Chapter 32- Hand Holding And Confessions

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Chloe's POV

I quickly run over to Nathaniel after the akuma battle. "Oh my god, Nath! Are you okay? Here let me help you up." I grabbed Nath's hands and helped him up from the ground. Once he was standing, I studied his face to make sure he wasn't hurt or anything.

He chuckled, "Coco I'm fine." He spoke, squeezing my hands for reassurance. 

A blush covered my cheeks. Oh my gosh, we're holding hands!!!  "I'm glad you're okay." I smiled.

"I should be more concerned about you. I needed to have more control over my feelings and shouldn't have let Hawk Moth get to me. I'm sorry for what happened and I understand if you just want to end our hangout and go home."

My eyes widened at his words and I quickly shook my head. "Nath, it's okay everyone's emotions get the best of them sometimes, and I still want to keep hanging out with you... silly." I rubbed his knuckles to soothe the panic within him. This feels so right...I wonder if he feels the spark that I always feel when I'm around him.

"So...what do you wanna do?" Nathaniel asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Hmm...lets just walk around a bit." I suggested.

He nodded and slowly let go of my hands before we started walking side by side, our arms nearly brushing against each other. The afternoon breeze blowing gently as we continued to stroll.

"What exactly happened when I was akumitized?" He asked.

" turned into a giant ruby knight and practically took me around Paris with your horse and chariot until we ended up at the Eiffel Tower. Then we saw James and you kind of flung him across town which was pretty hilarious and he kind of deserved it from his behavior earlier. So pretty much to sum up everything else you turned random people into knights and you battled Ladybug and Chat Noir. You can guess how that ended and now we're here." Swinging both my hands and accidentally bumped one of my hands against Nath's. 

We both froze at that sudden movement. "U-Uh so-" Nathaniel took hold of my hand before I could finish my sentence. My eyes widened at the sudden gesture. Oh my god! Is this happening or am I dreaming?!

"Is...this okay?" Nath asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, perfectly fine. Hey, do you wanna...go to the park?"

"Yeah sounds great." He smiled and slipped his fingers into my mine.

We walked to the park, hand in hand, with smiles on our faces. When the park came into our view, we decided to sit on the park bench and continue talking. Once we were seated, I noticed that Nath didn't let go of my hand like I expected him to. Could this mean...he likes me more than a friend...? Then again maybe he's just being friendly...

"Hey Clo, do you wanna hear a joke? " He asked.

"Sure!" I responded while looking directly into his eyes.

"What's next to the USA?"

"Umm... Europe? Or would it be Canada?"


.... What?

"Nath... are you sure you passed geography...?"

"Nonono! I MEAN! Yes I have-- but! Ugh..." He shoved his face into his palms and shook his head frustratingly. 

"I'm just joking Nath. Don't worry I'm sure you did great in geography!" 

He jokingly rolled his eyes, "Gee, thanks Chloe."

I rolled my eyes, "That was soo funny, did you get that joke from Chat Noir?"

He blushed slightly at my comment, "Nope. Thought about it all on my own Coco, I really thought you'd like this one..." He pouts.

I chuckled, "Well, you tried." I took his hand and squeezed it reassuringly. Would it be wrong to want to sit here forever? Just to stare into his beautiful blue eyes and enjoy the happiness that radiates off him. Maybe...I should tell him how I feel. Even if he doesn't like me like that... at least I can call him a friend.

He leaned foward slightly, "Penny for your thoughts?"

"Huh? O-oh...uh well..."

"Is...there something wrong Chloe?" He asked worriedly, "You know you can tell me anything."

"Well...I want to- no, I need to tell you something..." I replied softly.

"I'm all ears." He squeezed my hand, while flashing me a bright smile.

He's so sweet. Alright, Chloe, it''s now or never...and hey! At least we'll still be friends if it doesn't work out...I hope. 

"W-Well you. more than just a friend." I took a deep breath and puffed up my cheeks, "To be fully honest...this is the first time I've had these feelings...but I know what I want and I'll get what I long as you're okay with i-"

My rambling was cut off with soft lips being placed on top of mine. I didn't hesitate to move my lips against his savoring the warm feeling it gave me. It felt as if I was floating somehow, I never thought my first kiss would feel this... amazing. We both slowly pulled away from the kiss but maintaining a short distance between us while breathing the moment out. 

"I like you too CoCo." He whispered, as his warm breath fanned my face.

At his words, a big smile spread across my face. I leaned in and pecked his lips before pulling back and resting my forehead against his. His soft red hair brushing slightly at his forehead.
"You know...I was scared that you wouldn't like me after all those times I treated you badly. I'm amazed I didn't see it before... If I'm being honest, I think I always liked you when we were younger but didn't figure it out until recently."

"Maybe you weren't the best back then...but look how much you've grown! I'm glad to be your boyfriend." A chaste kiss was placed on my forehead.

A light blush spreads across my cheeks, "And I'm sooo happy that you're my boyfriend."


When the sun started to set Nath decided it was time to walk me home. We walked towards the hotel, his arm was wrapped around my shoulder while I leaned into it gently as we strolled. Once we were in front of the hotel we stood near the door, not willing to move away from each other.

"So here we are," Nath whispered. I got onto my tiptoes and kissed him softly, he kissed back and held me gently. Eventually, he pulled back from the kiss.

"Wow." He smiled slightly.

I giggled at his comment, "Goodnight Nathy." I slowly released my grip on him still standing near him.

"Goodnight Coco." He waved slightly.


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