Chapter 34- Changing Ways

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Adrien's POV

"I-It's m-my father." I shot up, even though I felt as if I could collapse at any moment.

I heard a slight gasp from Mari.

I froze. Should I even answer?.. Before I could even make a decision the line cut.  I took in a slight breath and my phone started to vibrate again. Oh gosh, I'm in deep this time... I tapped the answer button and put the phone to my ear.

"Adrien!" My father screamed through the phone. I quickly pulled the phone slightly away from my ear. Mari had a worried expression on her face as she squeezed my hand to comfort me.

"Hello father." I replied sheepishly.

"Don't hello me! Why are you not home, when I specifically told you to stay home?!"

I brought my phone closer to my ear, "Because it didn't seem fair to have to eat dinner alone on Thanksgiving."

My father huffed harshly at my comment, "I'm guessing you went to that girl's house."

"That girl has a name." I snarled.

"Don't you dare gave me attitude when you were the one that disobeyed my orders."

"Well, you know that's ridiculous trying to stop me from having a normal life, just to benefit yourself!" 

"Adrien.." He spoke in a warning tone.

"And you know I'm right! I should be making my own decisions. I'm not a kid anymore dad!" 

He gasped slightly and our words were replaced with silence. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest not knowing who should speak first. 

I heard a sigh, "Fine. Invite her over for dinner during your winter break. I'll even make room in my schedule since you're persistent to be in this relationship. I'm warning you now, if dinner doesn't go well- you are to end this relationship immediately. No compromises what so ever."


He interrupted, "You heard me Adrien. I want you home in a half-hour." He spoke before ending the call.

 Once again it's all he ever wants....I was suddenly engulfed into a hug and felt warmth all around me. I returned the embrace, holding Mari close to me. Burying my face on top of her hair. I felt her fingertips draw shapes onto my back in a soothing motion.

"Just know that I'll be always be here, to talk or just to be in each other's company. You'll never be truly alone kitty." She whispered into my ear.

"That means a lot to me Princess. You have become the most important person in my life and I just don't want to lose you..." My voice trembled slightly.

"You won't lose me, I would never let that happen!" She replied fiercely.

I chuckled slightly, "I know that but-"

"Not even your father can stop us, heck- if I have to fight to be with you, I'll do it! But if he even thinks for one second, I'll give up on you- he's wrong." She spoke while gazing up at me with determination.

I looked at her in awe. I've never seen her look so determined, even when we were saving akumatized victims.

"I'll even jump through hoops if I have to! It's because I love you, Adrien."

 I smiled warmly, "Aw, I love you too, Marinette." I responded before leaning down and pressing my lips softly against hers.

Chloe's POV (the next day)

"What do you want Chloe?" Sabrina spat when she answered the phone.

"U-Um... I-I wanted to apologize and I was hoping I could say it in person." I stuttered.

"And how do I know you're being genuine?" She replied skeptically.

"If you could come over and we could talk this through and if you decide you still don't want to forgive me, I'll never bother you again. I promise." 

It was silent for a moment before she answered, "Fine. I'll be there in 10 minutes." She spoke before ending the call.

I really hope she forgives me...

~10 minutes later~

I heard the doorbell and sprang up from the couch to answer the door. I opened the door and it revealed Sabrina stood with a neutral expression. 


"Hello, Chloe."

I moved slightly so she could enter, she walked past me as I closed the door. "Would you like anything to drink?" I questioned.

Her eyes widened at my statement as she turned back towards me, "Is this some kind of joke?"

"What do y-"

"The Chloe Bourgeois knew would be demanding me to get her a drink and're being so polite." She spoke while looking me up and down before sitting on the couch.

I fidgeted as I thought of a response, "Well that's why I wanted to talk to you today," I sat beside her on the couch leaving space between us. 

"Well, go ahead, I'm listening." She replied while keeping a blank expression on her face.

"I know what I suggested to do to Marinette and Adrien was wrong...and I shouldn't have tried to force you into it. And I'm sorry for all the rude things I said to you that day, I really am trying to be a better person and- I just miss my best friend."

She sat in silence, taking in my words, "...I want to believe you but how can I?"

I turned towards her, "Because I'm not going to ever try to be rude or disrespectful to anyone again- especially you. You never deserved being treated the way I treated you, and I apologize for that. We've been friends for a long time and I don't want to lose that."

Shock was evident on her face, " really do want to change."

I nodded, "I do. I just wished I knew how terrible I was earlier. Then I wouldn't have caused this mess..." I responded while looking down at my feet.

Abruptly, I was pulled into a hug and stiffened up, not expecting the gesture before I quickly returned it.

"You know- I still want to be friends too."


"Of course silly." She replied while pulling away from the hug.

"D-does that mean... you forgive me...?" I questioned.

"As long as you promise to never go back to your old ways again."

"I promise!" I answered without hesitation.

She smiled brightly, "I'm happy that you're trying to better and apologize for your mistakes."

I hugged her in response, "Thank you for agreeing to meet today! I promise to be the greatest best friend ever!"

She chuckled, "I'll hold you to that," She joked halfheartedly, before pulling away from the hug. "So has anything new been happening with you?" She asked.

"Well... let's just say that a lot has happened in these past weeks..."

She raised her eyebrows in surprise, "Well... it's Friday and I can sleepover so I think it'll be enough time to catch up with each other." 

I grinned, "Really?"

"Of course! That's what best friends usually do right?"

"Yeah, sounds perfect."


                                                                             Author's Note

Zee&Skittle: And another chapter done!!!

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