Chapter 30- The Long Lasting Gazes

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Chloe's POV

I paced around my room, debating on if I should text Nathaniel or not. Looking down at my text conversation open on my phone. My hands shaking as I slowly thought of what to type out. After a few taps, rereading the message constantly just to make sure I hadn't messed up, I used up my last bit of confidence and pressed the send button.

Chloe: Hey, would you maybe wanna hang out today?

 Another bubble flew in, and I breathed a sigh of relief as my mind had released its grip on my heart.

Nathy💕: Yeah sure. Where do you want to meet up?

I was stunned. My eyes scanned the message from left to right, seeking a hidden meaning. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh oh my-! O-kay...calm down're just hanging out. Nothing serious, and nothing to worry about.       

Chloe: How about that new cafe that opened up recently. Meet up there in half an hour?

Nathy💕: Sounds good. See you soon :)

Chloe: see you! 😄

I squealed in excitement at his response. Nath just agreed to hang out with me!! Maybe he actually wants to be with friends with me... maybe he could even...! I-I.... no...That would never happen. He'd never see me that way after everything I've done. I sighed, walking towards the bathroom to get ready for the meetup. After going through my morning routine, I decided to curl the tips of my hair for a change and let it flow past my shoulders. Standing up, I browse through my closet to find the perfect outfit. It's started to get a bit chilly so, I should dress up more for the fall-like weather. Finally, my eyes stumbled upon the perfect outfit.

After putting on my outfit, I went towards the elevator to meet my chauffeur in the lobby. After reaching the ground floor, I walked out towards the front doors,  where my driver was waiting. He stood outside the car and immediately opened the back door as I made my way over to him.

I glanced at the driver for a moment, and muttered a, "Thank you." before getting into the car.

"O-Of course Ms. Bourgeois..!" My driver replied, shock evident in his voice.

I've decided to be kinder to everyone around me. I have realized being unkind and disrespectful to everyone wasn't the right thing to do these past years. I just can't believe it took me this long to see it...

~5 minutes later~

The short drive, to the cafe, gave me a few minutes to collect my thoughts. Alright, I've made up with Marinette which is a start, now time for Nath. Why would he even wanna talk to me after everything? He's always so nice and sweet to everyone, while...god I'm such an idiot!  The car came to a direct stop in front of the cafe.

 Looking out the car window, I could see Nathaniel through the glass of the cafe. He sat at the corner booth with his eyes roaming around the interior of the cafe, taking in the details, which made sense since he was an artist after all. After a few seconds, I snapped out of my trance. Before exiting the car I thanked my driver and slammed the car door shut. I strolled in the direction of the cafe opening the front door, hearing the bell jingle as I did so. I turned and walked towards the table Nath was seated at. Nathaniel looked up as my footsteps neared him. His ocean eyes sparkled in the light, connecting with mine. I got so lost in his gaze, that I didn't even notice his lips were moving until he waved a hand in my face.

"H-hey Chloe, you alright?" He questioned.

"O-Oh... yeah sorry, I kind of zoned out there," I stammered.

He chuckled, "That's alright, why don't you have a seat?"

I slid into the opposite side of the booth and flashed Nathaniel a small smile, which he returned gratefully. "So how have you been?"

"I've been pretty good for the most part. How about you?"

"Okay, I guess. Thanks for agreeing to meet up with me." I spoke softly.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?"

"Just after everything, I wouldn't be surprised if you never wanted anything to do with me again," I answered truthfully. 

His facial expression was unreadable for a few moments before he responded, "Well, I decided everyone deserves a second chance...and it seems like you're making an effort to be better. Besides, I don't like holding grudges against people. It's better to move on and let go."

"It still doesn't excuse my behavior towards you! I was terrible towards you, especially with all that happened in California. Anyway, it was stupid of me to do that Marinette, and force you into it... Now that I look back on it, I... honestly don't know what was I thinking. If I'm being honest, I guess I was terrified that Marinette was stealing my best friend away... and... my feelings got the best of me." I rambled.

His face softened at my words. "Now that you've explained your reasoning behind it, I understand and I'm happy that you are owning up to your actions and it must have been hard to admit when you were in the wrong. I'm so proud of you... Coco."

"Wow, it's been a while since... I heard someone call me that..." I muttered.

"O-Oh! S-sorry it slipped out." A blush started to form on his face.

Aww, he's so cute!! "Don't worry about it, ...I like it." I reassured him by giving him a smile.

His blush grew at my words, "O-Okay! That's good... we should probably order soon."

"Yeah, of course, silly me. It's just so easy to talk to you about things, that I nearly forgot about ordering!" I picked up one of the menus on the table and started to browse through it. Hmm, I'll probably get the banana yogurt parfait that sounds pretty good. 

"What are you thinking of getting...Coco?"

"Mmm, probably the banana yogurt parfait and a blueberry smoothie. What about you?"

"Um, I'm considering getting the blueberry yogurt parfait also and a strawberry smoothie."

A few moments later a waiter came and took orders and told us our meals would be out soon. "So...anything new going on with you?" I asked breaking the silence between us. 

"Other than being here and being able to talk to you, no." He answered, a smile spreading on his face.

I felt my face heat up and couldn't stop the grin that crossed my face. "Same here."

~A few minutes later~ 

Our food finally arrived at the table and we both began to eat. We started eating a peaceful silence and just sat there enjoying each other's company. As I continued eating I suddenly had a bad feeling in my gut but decided to ignore it. Come on Chloe you're having a good time don't get paranoid over nothing. Nath must have noticed my change in my mood and gave me a questioning a look.

"Are you alright there Clo, you seem to be deep in thought?"

I etched a smile onto my face, "I'm fine."

"Chloe don't lie to me, you know I'm here when you need to talk about anything." His gaze locked on mine, looking deeply into my eyes.

His gaze was unwavering, those eyes gave me a sense of reassurance and a warm feeling that bubbled up inside of me. He gave me the courage to finally to tell someone how I was truly feeling. "Do you ever feel like, there's so much going on in your life...that... you don't know what to do anymore? I've been feeling like that for the past few weeks... and I haven't been able to sleep well for these past few days if I'm being honest. And I just- haven't talked to anyone about it. Who would care anyway? Since all I've been is terrible to everyone around me...?" I rambled sadly, looking down, unable to meet his gaze after my confession.

Suddenly, I felt the softest hand rest on my cheek, averting my eyes upwards. I noticed Nathaniel sitting next to me, gazing at me with a look of concern, as he stroked my cheek gently. I felt my heart beating out of my chest but tried my best to keep calm on the outside. 

"Coco...Just know... that I am here if you need anything and...I care about you." He spoke with sincerity in his voice.

I rested my hand on top of his hand, feeling happiness spread through my body at his words. He cares...after all these years, he still cares about me.  I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Abruptly I felt the warmness leave my cheek and I was pulled into Nathaniel's arms. I breathed in his scent of oil paints and turpentine. I quickly returned the embrace burying my head deeper into his chest, as though I could hide my tears from the world around me.

"Why are you crying?" Nath asked concern detectable in his voice.

I pulled my face away from his chest and looked up at him. "It's just...I haven't heard anyone say that to me in a while." I confessed.

His facial expression softened at my words. "Well, know I'll say it more often, because you deserve to know that people care about you, Chloe." 

He caressed my arms gently as he stared at me as if taking in every little detail of my face. Could he actually like me as more than just a friend? Or am I just overthinking? His ocean eyes drew me back in and couldn't help but openly observe him as well. I could not deny the fact that Nathaniel Kutzberg was handsome and has an amazing personality. But the sad part is that he can never be mine...

Nathaniel broke the silence between us. "You... are beautiful Chloe, and don't let anyone tell you differently."

I could feel a blush coating upon my cheeks, "T-Thank yo-" 


I jumped slightly and felt Nath's grip around me tighten. I looked over Nath's shoulder to see dark brown eyes staring us down, glinting slighty under the ceiling light.

"Awww, cuuute. I'd hate to interrupt your little pity party buuut... I've got business with Ms. Crybaby here." 

"What are you doing here?" Nathaniel glared up at my cousin, before glancing back at me. 

"Damn it..." Of all the people to see me like this...! "What do you want James?!"

"Ahh, there you are... dearest cousin..." He smirked.

"Cousin...?" Nathaniel mumbled.

James gaze suddenly shifted to Nath and his facial expression seemed unreadable which was a bad sign. This isn't good... he's up to something... and I'm scared it might end badly... I tightened my grip on Nath's torso looking for comfort.

" you're out with the redhead..."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "I don't see how that is any of your business...!" I remarked.

"Hey, your tone with me, Chloe..." He sneered.

Nathaniel suddenly spoke up, "Excuse me, you can't speak to her like that. I suggest you apologize."

James' expression hardened at his words. "It's none of your concern how I speak to her. Stay out of it, tomato head." He growled.

Quickly, Nath stood up, sizing him up, while giving a deadly glare. "It's my concern if you're being rude to my Coco." 

James' eyes widened at Nathaniel's sudden burst of confidence. He slowly recovered and his eyes landed back on me.

"Did you tell him?! I told you what the consequences were if you told anyone!" He exclaimed angrily. 

"I-I didn't..! Leave me alone already! It's got nothing to do with you!" I stuttered.

"You heard her, leave, she doesn't want you here."

"You know, you won't always be here to protect her," James dug his hands into pockets, and walked past Nath and bumping his shoulder as he left.

I could see Nathaniel trying to contain his anger as he sat back down beside me. I lightly placed my hand on his shoulder trying to soothe his anger. Before I could even comprehend what was happening an akuma landed onto Nathaniel's ring.


Author's Note

Zee&Skittle: And another chapter done!!!

Zee: Hey guyys!! I know it's been a while but we have been super busy with school. We are close to being done school and start exams. After that, we are free for summer and will have content out for you guys!!! Hopefully, if all goes well, we can upload on a schedule!

Zee&Skittle:'Till the next chapter, PEACE!!!

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