Chapter 13- My Knight in White Armour

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Unknown's POV 

I tied Marinette to the chair as instructed. I was handed a roll of duct tape. 

"What am I supposed to do with this?" I questioned.

"Tape her mouth shut, duh." Chloe responded.

"Don't you think we're taking this a little too far? I mean, we've knocked her unconscious, dragged her into a small room, tied her to a chair, and now we're taping her mouth shut? " I replied.

"You mean you did. Well anyway, you've already agreed to be a part of the plan, so just do it already." She demanded. 

After a few seconds, I found myself putting the duct tape over Marinette's mouth.

"Here, put this face mask on and don't speak, otherwise she'll figure out it's us."

I grabbed the mask from Chloe and pulled it over my head.

Adrien's POV

It's been an hour since I've last seen Marinette. I wonder where she is? I spotted Alya talking to Nino. She probably knows where Marinette is. I made my way towards them. "Hey Alya, Nino. Have you guys seen Marinette anywhere?" I asked.

"No, I though she was with you?" Alya replied.

"Sorry dude, haven't seen her." Nino answered.

"Oh, ok, will you guys help me look for her? I'm starting to get a little worried." 

"Sure, I'll check the room, you and Nino ask the others." Alya agreed.

"Alright, let's do it." Nino replied.

The search for Marinette began. Nino and I went around asking our classmates if they've seen Marinette. Alya texted us saying she wasn't in our hotel room. We asked everyone in our class and none of them have seen Marinette. Where could she be?  We asked everyone except...Chloe. I should've known! I started to search around until I saw the familiar yellow jacket. I walked over towards Chloe and tapped her shoulder.

"Hey Adrikins." Chloe crooned.

"Where's Marinette?" I asked.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." She responded.

"Don't play dumb with me Chloe, I know you're at least part of the cause of Marinette's disappearance." I snarled. She got closer to my ear and whispered.

"Yeah, I am the cause of her disappearance, but you'll never find your, Princess."

She walked away before I could say anything further. I felt myself fill with rage. Ok, calm down Agreste. Mari is probably still in the hotel. I just have to search for her. Don't worry Princess, I'm coming.

Marinette's POV 

I felt myself starting to wake up. My head was pounding. Ugh...what happened?  I started to take in my surroundings. I realized I was tied to a wooden chair and my mouth was taped shut. Where am I? Why am I tied to a chair? Who would do..?...Chloe. I shouldn't have left Tikki in the room. How am I supposed to get out of this situation now? The door creaked open and a figure stepped into the room. The room was dark so I couldn't make out the person, but I'm pretty sure I was in some sort of closet. The figure started to look around the room and grabbed an object and walked out of the room. Once the 'person' left the room I started to think of a plan. Hmm... I can't really do much being tied to the chair and all...Oh I got it! If I can manage to tip the chair backwards and hit the ground someone might hear it and come save me. I started to rock back and forth, until I managed to tip it backwards enough and hit the ground. I felt pain as my back hit the chair and made contact with the ground and sent all the force back to my back. Oww... that's probably going to leave a few bruises. I heard footsteps running towards the door. The door opened and someone stepped inside.

"Princess, is that you?"

I could recognize that voice anywhere. Adrien. He realized it was me and quickly untied me from the chair and placed me on his lap.

"Alright removing the tape might sting a little Princess. So, I'll try to be gentle as possible." He said softly.

I nodded my head in response. He slowly removed the tape from my mouth.

"Are you ok Princess?" Adrien asked.

"I am now." I answered, wrapping my arms around him. I felt tears slide down my cheeks. I felt Adrien tighten his hold around me.

"Shhh, it's ok Princess, you're safe now." He cooed.

I whimpered in response, while tightening my hold on him.

"You'll always be safe with me." He whispered.


Author's Note

                    Zee & Skittles: And another chapter done!!!

   Zee: That chapter was so eventful, but fun to type. You're in for more surprises in the next upcoming chapters.

Zee & Skittles: Once school starts up again, sadly, chapters won't be that frequent, but we'll try to update as daily as we can. Thank you so much for reading! 'Till the next chapter, PEACE!!!!!!!

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