Chapter 10- Thoughts and Emotions

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Marinette's POV

Adrien and I started to walk to the bus with our hands intertwined. I could feel myself shaking. I knew I shouldn't be nervous, but I was scared for my classmates reactions, especially Chloe. Who knows what that girl could do now, since Adrien and I are a couple. Chloe couldn't be capable of doing anything too crazy...right? I could feel Adrien squeeze my hand to reassure me.

"Mari, don't worry I'm right here with you." He smiled sweetly.

"Thanks Adrien." I started to relax a bit, I leaned my head slightly on his shoulder, as we continued walking. We were the first to arrive from the class, which gave me time to collect my thoughts. I could hear footsteps coming from behind us. We turned to see our best friends.

"Hey girl, what's up?" Alya said happily.

"Oh, hey Alya, hehe." I smiled sheepishly. She started to eye Adrien and I suspiciously.

"Is something going on here? ...Because if there is, you have some explaining to do Marinette." Alya demanded.

Knowing if I didn't tell Alya the truth, she would continue questioning us further. "Well...Adrien and I" I answered softly. I saw Alya's eyes widened at my statement.

"OH. MY. GOSH, GIRL!!!" Alya cheered.

She rushed over towards me and squeezed me tightly. "A-Alya c-can't b-breathe." I managed to wheeze out. I felt two arms wrap around my waist to pull me away from being squeeze to death.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't kill my girlfriend." Adrien scolded. 

"Oh hehe, sorry." Alya replied, "So you guys are a couple?"

"Yeah, at least, last time I checked." I answered looking at our now intertwined hands.

"Congrats you two." Nino smiled.

"Thanks Nino." Adrien replied. After some minutes the rest of the class started to show up.

~A few minutes later~

"Aww, you guys make such a cute couple." Rose gushed.

"About time you guys got together." Alya added.

I'm glad the class accepts us as a couple, but I feel like we're missing someon-. My thoughts were interpreted by a loud shriek.


Everyone's heads snapped around to see no other than Chloe Bourgeois. Well, I knew someone was missing. Oh gosh, I'm done for.

"Who are you calling trash, you spoiled brat!" Alya growled.

"Adrikins is supposed to be with ME, not that nobody." Chloe sneered.

Before anyone could respond, Chloe started to walk towards us. She raised her hand up and I knew she was about to slap me, but I was frozen in shock at her actions. Before her hand reached my face, Adrien stopped her by grabbing her wrist.

"Don't you dare touch her Chloe." Adrien hissed. "Chloe, we've been friends since were kids, but I can't continue that if you're not going be nice to my girlfriend." 

"B-But." Chloe stuttered.

"If you can't handle Marinette and I being couple, just stay away from us." Adrien answered coldly.

Before she walked away, she whispered to me.

"This isn't over Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Adrien will be mine."

She brushed past my shoulder roughly while walking off.

"You okay Mari?" Adrien asked worriedly.

"Yeah I'm fine." I mumbled. When Mrs. Bustier arrived, everyone made their way onto the bus. When we got to our seat, I took out my phone to send a text to Alya.

Mari- Hey, meet me near the hotel entrance, I need to talk to you.

Alya- Alright, meet you there.

Our plan is now in action.

Alya's POV

When we reached the hotel, Marinette told me she needed to grab something from the room before talking. I stood near the entrance of the hotel updating the LadyBlog. I heard the door creak open. "Hey, Mari so what did you need to talk abo-." The person standing in front of me was definitely not Marinette.

"Oh, hey Alya." Nino smiled.

"Oh, hey Nino... what are you doing out here?" I asked.

"Adrien wanted to talk. What about you?"

"Marinette wanted to talk too..." I answered. That's when everything clicked. They set us up. No way! I'm so getting you back for this Mari!  "Nino, I think we've been set up." I sighed.

"You said it dudette." Nino chuckled.

Adrien's POV

I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth when Plagg popped out of my bag.

"So, you're dating that Marinette girl eh."

"Yes Plagg, but she's not some girl, she's my girl." 

"Yeah yeah, but what about LadyBug?"

I froze for a moment. Yeah what about LadyBug? The super heroine of Paris, my partner, the other girl I love. Sure I love LadyBug , but when I think of Marinette my feelings for LadyBug vanish in that moment. When Marinette comes to mind, I feel complete. Like I found my other half I've been missing. The way her hand fits in mine, like a missing puzzle piece. I've finally figured out, Marinette is the one for me. She loves me for my personality, my flaws, everything. She wants to know more about the real me, not because I'm a famous model. That's one of the reasons why I truly love Marinette. Now I know I can let go of my feelings for LadyBug.

"I guess, I just have let go of those feelings." I answered.

Marinette's POV

I was outside on the balcony of our room. Getting some fresh and collecting my thoughts of the events from today. I knew Chloe would be pissed, but man that's way worse than I excepted. I guess it could've been worse. On the brighter side of things Adrien and I are together, which I'm joyful for.

"See Marinette, I told you guys would be together soon." Tikki said happily.

"Yeah, you were right Tikki!" I giggled as she hugged my cheek.

"Don't let what Chloe say get to you Marinette. She's just trying to mess with you, so don't let her." Tikki stated.

"Your right, thanks Tikki." I smiled. "Let's head to bed it's getting late." She nodded as we headed back inside the room.


Authors Note-

Zee & Skittles: Another chapter done!  We're sorry this chapter took long to get out. We really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Also thank you so much for over 500(+ ) READS!!!!!!  We're glad you're enjoying the story and reading! :) 

Until the next chapter, PEACE!!! 

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