Chapter 16- Splashes and Smiles

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Marinette's POV

A few weeks have passed, and today's our last day in California. Our flight back to Paris is in the morning. The class voted on going to beach to enjoy the last day. I'm currently in the bathroom tying my hair into space buns. I'm wearing a Chat Noir themed sundress, over my swimsuit and black flip-flops. My swimsuit is the picture below. That I designed myself, way before I knew about the whole trip.

 After, I finished doing my hair I stepped out of bathroom, to find Adrien packing a backpack for the day. He was wearing a black t-shirt and his swim-shorts that were black with green stripes on the side. I grab my galaxy tote bag and pack some cookies, water bottles, and a cardigan for later.  Also my phone and sketch book, I made sure Tikki was inside the bag.

"You ready, Princess?" Adrien asked.

"Yep." I answered as we grabbed our bags and intertwined our hands walking out of the room. We made our way to the lobby where everyone was waiting for the bus to arrive. We walked towards Alya and Nino.

"Hey guys." I beamed.

"Hey girl." Alya answered happily.

"Can you believe that today's our last day here?" Nino said.

"Yeah, I can't wait to get back to Paris. Even though this trip has been amazing. Besides the stuff with Chloe, of course." I replied back.

"Have to agree with my Princess on that one." Adrien smiled as he kissed my cheek.

A flash blinded my eyes as Adrien's warm lips made contact with my cheek.

"Alya." I whined.

"Sorry girl, you guys are just so cute!" She squealed.

 I rolled my eyes as Adrien sent me a smirk, and wrapped his arm around my waist. Which made Alya erupt into more squeals and more flashes from her camera. I glared up at him as his smirk continued to widen. Eventually, the bus arrived saving my eyes from being blinded by Alya. When everyone was seated, the bus made its way to the beach.

~~30 minutes later

We arrived at the beach after our bus ride. I followed Alya to dressing room so she could change into the swimsuit I designed for her, which was a LadyWifi theme one piece. I went into a changing room and took off my dress and flip-flops. I put them into my tote bag and waited for Alya to finish changing. Once she finished changing we grabbed our stuff, and made our way to meet up with the boys. We spotted the boys near the water chatting. As, we made our way towards them is when I noticed Adrien's six-pack and well-built arms. Dang, how didn't I notice how fit my boyfriend was 'till now?  I continued to stare at Adrien's six-pack, until someone's hand snapped me out of my trance. I realized it was Adrien's hand and looked up to see a smug look on his face.

"Like what you see Princess?" Adrien whispered into my ear.

I felt a shiver go down my spine as his warm breath fanned over my ear. I could feel my face flush, which gave him the response he was looking for. He chuckled as he looped an arm around my waist pulling me closer towards him. Before I could respond, his lips were on mine kissing me softly. I responded by kissing back almost immediately wrapping my arms around his neck. In that moment everything else just, disappeared. It was just me and him. After awhile we both pulled away for air. He rested his forehead against mine, his warm breath fanned my face. 

"Funny that we first kissed on this beach." I giggled.

"My first kiss too." He said shyly. 

My eyes widened, when I processed the words he just spoke. "I was your first kiss?" I replied in  shock.

"Yeah." He whispered.

I notice he started to blush a bright red. I giggled and pecked his lips quickly. We found ourselves getting lost into each other's eyes. I always seemed to get lost in his beautiful emerald green eyes. Like when his eyes sparkle when he's happy or sends me a heartwarming smile. 

"So, want to go swimming?" I whispered.

"Sure, that would be great~" He answered.

Before I could respond he picked me up bridal style running towards the ocean. I let out a shriek when we hit the water. He laughed loudly as I glared at him playfully. "What's so funny?" I questioned. Biting back a smile from hearing his beautiful laughter. *Sigh* I love seeing him happy.

"Just, you being your cute self." He answered with that heartwarming smile.

I felt a blush rise up to my cheeks. He always seemed to know what to say to make me blush. Suddenly, I was splashed with water, which spanned me out of my thoughts. Adrien's laughter rang out when I looked at him in shock. 

"Y-You should've seen your face." He managed to say between fits of laughter.

As, he continued to laugh, I took this as my chance to splash him back. I splashed the water with a little too much force. When the water made impact with Adrien he tumbled back a bit. Which made me burst into a fit of giggles. I felt arms wrap around my waist and looked around to see Adrien no where in sight. Where did he go? Hmmm.... I was suddenly pulled underwater and started squirm in the person's hold. I turned to see it was Adrien. Oh thank god it's him. His hands caressed my waist softly. I felt sparks run down my spine from his soft touch. We ended up going back to surface to breathe in the salty air. My arms were around his neck as his were wrapped around my waist. "You're just full of surprises aren't you." I giggled.

"Guess I am." He smirked.

~~Later in the day

It was sunset and everyone changed back into their casual clothing. Adrien, Nino, Alya, and I were sitting on our laid out towel near the ocean. I sat between Adrien and Alya with Nino at the end.

"I can't believe the day is almost over." I sighed, resting my head on Adrien's shoulder. 

"Yeah, but at least we got to hang out together." Alya replied.

"At least we went 3 weeks without homework." Nino joked.

We all laughed at his truthful remark. 

"Totally agree on that one." Adrien responded. 

"You know what's weird?" Alya spoke.

"What's weird?" I answered back.

"That Chloe hasn't come up to either you or Adrien, since the incident." She replied.

"Hmm...that is weird." Adrien replied back.

"Oh, well I heard from Kim that Chloe went back to Paris earlier today." Nino spoke.

"Nino! Why didn't you mention this earlier?!" Alya exclaimed.

"I kind of forgot to mention it." Nino responded sheepishly.

"All that matters is she's not here. Let's enjoy our time left here." I reasoned.

"You're right girl. Honestly, I still can't believe you and Adrien are dating, I can still remember you trying to talk him, but you always ended up stuttering." Alya teased.

"Alya!" I whined. As I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Sorry girl, I'm just happy and still shock. Even though it's been a few weeks since you guys started dating. I remember when you first started to like Adrien and you wouldn't admit it at first. Until, one day I came over to your house and you had his pictures all over your wall." Alya laughed.

In that moment, I wish the ground would swallow me whole. I covered my face in my hands because of the embarrassment I felt. Why Alya? Why?!?! Now Adrien's going to think I stalked him! Which I technically did, I mean at least she didn't mention the big copy of his schedule in my room. But, if she mentions that next?! Oh no! I felt as Adrien's soft hands pried my hands away from my face. He didn't look creeped out about finding out about my shrine that I had of him.

"You're adorable, you know that right?" He whispered so only I could hear.

Once again I felt myself blushing at his words.

"You just keep getting cuter and cuter each day Princess." He teased.

My blushed continued to deepen. "You always make me blush, and you barely blush." I pouted.

He chuckled as I continued to pout.

"Aww, you guys are so cute~" Alya squealed.

"Alright class, time to go back to the hotel! Please make your way onto the bus!" Mrs. Bustier announced.

Everyone packed and grabbed their stuff and made their way onto the bus.

~~Back at the hotel 

Everyone went back to their hotel rooms to finish packing before tomorrow morning's flight. The four of us finished up packing our stuff and decided to sleep early, currently, Adrien and I are cuddled up on the bed.

"You should get some sleep, we have a long flight tomorrow." Adrien whispered. 

"You should too." I giggled. "Goodnight, I love you." I whispered.

"Goodnight, and I love you too." He whispered as he kissed my forehead.


Zee&Skittle- And another chapter done!!!! Looks like we were able to squeeze in one more chapter before the month ended! We really appreciate all the positive feedback we're getting on our story!!!

Zee- This is longest chapter I've typed in the book so far. Also I'm working on a new book that should be out when this book is close to being finished or before, we're still deciding.

Zee&Skittle- Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!!! Until the next chapter PEACE!!!!!!!!

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