Chapter 19- My Princess

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Adrien's POV

The door creaked open and a familiar face entered the room. James! Why the hell is he at our school?!  My blood began to boil at the sight of him. I glared at him while his eyes roamed around the room, until they landed on my Princess. He sent her a flirty wink, I could just wipe that smirk right off of his face. 

"So, James why don't you tell the class a little bit about yourself?" Mrs. Bustier spoke.

"Hi everyone, my name is James Cooper. I'm from California and my favorite color is black." James spoke.

"Alright, James please take a seat at the desk behind Marinette. She's wearing a gray sweater." Mrs. Bustier instructed.

As James passed my desk he gave me a smug look. The idea of him sitting behind Mari must've been heaven for him. As soon as class is over, when I get my hands on that goon...! Oh... it's not gonna be pretty!  I felt Nino tap my shoulder.

"Dude, you ok?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, it looks like you're ready to punch someone," He pointed at my hands.

I looked down to see that my hands were balled into fists. My knuckles were white as snow. I unclenched my hands and looked back at Mari to calm myself. She was in full focus mode, watching Mrs.Bustier intently. She looks so cute when she's focused! After gazing at Mari for few more moments, I felt all the anger escape my body. I refocused myself on the lesson.

~A few classes later~

Marinette's POV

It was finally lunch time, Als and I walked to our usual table in the cafeteria. When we arrived the boys were already seated at the table. I sat next to Adrien as Alya sat opposite me. I took out my pack lunch and set it down on the table. Alya and Nino and went to the lunch line to get lunch. I looked towards Adrien and saw he only had a salad and water. I furrowed my eyebrows confused of why he was eating so little. During the trip he ate more than just a salad...I wonder what's up?

"Hey, is that all you're going to eat?" I asked concerningly.

"Yeah...I don't have a choice." He sighed sadly.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I'm on strict diet for modeling, so when my father found out I stopped following the diet during the trip he was upset. So, now he's more stricter with my diet." He explained looking down at his lap while frowning.

I held his hand rubbing his palm with my thumb soothingly. "I'm not going to let him stop you from eating what you want. You don't have go through your problems alone anymore, because I'm here for you Adrien." I reassured him. He looked up and faced me, I could see a light of hope in his eyes from my words. I wrapped my arms around him giving him a comforting embrace. He immediately returned the embrace wrapping his arms around my frame, resting his head on my shoulder.

"You smell like sugar..." He sighed, breathing in my scent.

"And you smell like mint, with a hint of cheese." I giggled. After what felt like eternity, but were mere minutes, we pulled away from the embrace. Adrien snaked his arm around my waist sending warmth through me. "I packed some croissants for lunch, since I know they're your favorite." I set down his croissant on a paper towel near his plate.

"Thank you Princess." He replied, kissing my cheek.

"Anything for my kitten." I giggled lightly. Eventually Alya and Nino returned with their lunch and sat in their seats.                               

"So, anything interesting going on in your guys lives?" Alya asked curiously.

Maybe I should tell them our backstory on James. "Well..." I began.

"Well, what? Spit it out girl!" Alya urged.

"The new boy James, when we were on the trip, the first time we went to the beach, he came up to me, when you went looking for Nino. He tried flirting with me, which made me uncomfortable, and well, Adrien helped me out of that uncomfortable situation..." I rambled. 

"More like he couldn't get the hint to back off." Adrien growled lowly.

"Aww are you jealous?" I cooed.

"No." He huffed playfully.

I laughed at his reaction, a cough pulled me back into reality.

"Are you lovebirds done?" Nino asked.

"Oops, were you guys saying something?" I asked.

"Yeah, how did Adrien help you?" Alya questioned with a gleam of mischief in her eyes.

"Uh...hehehe..." I smiled sheepishly.

"Girl, you know, I'll get it out of you sooner or later."

"Adrien came up to us when James tried asking me out. He told James I already had a boyfriend and...kissed me." I answered softly. I felt my cheeks heat up from remembering my first kiss with Adrien.

"What?! You guys kissed, before you started dating! AND it was your first kisses?! Marinette why didn't you tell me?!" Alya exclaimed.

"Wait...I...? Was your...FIRST KISS!?!" Adrien stared at me wide-eyed, waiting for an answer to slip out of me.

"Hehehehe...I... might've forgotten to mention that..." I smiled sheepishly.

" come you didn't tell me?" He questioned 

"Well...I guess it just slipped my mind at the time. Since so much was going on during the trip." I explained.

"I understand." He smiled reassuringly. 

"I'll let it go this time, you're lucky that I love you Mari." Alya smiled.

"I love you too, Als." I smiled warmly.

"So, to get back to topic at hand. James might still try to get with Mari, which is most likely the reason why he's here..." Nino spoke.

"Exactly!" Adrien responded bitterly, taking a bite from the croissant.

I should probably start eating my lunch before the period ends. I took a bite out of my pizza. Pizza is life!  Anyway, as I continued to eat my pizza, I noticed Adrien's gaze on me. "Is... there something on my face...?" I asked him, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. He chuckled and shook his head.

"No, you look even cuter while you're eating." He smiled warmly.

I felt my cheeks heat up in that instant. 

"But, you're the cutest when you're blushing." He whispered in my ear.

The smirk grew on his face as he saw my blush deepen. He leaned down and kissed my cheek. The feeling of his lips lingered on my cheek, I always instantly smile when I'm with Adrien. The bell rung signaling that lunch was over. We grabbed our stuff, I was about to leave when I felt someone tug my hand. I turned to see my smiling boyfriend interlacing our hands. 

"Did you forget about me Princess?" He chuckled.

"Of course not kitten, I used to walk to class alone, because you guys aren't in my class." I explained.

"Well, from now on I'll be walking you to all your classes and to your locker." Adrien replied.

"You don't have to kitten, I don't want to trouble you." I tried reassuring him.

"It's no trouble Mari, because you're my Princess~" He replied happily.

"Alright, you can walk me to my classes and locker." I giggled.

~~After school~~

"I'll call you after fencing practice." Adrien softly kissed my forehead.

"I'll be looking forward to it." I smiled warmly. 

"Me too." He began walking down to his practice.

I began to stroll to my locker, when suddenly I was yanked by the arm and my back was against the wall. The person pinned my arms to wall with a strong grip. When I looked up dark brown eyes met mine and instantly I knew who it was. "James let me go!" I yelled. I struggled to get my arms out of his strong grip. There was no one in sight, everyone went home or were at their club activity. No one was near to help me out of this sticky situation.

"Not a chance sweetcheeks." He responded flirtatiously.

"And why not?" I huffed angrily.

"Well, I'm obviously way better than that blondie. So, you should leave him while you still can." James threatened.

"Is that a threat?" I glared at him with angry. "I would never leave Adrien for anyone, especially you." I spat. He tightened his grip on my wrists until they turned red. I yelped in pain, tugging my arms to loosen my way out. I heard footsteps echoing down the hall. Please be Adrien! Please be Adrien! 

"Hey! Let her go!" A familiar voice shouted.

I turned my head to see on other than Nathaniel.

"And why should I listen to you?" James snarled.

While he was distracted, his grip loosened and I was able to escape his grasp. I sneaked up behind him and kicked him in the back of his knee. He groaned in pain dropping to his knees.  I turned to face Nathaniel, "Thank you so much Nathaniel! I have to go now, see you later." And with that, I dashed out of the school and made my way home.


                                                     Author's Note  

Zee&Skittle: And another chapter done!!! TONS more drama to come in the upcoming chapters, Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!! Until the next chapter,  PEACE!!!!

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