Chapter 31- Double Trouble

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Marinette's POV

Adrien and I walked hand in hand down the sidewalk towards Alya's house. The cool autumn breeze blowing slightly, sending chills through me. The warmth of Adrien's hand was enough to help not think about the chilly weather.

Adrien glanced my way for a few seconds, "Are you cold?"

"Not really, plus I'm wearing a jacket but it's still a bit chilly."

"I can help with that," Adrien responded with a smirk on his face.

I gave him a questioning look, and before I knew it he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to his side. I could feel his body heat radiating off him, leaning more into his jacket, I whispered, "Thanks, kitty."

"Anything for my Princess." He said while smiling down at me.

I smiled back, leaning up I nuzzled my nose against his. I giggled at the feeling and rested my head onto his shoulder. We continued walking, a few minutes later we made it in front of Alya's house with Nino and her standing outside waiting for us. We quickened our pace until we stood in front of our best friends.

"Hey, guys." Alya greeted.

"Hey Alya, Nino!" I responded.

"Hey, dude and dudette, ready to get some food?!" Nino exclaimed.

Adrien chuckled, "Always." His hand softly caressing my side. 

"Alright, guys..." Alya squealed before grabbing Nino's hand, "let's get this double date started!" dragging her boyfriend along, she rushed into the cafe.

I giggled at Alya's excitement as Adrien and I followed behind the couple.

~A few minutes later~

When we were finally seated in the cafe, I rested my bag against the booth windowsill and admired the scenery surrounding the cafe.

"It's nice to have the gang together," Alya spoke.

"You betcha, hey didn't we visit this place when we came back from our California trip?" 

"Oh dang you're right!" She turned to Nino, "Babe, you've gotta try their blueberry macaroons, they're the perfect mix of sweet and crunchy! Oh, and Adrien, their croissants are to DIE for." 

"Um, excuse me, I can take your order now." All heads turned towards the waiter at our booth.

"Oh! Alright, then let me have a croissant filled with chocolate and a mango smoothie, please! What about you Mari?" Alya asked.

Before I could respond, a thundering BANG! broke the silence between us. I felt the cafe shudder slightly under my seat. What the... Everyone in the building seemed to be in panic by the sudden loud noise. And I knew exactly could cause such a akuma! 

Nathaniel's POV

What right does he have speaking to my Coco, that way?! Who does he think he is being so disrespectful like that?! He better stay away from my Chloe, he has no right to waltz right in here and threaten her like that! Chloe deserves to be respected and she might've been mean before, but that doesn't mean you should- 

"Nathy, can you hear me?"


Suddenly my vision started to fade until I felt nothing but darkness...

"Crystal Knight! I am Hawkmoth. I can help you seek out revenge for the one you care dearly about. All I ask in for return is Ladybug's and Chat Noir's miraculous!"

"Yes, Hawkmoth."

Chloe's POV

I could feel the panic arise within me as the akuma landed on Nathaniel's ring. Oh no, no!! This can't be happening. You have to stop this Chloe! You can't let him get akumatized...again.

I quickly shook Nath's shoulder to prevent him from going under Hawkmoth's control. "Nathy, can you hear me? If you can please listen to me, don't listen to him, fight him! Don't let Hawkmoth take advantage of you..." I spoke, my voice shaking a bit as I did.

"Nat-" Alas, I was too late... The purple bubbling started to surround Nath as I sat there motionless. 

Once the bubbling disappeared, I was faced with what used to be Nathaniel, but he was donned with ruby armor surrounding him. If I hadn't watched him been akumatized, I wouldn't have even known it was him. 

"Oh my gosh..." I whispered to myself. What am I supposed to do? He's HUGE! One thing's for certain, I have to find Ladybug. But how...? I'm basically trapped in this booth unless I jump over him somehow which wouldn't work. Heck, I don't think I'm flexible enough to do that. 

Crystal Knight's head turned towards me, oh crap. Unexpectedly, he scoops me up and places me on his helmet. "Um...Nathy? How about we calm down, and you can--EEK!" and before I knew it he's speeding out of the cafe on a horse (that came from who knows where!?) and I'm close to falling off of his helmet from all the jolting around. He seems to notice my discomfort and gently places me in the princess-like cart behind the horse (where in the heck did that come from!?...not that I'm complaining). He seems pretty passive for just being akumatized, but I should still be careful...

Marinette's POV

"Um! I'm sorry but can I excuse myself for a quick second?" 

Alya looked at me oddly: "Sur-" 

"OK, thanks bye!" I rushed out of the booth muttering an "excuse me" along my way to the cafe's restroom. 

I glanced towards Adrien as he sent me a quick wink before I speed-walk towards the restroom.

Once I made it into the bathroom, I rushed into the nearest stall and locked it, Tikki flew out in a hurry with a worried expression.

"Wow, it's been a while since we've seen an akuma."

"Yeah, that's for sure. You ready Tikki?"

She nodded, "Tikki spots on!"

A white glow fills the room, while it dims down, I hop out of the window of the bathroom and zip down the city towards the strange noise. As I near the Eiffel Tower, Chat Noir appears! 

Crossing my arms as I frowned at him, "And where have you been Kitty?"

"Well, I've been making sure our friends stay distracted so I could slip away." He pouted.

"Alright let's figure out why this person seems mad. Hopefully, it doesn't take too long to defeat this akuma."

"Yeah, what a great way to start off our double date." He chuckled.

Chloe's POV

Screams of terror were heard downtown.
As we neared the Eiffel Tower,  Nath (or what used to be him) suddenly upped the pace of the chariot. Suddenly, I saw my cousin James come into view and the chariot abruptly stopped. Nath jumped off his horse and stomped over towards James. Who apparently didn't notice a huge ruby knight walking towards him. From what I noticed he had airpods in. What an idiot... When Nath stood in front of him that's when he took notice of what is in front of him.

"What the actual f-" Before he could finish his sentence James was flung across the city.

Is it bad that I find it funny that my cousin got flung away...I hope he gets hospitalized...

Ladybug's/Marinette's POV

As Chat Noir and I got closer to the Eiffel Tower, I noticed a blur flying downwards towards the park below. I rushed ahead of Chat Noir and used my yo-yo to catch the mysterious object and landed with it safely in the park. What the heck is this? I unraveled my yo-yo to reveal James, well James' unconscious body anyway...

Chat Noir landed in the tree next to me, "He looks like he's seen a ghost..."

"Yeah, where the heck did he come from?" 

"Who knows? And who cares, let's just leave him somewhere." He answered flatly.

I looked around to for a place to leave this somewhat-conscious body and spotted the perfect place. I laid his body on a random park bench and made my way back over to Chat Noir.

"Well now that that's done, let's go!" 


We finally made it to the scene of destruction to see the akumitized victim... or should I say victims... There was a huge red knight in front of an army of soldiers,  they noticed us almost immediately and started striking at us. We blocked their advances and tried to get closer to the scene. 

"Chat Noir cover me, I got a plan!" 

"Of course, m'lady." He sent me flirtatious wink before blocking the attacks coming my way.

I smiled slightly before calling out, "LUCKY CHARM!" 

"A flag and rope?! What the heck am I supposed to do these..?" I took in my surroundings and tried formulate a plan. 

I ran up to Chat Noir and quickly whispered my plan into his ear. I went unnoticed by the giant red knight by sneaking around behind him, which was thanks to Chat Noir distracting him. I carefully climbed up the back of the akumitized victim. Quickly I threw the flag over its head and looped around to tie rope to keep it secure.  Suddenly I heard someone yelling my name.

"LadyBug down here!"

I looked down and saw none other than Chloe Bourgeois. 

"The akuma is in his ring!" She yelled out.

Chat Noir turned his head in our direction and hopped around until he got on the arm of the Ruby Knight. He eventually found the ring and yelled out, " Cataclysm!" And destroyed the ring.

I swung out my yo yo and caught the akuma, "No more evil doing for you little akuma. Time to deevilize. Gotcha. Bye-bye little butterfly." 

I threw the flag and rope up into the air,  "Miraculous LadyBug!" All the damage caused by the battle was fixed and unveiled that Nathaniel was the one who got akumitized.

I started to walk towards Nathaniel to help him up and but Chloe beat me to it. She had a worried expression on her face as she tried to helped Nathaniel up and both walked away from the scene.

I turned slightly and noticed Chat already stood beside me. He held out his fist and smiled slightly. I met him halfway and bumped our fists. 

"Pound It!" We exclaimed simultaneously.

"Did you see...?"

"Chloe and Nath yep." He responded.

"We should probably head back to the cafe before we detransform. Alya and Nino must be wondering where we are." 

We both made our way to the back of the cafe before detransforming. "Well that was a fun way to start off the Saturday." I said, laughing slightly.

Adrien chuckled, "You are definitely right about that m'lady."

"Can you guys please stop flirting so I can eat my camembert in peace?" Plagg suddenly spoke.

"Oh shush Plagg, I think it's cute." Tikki gushed.

I giggled at the two kwami's banter before grabbing Adrien's hand and intertwining our fingers. "Alright, let's go find Alya and Nino before they get worried. We strolled to the front of the cafe to find our two best friends waiting for us. Alya ran up to us before pulling me into a hug, which, I gladly returned.

"I'm glad you guys are alright." She spoke and then pulled away from the hug, "Soo...what should we do now?"

"Well, who wants ice cream!?" Nino exclaimed.

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