuttered. "Alec, please no. Not my little Manon. She's only seven!"

Alec spread his hands. "I'm sorry, but it's the rules that she must be in the Games, unless someone of appropriate age volunteers."

Manon clutched Marinette's leg. She appeared as though she might break out into tears.

"I-I don't wanna go," she muttered, hugging her babysitter tightly. Alya bent down and tried to pry her away, speaking soft words, but Manon began to act up. "I don't wanna go!" she shouted. "I don't wanna!"

"Manon, please--"


Marinette's neck started to sweat. She knew what she needed to do; there was no questioning it. Raising her chin, she stepped out of line into the aisle.

"I volunteer as Lucky Charm!"

All attention landed on her. The shock of what had just happened rippled through the crowd, and even though Marinette herself. What had she just done? Did she really just volunteer to fight for her biggest crush? She was insane.

Oh no, what would her parents say?!

"Brilliant!" Alec cheered. "Come on up to the stage, my dear, and introduce yourself!"

Shaking, Marinette slowly started to make her way to the microphone. She could feel the stares of her district on the back of her neck. As she climbed the steps, her foot got caught on the third step. She yelped and slammed into the stage.

"Oh man! Looks like we have a clumsy Charm folks!" Alec mocked. The crowd began to laugh. Marinette's face burned red, no doubt matching the shade of her dress, but she made her way over to the microphone. Mrs. Chamach, who was standing beside Alec, had grateful tears running down her cheeks. She wrapped her arms around her and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you," she sobbed. "Thank you so much, Marinette."

Marinette smiled shyly and hugged her in return. "It was my pleasure, Mrs. Chamach."

"Alright, young lady," Alec interrupted, shoving a microphone into her face. "What's your name?"

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

"Man, that's a mouthful, am I right?" he asked the audience. They all nodded. He turned back to look at Mrs. Chamach. "Are we ready to select the other name?"

Mrs. Chamach was on her hands and knees, picking up the slips of paper that had fallen out. She looked up when Alec had asked his question and nodded. Getting to her feet, she picked up the bowl and held it out. Alec dramatically reached into the bowl. After digging a little deeper into the bowl, Alec pulled out a crinkled piece of paper. He unfolded it, and if he had any hair, he probably would have flipped it behind his shoulder he was acting so hard. The audience held its breath. Marinette couldn't help but wonder who she would be partnered with. She couldn't think of any boy that she knew who would be willing to work with her -- the local baker girl.

She was so deep in her mental world, she only heard the next Charm's first name.


In the crowd, everyone turned to face one boy. Marinette could see his red hair stick out like a red thumb among the other people in the audience. His face flushed the same color of his hair and he stepped out of line. Marinette couldn't help but notice that he had stuffed a pencil and paper into his pockets.

She knew Nathanael, but they weren't close. He worked down the street from her family's bakery at the local art studio. He knew his family ran the city art museum, which was no doubt where he learned to love art. He was in the same class as her at school, but they didn't talk much. Now, she was being paired with him in a competition that would stretch the both of them to the limit.

Once he was standing next to her on the stage, Alec asked him to introduce himself. Marinette decided to zone out completely at that point. She could not believe what she had just done.

She had volunteered to fight in the Miraculous Games. How much worse could things get?


Awwww yeah, things are getting good! Leave a vote if you're liking the story so far and comment if you're excited for more!

Have a "Miraculous" day!

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