Chapter 27- Second Chances

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Adrien's POV

I felt something poke at my cheek. Slowly, I opened my eyes and was met with the annoyed expression of Plagg. I took in my surroundings realizing, this wasn't my room. Last night's events flashed into my mind. From the phone call to the reveal and then the storm.

"What the heck are you still laying there for?! We need to get back home before your father realizes you're gone!" Plagg whispered shouted.

I looked around the room seeing that the sun still hasn't risen. "What time is it?" I whispered.

"It's 5:00 am," Plagg answered flatly.

My eyes widened, "Why the hell would you wake me up this early..." I muttered irritated.

Plagg rolled his eyes, "You should be thanking me."

I muffled a yawn before turning my head slightly toward my Princess. Her head laid comfortably on my chest. The bangs of her hair covering her eyes, while she had her arms wrapped around my torso. *Sigh* I've missed having her in my arms like this.  I carefully removed her arms from my torso before getting up slowly. I walked down from the loft bed to Mari's desk and found sticky notes. Picking up one, I quickly wrote down a note before sticking it to her computer screen.

"Hey, kid, I need camembert if we're getting out of here," Plagg spoke.

I put my hand in my pocket and found a piece of camembert. I handed the piece to Plagg who gobbled it up instantly. "Plagg claws out." I murmured.

 Before I knew it, I was cladded into my leather suit. I snuck up the stairs, so they wouldn't creak. I went towards Mari's bed and kissed her forehead before exiting her room through the trapdoor above. I slowly closed the trapdoor before leaping roof to roof until I got home. I silently slipped in through my window before entering the room. "Plagg claws in." I sighed once I released my transformation before making my way to my bed. Once I got under the covers, I drifted off back to sleep.

Marinette's POV

Oh yeah, La da a da. Don't get me wrong, I love who I am. I don't wanna be ungrateful It probably sounds strange... I felt my eyes flutter open from the tune of my new set alarm. Reaching out, I shut off the alarm and stretched a bit.

 I had a feeling Adrien would have to leave early so he wouldn't get caught by his dad. Being in his arms felt so soothing and I've missed that feeling. Being wrapped in each other's embrace before drifting to sleep. Yet, it was nice to have even for one night. Getting up from my bed, I trudged to my bathroom to get ready for school. Well, at least it's finally FRIDAY!!! Before reaching my bathroom, I noticed a sticky note stuck to my desktop. Walking towards it, I realized there something written on it. 

Dear Princess, 

I've gone home, early this morning so I wouldn't get caught by my father. I wished I've could have stayed longer.  At least, I'll see that beautiful face of yours at school.


Adrien 💗

A smile was instantly brought to my face, from the reading the note. I still wasn't used to getting so much affection from my boyfriend, but it felt nice to get it from him. With a smile still grazed on my face, I started my morning routine.

~~Time Skip To School~~

Once I made it to the front entrance, I saw Alya waiting for me. I quicken my pace until I stood in front of her. "Hey Als, how are you?"

"Hey Mari, I'm doing great. What about you?"

"Great, do you want to hang out this weekend? I feel like it's been ages!" I asked excitedly. 

"Of course girl! I would love that!" She answered happily.

We chatted happily amongst ourselves that we didn't notice that our boyfriends appeared. I shifted my eyes and jolted back slightly when I realized both Nino and Adrien standing there casually. "When did you two get here?" I questioned still taken aback by their sudden appearance. Alya didn't seem fazed by it all which was normal. I shouldn't be surprised honestly her sisters probably try to sneak up on her all the time.

"Not too long ago," Nino responded.

"Well, give a girl a warning next time," I replied back.

"Sure thing, Princess," Adrien noted.

I lightly punched his arm at his remark.

"Anyway, do you guys have plans for this weekend?" Nino inquired.

"Well, my girly and I were just discussing plans for tomorrow. If you want, you guys can join, we can make it like a double date!" Alya said with excitement.

"That sounds like a great idea babe!" Nino agreed.

After that sentence had been spoken, a blush instantly appeared on both Alya's and Nino's faces. "Aww, you guys are so cute!" I gushed. Instantly Alya pinched my arm. "Ow geez, I don't pinch you when you tease Adrien and I. And you didn't have to pinch that hard," I whined while rubbing my arm. 

She rolled her eyes, "Oh don't be dramatic Mari."

I heard both of the boys' chuckle, "What's so funny?" I asked in confusion.

"You guys, have such a weird friendship," Nino responded while shaking his head.

"That's what makes our friendship special," I replied back.

"True girl, very true." She responded as we did our signature handshake.

The bell rang out ending our conversation. "Time for homeroom." I sighed.

Adrien grabbed my hand interlacing our fingers before making our way into the building.

~~Time Skip To End Of School Day~~

I stood outside near the entrance waiting for Chloe. We didn't get a chance to finish our conversation yesterday, so I thought today would be the perfect opportunity to do so. Eventually, I made her out in the crowd of students walking towards me. Until she stood beside me.

"Hi Marinette," Chole spoke.

"Hi Chloe, I was wondering if you wanted to head over to my house to finish our discussion?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah sure let's go." She replied.

"Alright." I smiled slightly. We started our walk to my house in silence until we entered the empty house. I realized both of my parents weren't home, remembering they traveled to a baker's convention for the weekend. Usually, they go to one once a month and this one of those times.

"Are your parents home?" Chloe questioned.

"Nope, I just remembered they went to a baker's convention," I responded.

"Oh ok."

"Well, you can sit on the couch over there. Do you want anything to drink?" 

"Anything would be fine thank you." She walked over towards the couch plopping down onto the seat.

I made my way over to the kitchen and grabbed two water bottles. Strolling back to the living room, I sat beside Chloe and handed her a water bottle. "So I know James was also involved with the plan. How did that happen?"

"Um...well, I called him the night you and Adrien became a couple. The plan started from there. Obviously, Nathaniel and I aren't involved anymore but, James still insists that we should continue the plan."

"Which I'm guessing is to break up Adrien and I, but what was he threatening you with Chloe? Is he trying to blackmail you?" I asked worriedly.

She instantly stiffened after hearing my statement.

"It's totally fine if you're not comfortable telling me," I added.

"No, no it's fine. I feel the need to talk about this because I know you won't judge. Plus I know you give great advice. Well...he threatened to hurt Nathaniel if I got in his way. He thought we were dating for some reason, but I don't want him to get hurt because of me..." 

"Okay well, We'll figure out a way to get you out of this 'James situation'. Meanwhile maybe if you start talking to Nath again and apologize. Maybe try to rebuild your friendship. Maybe come up with a plan to retaliate against James." I explained.

"I could give it a try. And I was wondering...if we could try to be friends again..." She asked while fiddling around with a loose hair strand. 

 I smiled slightly, "Sure we can try."

Her mouth went agape, "Really!?! Even though..."

"Yeah!" I hugged her to show my certainty, she gently returned the hug.

"Thank you for giving me another chance Marinette," Chloe whispered.

"You're welcome. After all, everyone deserves a second chance if they're willing to change."


                                                        Author's Note

Zee&Skittles: And another chapter done!!!

Zee: Hey guys sorry this chapter took so long to come out. I was on vacation for the whole summer and also I've been getting a lot of homework recently. So my only free time is the weekends. I'll try to get another chapter done in October. Most likely I'll only type a chapter once a month as I've done before summer break. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!!

Zee & Skittle: 'Till the next chapter, PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!  

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