Chapter 29- Saturday Mornings

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Adrien's POV

*Beep Beep*

I groggily opened my eyes at the sound of the alarm. My eyes roamed around the room taking in my surroundings. Images of the night before flashed, through my mind causing a smile to appear on my face. I reach over for Mari's phone shutting off the alarm. Before relaxing into my previous position. I looked down at my Princess' face, her eyes still shut despite the ring of the alarm, she still has a calm expression on her face. Her eyelashes softly brushing her cheeks, mouth slightly open and her arms wrapped around my torso. Her midnight blue sprawled across my chest.

She looks so beautiful even while sleeping. We should probably get ready soon, so we're not late to meet up with Alya and Nino. I brought my hands up to Mari's shoulders and shook her gently. "Princess wake up." I said softly. She didn't move an inch from the movement. Hmm... How can I wake her up?  I slowly unwrapped her arms around my torso, which resulted in her tightening her hold on me. I chuckled lightly at the sudden action while she nuzzled her head on  my chest. Another idea popped into mind on how to wake up my sleeping beauty. Bringing my hands to her sides I started to tickle her. Finally, she jolted up and adorable giggles fell from her lips.

"I-I-I'm a-awake p-please stop...!" She huffed.

"Hmm...are you sure?" I smirked slightly.


"Well alright, then." I stop tickling her afterward.

"So," she nuzzles my cheek softly, "what'd my little kitten wake me up for?" My princess asked between yawns.

"We have a double date with Alya and Nino, remember?" I answered, smiling slightly.

She shot up immediately, "Oh my gosh! I completely forgot what time is it?!"

I chuckled lightly, "Calm down m'lady, we still have a few hours before we have to meet up with them." Her face relaxed a bit as she smiled warmly at me.

Marinette's POV

"It's going to take me a while to get used to you calling me that."

"We still have plenty time for that, m'lady." He answered slyly.

"Yeah, we should probably get re-" Suddenly my foot got caught on the blanket, I quickly grabbed a hold of something being Adrien's arm and we both tumbled to the ground. I quickly felt arms around as we landed on the ground. Surprisingly it wasn't painful, then I realized. I was laying on top of Adrien. "Oh my gosh, kitty are you okay?" I asked concerningly. Looking directly into his eyes as my face hovered above his.

"I'm okay, Princess. Just a little tumble, but anything to save you from getting hurt."

I blushed, "Still, I should've been more careful. I'm such a klutz." I groaned.

"You're my cute klutz." Adrien grinned.

"Well to make for being such a klutz let me make you breakfast!" 

"Mari, you don't hav-"

"Plus, I can't have you go home on an empty stomach!" I pouted.

He chuckled, "How could I say no to that face."

"You can't,"  I smirked. "Now then, if you could let me go then I could actually get up?"

He blushed a bright red from my statement, "O-Oh yeah sorry..." He slowly unwrapped his arms.

I got up slowly and went towards my desk and grabbed a hair tie tying my hair into a messy bun. We both walked down the stairs and made our way to my kitchen. I searched through the cabinets thinking of what to make. Hmm...maybe banana pancakes. I started to take out the ingredients and put them on the counter. As I started mixing the pancake mix in the bowl, I felt  Adrien's arms slid around my waist and his chin resting upon my head. 

"Whatcha makin'?" 

"It's a surpirse," I giggled softly, "Do mind passing me the bananas?"

"Well, I don't mind what we have for breakfast, as long as it's your cooking." He squeezed my waist lightly and left a kiss on my cheek before retracting his arms and grabbing a couple of bananas. After grabbing a few bananas from the fruit bowl, he handed me the bananas and I thanked him. 

~10 minutes later~

Finally, I set down 2 plates of pancakes on the dining table, the sweet aroma of the food filling the air. I turned my head in Adrien's direction and saw he grabbed the maple syrup on the counter. He made his way over towards me and both sat down as he set down the maple syrup. I intently watched as he took a bite from the pancake, his face immediately lighting up.

 He turned towards me, "Princess this tastes amazing!" My kitty exclaimed.

I blushed slightly, "Thanks kitty." I leaned over and pecked his cheek. After we ate in peacefully silence just enjoying each other's company. Once we were done eating, I got up with my plate in hand, as Adrien trailed behind me. We both placed our plates in the dishwasher.

"I should probably get home and get ready for our double date later."

I looked up at him, "Oh right, meet me when you're ready to go."

"Of course, I'll text you." He kissed my forehead softly.

"Eww gross, I can't handle any more of this mushy stuff," Plagg drawled.

"Oh Plagg, shut up, they're adorable!" Tikki gushed.

"Ugh whatever, let's go, kid, wait...where's my camembert?!" He exclaimed.

Adrien rolled his eyes taking a container from out of his pocket. He opened the container which contained the cheese, tossing it towards the kwami; who immediately gobbled it up. "No wonder, you smell like cheese," I commented.

He chuckled slightly, "Yeah that's the only thing this little guy will ever eat." 

"Hey! Who do you think you're calling lit-" He was suddenly interpreted by my boyfriend.

"Plagg claws out!"

I watched with awe as he transformed into Chat Noir right before my eyes. As his body got cladded in leather. Then his mask and cat ears appeared, magically. Once his transformation was over he walked closer towards me.

"Well, I guess I'll see you in a  bit Princess." He spoke, smiling slightly.

"Y-Yeah see you in a bit" I was a little flustered, as I came more terms with the situation. The love of my life was my partner of crime since day one.

He saluted me and made his way out the front door leaving after shutting the door.

I stood there lost in my thoughts. This feels so new and it's going time to get used to knowing my own boyfriend is also one of my closest friends since we first started saving Paris.

"Mari, you should probably get ready soon. You don't want to keep everyone waiting!" Tikki reminded.

"You're right Tikki." I strolled upstairs into my room deciding to take shower first before picking out my outfit. Before stepping into the shower, I shot Alya a quick text asking where to meet up with her and the guys. She texted back instantly, saying to meet up at her house. I replied back before, quickly brushing my teeth and hopped into the shower, letting my body relax against the soothing warm, water. Afterward, I exited my bathroom in a fluffy pink towel. I rummaged through my closet until I found the perfect outfit. It was a bit chilly outside so I thought this would be the perfect outfit.

I decided to keep my hair down considering, I'd be wearing a beanie. I changed into the clothing, I picked out. I stood in the mirror smiling slightly, satisfied with my outfit choice. 

*Ding Ding*

My phone buzzed, I looked around my room finding it on my desk. Picking it up, I saw that it was a text from Adrien.

 Adrien 😍😍💖💖

Meet me at the park when you're ready.

Mari: I'll be there in a few minutes xx

Closing out of my text messages, I put my phone into my purse. Also, not forgetting to grab the house keys before leaving my house. I locked the front door, and started walking towards the park. In distance, I saw Adrien dressed in a sky blue sweater, black jeans, and some converses. I also noticed he was also wearing a beanie but in black. As I got closer to him, his smile widen. 

"Hey, Princess ready to go?"

"Yeah, I texted Alya earlier, she said to meet up at her house."

He grinned and grabbed hold of my hand, "Alright let's go!"


Author's Note

Zee&Skittle: And another chapter done!!!

Zee: Oh my gosh guys, I'm so so so sorry it took so long to get this chapter out!!! First, my laptop decided not to work for a while but now it is and then I've been buried in school work. But hey we finally got the part out finally!! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and sorry if this chapter seems rushed or it's not the best. Just let us know what you guys think! :)

Zee&Skittle: 'Till the next chapter, PEACE!!!


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