Chapter 11- Threats And Comfort

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Marinette's POV

"Mari, wake up." Adrien whispered in my ear.

"Noooo, let me sleep." I muttered.

"Ok, you asked for it." He said mischievously.

The next thing I knew, I felt tingling in sides. I shot up and started to burst into a fit of laughter. "I-I'm a-awake, y-you can s-stop." I manged to puff out.

"You sure about that Princess?" He smirked.

"Y-Yes, positive." 

He finally stopped tickling my sides. I sighed in relief, finally catching my breath.

"Come on Mari, it's time for breakfast."

Before I could answer, he picked me up bridal style and started to walk out of the room.

"A-Adrien I can walk myself...!" I tried to protest.

"I know that." He smiled smugly.

"Then, why are you carrying me?!" I exclaimed.

"Because why not? You are my princess after all."

I felt myself blushing, I hid my face in his chest.

"Is my Princess blushing?" He cooed.

"A-Am not." I stammered.

"Oh come on, Princess you have nothing to embarrassed about." He whispered.

"Oh, shut it Agreste." I mumbled.

~A few minutes later~

We made it into the dining room, but Adrien still wouldn't put me down.

"Uhh...Adrien... you can put me down now." I whispered.

"Not until we get to our seats Princess." He smirked.

The class' chatter subsided when they notice me in Adrien's arms. That didn't seem to stop Adrien from carrying me to my seat. I could feel my face getting redder with every step Adrien took closer to my seat. He set me down gently in my seat next to Alya. 

"I see that Prince Charming woke you up." Alya snickered.

"Not funny Alya." I responded with a playful glare.

"Well, it wasn't fun to get setup." She responded.

I froze at the sudden remark. Oh no. She figured it out. Shoot.  I smiled sheepishly, "Forgive me?" I asked.

"Of course girl, no biggy. Anyway, I got big news!" She smiled happily. "Nino and I, are officially a couple." Alya exclaimed.

"Really?! Congrats Al, I'm so happy for you guys!" I answered cheerfully.

"Thanks Mari." She responded while hugging me.

When we pulled away from the hug, I felt someone's gaze on me. I turned to see Adrien, as we made eye contact I felt everyone around us disappear. Like we were the only people in the room, even in the world. Whenever I stared into his green emerald eyes, I can never seem to look away. That was until, I was pushed roughly to the ground. Luckily the floor was carpet, otherwise with my luck I could've hurt myself. What a great way to start off the morning. Who the hell pushed me off my chair?  I looked up to see blue ice cold eyes staring back at me. In other words Chloe pushed me off the chair. Of course it was her, she's still pissed off from yesterday. Oh joy! This is going to be some long few weeks. I felt two strong arms pick me from the ground, I looked up and saw it was Adrien.

"Seriously Chloe?" Adrien hissed.

"I didn't do anything. Maybe MariTrash fell on the ground on purpose." Chloe answered.

"And why would she do that?" Alya asked.

"Well for attention of course, why else?" Chloe responded.

"Why would I want attention? You were the one who pushed me off the chair, so it seemed like you were asking for attention!" I remarked.

"Well...I-I." Chloe stuttered.

"Got no comeback?" I teased. 

"Watch yourself MariTrash, I'm capable of things you can't even imagine. So you better watch your back." Chloe threatened.

I think everyone was probably shock that Chloe threatened me. Usually she would threaten us by saying she would tell her 'daddy'. But, this was an actual threat. She's just joking right? But, she seems so serious... Adrien stood in front of me protectively. 

Adrien's POV 

She did not just threaten my Princess. Oh hell no! I need to protect Mari no matter what, even if it's an empty threat. No. One. Hurts. My. Princess

"You got some nerve trying to threaten my Princess. Even if your threat is true I will always be there to protect her or save her. Like I told you before Chloe, stay the hell, away from us." I growled. I felt myself boiling with anger and I knew that I needed to calm down. I felt someone touch my arm soothingly. I turned to see my Princess, when I saw her smiling at me, I felt my anger flood away. She always seemed to have that effect on me. I grabbed her wrist and pulled us towards the exit of the dining room.

Marinette's POV

Once we made into the hallway Adrien pulled me into an embrace. I buried my head into his chest. Sighing in relief of getting out of that tense situation.

"Are you ok, Princess?" Adrien asked.

"Yeah, I just can't believe Chloe threatened me again." I replied.

"She threatened you twice. Why didn't you tell me Princess?"

"It wasn't as bad as the one she gave me now. So, I though it wasn't worth mentioning." I sighed. I didn't think Chloe would go this crazy when Adrien and I started dating. I hope she'll stop acting like this soon. 

"Of course it's worth mentioning Mari, I want to protect you." He replied.

"Well, she told me that she would steal you from me. That's why I was quiet last night. I just don't want to lose you Adrien." I whispered. Adrien tightened the embrace and put his chin on top of my head.

"You won't Princess, I promise you're the only one for me." He answered.

"And you're the only one for me."


Author's Note

Zee & Skittle: And another chapter done!!! 

Zee: Lots more drama and twists to come in the up coming chapters!!! 

Zee & Skittles: Hope you enjoyed the new chapter! :)

Until the next chapter, PEACE!!! 

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