Chapter 24- Is It Too Late To Apologize?

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Marinette's POV

I felt someone tap on my shoulder and turned around to face...Chloe?! I watched as she fidgeted in her spot as I looked directly at her. "Uhh...can I help you?" I asked my eyebrows furrowing.

"Um...yeah Marinette can I talk to you?" She asked quietly.

 I turned back to Alya and she seemed just as confused as I was. She didn't call me MariTrash, that's a first. 

"Sure," I replied. I was curious about what she needed so, I stood up and followed Chloe out of the library. Once we were in a secluded area, she turned around and faced me. She seemed nervous because she continued to fidget. I decided to break the silence, "So, what did need to talk about Chloe?" I questioned.

"I-I w-wanted to apologize." She stuttered.

My eyes widened in shock for two reasons. One Chloe never gets nervous and two, Chloe has never willing apologize to anyone in my experience of knowing her. Well except when we were friends

"I know that I've been nothing but rude and cruel to you and your friends and I just wanted to tell you that I'm really sorry for the way I've treated you these past years. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I just wanted let you know that I'm sorry. Also maybe could you come over to my house after school today because I have other things I wanted to talk about with you. I understand if you don't feel comfortable coming over."

 She seems to sound genuine, so there's no way she could be lying...and everyone deserves a second chance, but I won't forgive her until I know she actually has changed. "Thank you for the apology and can I give you answer after school about coming over or not."

A small smile appeared on her face, "Yeah sure, when you've decided I'll be waiting outside after the final bell."

I smiled back, "Alright see you later Chloe."

"Yeah see ya Marinette." She waved as I started to walk back to the library. 

Once I was back at the library I looked up at the clock and saw that the period ended in 10 minutes. I strolled back to table that Alya was seated at and sat back down beside her.

"So what did the brat want?" Alya asked puzzled. 

"Well...she wanted to apologize," I responded. Her eyes widened in shock, but she seemed suspicious about the whole situation.

"What else did she ask you?" She questioned.

"How did you know she asked me something else?" I answered in shock.

"It's the detective in me," Alya replied smugly.

"She wants me to come over to her house after school..." I spoke.

"Well, are you going or...?" Alya questioned.

"I think so, she seemed genuine about the apology, but I need to know if she's changed before accepting it," I explained.

"Hmm...okay." Alya answered, "If she tries anything call me asap alright." She spoke in a serious tone.

"I will don't worry." I reassured her, "But I think Chloe really wants to change."

Alya narrowed her eyes, "Chloe wanting to change...girl for all we know she could be tricking you. Think it about it, why would she apologize to you out of the blue. I bet it's part of one her plans to try to get with Adrien." 

"I...don't think so anymore. Honestly, I feel like Chloe wants to make amends starting with me. And I know she hasn't been the nicest to us, but everyone deserves a second chance if they're willing to change." I reasoned. 

She sighed, "Whatever you decide to do I'll support you. No matter how much I may disagree, I'll back you up." 

I smiled happily, "Thank you Alya, you're an amazing best friend."

She rolled her eyes playfully, "I know."

The bell rang ending our conversation, "I'll see you at lunch."

"See ya girly." She waved walking to her next class.

Nathaniel's POV

The bell finally rang ending History class, I almost fell asleep because we were watching some boring documentary. I started walking to art class until I bumped into someone. I looked up at the person seeing it was Adrien. He seemed to be distracted because of his distant stare. I waved my hand in his face until he snapped out of his daze. When he noticed I was standing in front of him he smiled.

"Oh hey, Nathaniel." He spoke.

"Hey Adrien," I greeted 

 "Sorry for bumping into you, I just have a lot on mind."

"It's fine don't worry about it," I reassured him.

"I want to thank you for helping Marinette yesterday."

"It was no problem anything to help a friend." I smiled.

His smile widens, "Well thank you again."

"Yeah, well I better get to class," I spoke.

"Yeah me too, see you around Nathaniel." He responded.

"See you around," I replied back, as I continued to walk to class. As I was about to enter the classroom until I heard my name being called.

"Hey, Nathaniel." A familiar voice spoke.

I turned around and noticed it was Marinette. She walked up to me and we entered the classroom together. We usually sat next to each other during this period. We walked towards our usual table and sat down. I took out my sketchbook and pencil placing the items on the desk.

"I wanted to thank you again for yesterday," Marinette spoke.

I turned to face her, "You're welcome, your my friend after all." I smiled.

She smiled back, "So how have you been?" She asked.

"I'm fine, I guess just been thinking a lot lately," I answered.

She sighed, "Same here." 

I opened my sketchbook and flipped through the pages until I stopped on my last sketch. I felt a smile subconsciously form on my face. I picked up my pencil and started drawing on the same sketch.

Marinette's POV  

I tapped my pencil against the empty page of my open sketchbook. Today in Art we have a free draw day since our teacher is absent. *Sigh* I wish I could go outside. I get more inspired when I'm outdoors, breathing in the fresh air and taking in the beautiful surroundings. Especially the Eiffel Tower, that's where I usually I go if  I run out of ideas.

 I looked around the room and saw that everyone was in their own little bubble with their artwork. I turned my head towards Nathaniel, he was deep in thought as he drew in his sketchbook. I glanced down at his drawing studying the details he put into the faces. Those faces seem to look that him and Chloe?!?!  I could tell it was when they were younger. We were all super close when we were in preschool until one day Chole just stopped talking to Nathaniel and me.

 We tried to talk to her, but she would ignore us until one day she came up to us. We were both so happy until she told us she never would be friends with us again... Eventually, we saw the Chloe we knew change before our very eyes. She wasn't the nice, funny, sweet girl we knew anymore. Instead, she became rude, spoiled, arrogant, and a bully. Of course, Nath and I stayed friends over the years and still are to this day. I wonder if Nath caught feelings for Chole. Hopefully, Chloe does decide to change for the better.

~~A few classes later

Finally came my second favorite part of the day lunch! Going home is my first obviously, anyway I walked to my usual lunch table. Alya and Nino were seated next to each other. When I got to the table I sat across from Alya. "Hey guys," I spoke.

"Hey, dudette." Nino greeted.

"Hey girly," Alya responded.

"Are you buying lunch or did you pack one?" Nino asked.

"Nah I forgot to pack one this morning," I answered.

"Alright do you guys want to wait for Adrien and we can all buy our lunch together?" Alya questioned.

"Sure." Nino and I both answered.

A few minutes later Adrien joined us and we all walked up to the lunch line together. Once we all got our lunches we went back to our table. We all sat in our seats setting down our lunch trays. For lunch, I got chicken nuggets, curly fries and a water, which everyone else pretty much got since it was the main lunch. Suddenly someone stole one of my fries, I turned to the culprit.

"Hey! Eat your own fries." I whined.

Adrien chuckled throwing the fry into his mouth, "Oops too late."

I huffed playfully, moving the fries out of his reach and started eating my lunch. I felt Adrien wrap his arm around my waist pulling me towards him. 

"How's your day been?" He asked.

"It was pretty normal other than Chloe apologizing to me and inviting me over to her house," I replied casually. 

His eyes widened, "She apologized!"He exclaimed surprised. 

Alya and Nino looked up from their lunches deciding to join in on the conversation.

"I'm just as shocked as you are dude," Nino spoke.

"You knew?!" Adrien asked still shocked. 

He shrugged,"Yeah, Alya told me." 

Adrien's gaze landed back on me. I sighed, "Chloe came up to me during study hall and she apologized as I already told you. Also, she told she wanted to talk more so I'm probably going over to her house after school." I explained.

"Can I ask why you're still considering on going?" Alya asked.

"...I just want to know what she wants to talk about. Also to see if she is actually willing to change.  Chloe and were friends when we younger." I answered.

"Wait you guys were friends?!" Alya and Adrien asked in shock.

I smiled sheepishly, "I guess I never mention that huh." They both shook their heads answering my previous question. "Well, Nathaniel, Chloe, and I were all friends in preschool until one day Chloe stopped talking to us," I explained briefly.

"Wait, Nino, why aren't you shock?" Alya questioned.

"Well, I've been friends with Mari for awhile now so she already told me before you two appeared," Nino explained.

"I'm just surprised you were friends with her..." Alya said.

"Yeah well, I hope she is willing to change," Nino spoke.

"Me too." Adrien agreed.

The rest of lunch went by with the random topics, jokes, and many laughs. Soon I was walking hand in hand with Adrien to my next class, History. I actually like History, most of the just depends on what topic we're learning though. We reached my classroom door a few minutes before the period started.

"You should probably head to class I don't want to make you late," I spoke, beginning to let go of his hand. He tightened his grip on my hand before I could fully get my hand out of his grip. I looked at him in confusion, "Kitten I don't you to get in trouble." 

"Don't worry I have study hall." He smiled warmly at me.

I softly kissed his cheek, "Well I should go in before the bell rings."

He chuckled, "Alright, I'll walk you home after school."

"I'm going to Chloe's, plus you can't skip fencing who knows what your dad would do," I claimed.

He sighed, "I know, I just don't want a repeat of yesterday." He answered worriedly.

I softly caressed his knuckles with my thumb, "Don't worry Alya's walking me." I spoke giving him a reassuring smile.

He smiled in return, "Alright I'll call you later."

"Okay." I gave him a quick hug before entering the classroom.

~~End of school

Alya and I meet near my locker before exiting the building together. When we neared the courtyard, I noticed Chloe coming towards us. I still was shocked that she changed her look so suddenly, but it looks great. Now Chloe stood in front of Alya and me.

"So have you decided Marinette?" Chole asked.

"Yeah, I'll come over I just have to tell my parents." I pulled out my phone dialing my mom's number.

"Hello," Mama spoke.

"Hi, mom."

"Oh hey sweetie what's up?"

"I'm going over to a friend's house so I won't be home for another few hours." 

"Alright just be home in time for dinner."

"I will." 

"Okay, I love you."

"Love you too," I responded hanging up the phone.

"Ready to go?" Chloe asked.

"Yeah." I turned to Alya, "I'll text you later."

"You better, see you girly." Alya waved before walking home.


                                                      Author's Note

Zee and Skittle: And another chapter done!!!

Zee: Thank you for all the positive comments on our story!!! Also, I know a lot you love this book and want updates immediately, but we're not going to able to update frequently. Since we both have school and homework. I'll try to get chapters out as soon as I can also it takes some time for me to type up the chapters.

Zee and Skittle: 'Till the next chapter PEACE!!!

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