Chapter 15- Those Eyes

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Alya's POV

That brat Chloe, is not going to get away with what she did, even if Mrs. Bustier can't do anything about it.

A few minutes ago...

Nino and I walked towards Mrs. Bustier to report Chloe. I tapped her shoulder. "Excuse me, Mrs. Bustier we're here to report Chloe."

"Yes and may I ask what you're reporting her for?" She questioned.

"She tied Marinette to a chair in a janitors closet which was locked, but Adrien was able to get in somehow and save her." I answered.

"I'm sorry you two, but I can't punish Chloe without any proof." She sighed. 

I could tell by the look on her face that she believed us, but she couldn't do much without proof.

"Can't we just check the security cameras?" Nino asked.

"We would get in a lot of trouble for doing that." She responded. 

"Isn't  there anything we could do?" I asked.

"No sorry Alya, but is Marinette alright?" She asked.

"Yes, but..." I was then cut off by Mrs. Bustier.

"Then, that's all that matters right now, right?" 

"Yes." Nino and I said simultaneously.

"Good, see you two later."

As she walked away I tried to figure out a way to expose Chloe.

~~Present time

Adrien's POV

I was leaning against the headboard while Marinette's head laid on my chest. I undid her pigtails letting her hair flow down to her shoulders. Her wavy midnight blue hair framed her face perfectly. Her freckles painted across the bridge on her nose. The first time we met, she was the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on. My favorite thing about Marinette is her beautiful, bluebell eyes. I could get lost in her eyes for hours and hours. I ran my fingers through her soft midnight-blue locks. As she cuddled closer towards me. I heard the door slam open and shushed the person who slammed the door. It was Alya and she seemed pissed off. I wonder what happened?  

"THAT BRAT IS SO GOING TO-" Alya tried to shout, but I cut her off.


"AGRESTE YOU HAVE THE NER-" She responded, 'till she stopped mid-sentence.

She finally, noticed a sleeping Marinette tightening her grip on me, because of Alya's yelling.

"Oops." Alya whispered. 

  While Nino trailed quietly behind her. I'm surprised Marinette slept through all that ruckus.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Mrs. Bustier can't punish Chloe because there's no evidence and we can't check the security cameras." Nino responded.

"What if you guys check the closet Marinette was in, and take pictures of it and show the pictures to Mrs. Bustier?" I suggested.

"Great idea." Alya exclaimed. "Let's go Nino." She said while dragging him out of the room.

I chuckled and kissed the top of Marinette's head as I continued to run my fingers through her silky hair.  

Unknown's POV

I walked back towards the room Marinette was in to find the door open. I stepped into the room to find that Marinette was gone. Oh no! Chloe's going to kill me! Maybe if I find her and bring her back Chloe won't find ou-.

"So, did she wake u-."

Oh no.

"WHERE IS SHE!" Chloe screeched.

"I-I d-don't k-know, the door was open when I came back." I stuttered.

"Ugh, we'll talk about this later, but you have to hide any evidence of this before we get reported." She demanded. 

"And you're not going helping me?" I questioned.

"Well, I wasn't the one who let MariTrash get away was I?" She responded.


"Good, now clean this up before we get caught." She sneered. "Oh, MariTrash you have no idea what's coming your way." She said evilly before leaving the room.

*Sigh* I guess it's time to clean up the evidence.

Marinette's POV

I slowly opened my eyes to see those beautiful emerald green eyes, staring down at me.

"Morning, beautiful." Adrien whispered.

"It's not morning silly." I responded containing a yawn.

"I know." He answered while kissing my nose.

   I giggled as I poked his nose.  

"You're so cute." He whispered.

I blushed at his statement.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked.

"Just for a few hours. Dinner is soon, but we can eat in the room if you'd like." He replied.

"I'd like that." I answered. "So what happened while I was asleep?"

"Well, Alya and Nino came back to the room and Alya slammed the door open. I'm honestly surprised you slept through that."

"Well, I do sleep through like 3 or 4 alarms for school." I giggled.

"Well that makes sense." He chuckled.

~~An hour later

Adrien finished explaining the events that occurred while I was asleep. Nino and Alya eventually came back, saying that all evidence of me being locked in the room was gone. Surprisingly I kept calm, even though I was still freaking out on the inside. The four us had dinner together, just chatting about random things, like movies and music. Nino and Alya decided to have a walk close to hotel. Leaving Adrien and I cuddled up in a blanket on the couch watching tv.

"So, do you have any favorite tv shows?" Adrien asked.

"No, not really I'm too busy to watch tv." I responded.

"Same here." He agreed.

"So, what do you like to do in your free time?" I questioned.

"I usually play the piano, play video games, read and listen to music. What about you?"

"I usually work on designs, play video games, bake, read,"

"You dance?" He questioned in awe.

"Well, I took dance classes to help with my clumsiness, but as you can still see I'm still clumsy."

"What kind of dances do you know how to do?"

"Hip-hop, ballet, and some free style."

"Can you show me some of your dance moves?" He asked excitedly.

"Maybe tomorrow, it's been a long a day."

"Just one dance move?" He pleaded.

"Adrien I'm tired, tomorrow."I whined. 

"Ok." He pouted.

Aww he's cute. I pecked his lips, "I love you." 

"I love you too."


Author's Note

Zee&Skittles: And another chapter done!!!!!! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! Sorry for the lack of updates, we've been getting a ton of homework. So, we'll probably publish a chapter once a month, hopefully more!!!  Also thank you for almost 4,000 reads!!!!!!!! 

Zee: I can't believe we're almost at 4k reads!!!! I remember when we published chapter 9 we had around 300 reads and we have way more reads then we both expected.

Zee&Skittles: 'Till the next chapter PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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