Chapter 35- To Tie a Loose Knot

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Chloe's POV

It was currently 4 pm, Sabrina and I were sitting in my room with an assortment of snacks and drinks.

"So what movie do you wanna watch?" She asked.

"How about Tangled?" I suggested.

"Oooh, good idea."

I stood up and searched through my DVD collection and put the movie into the DVR. I went back and sat beside Sabrina and grabbed a handful of popcorn and stuffed it into my mouth. The trailers started to play as we munched on snacks.

"So am I ever going to get a full story of what happened these past few weeks or what?" She questioned.

I sighed, "I don't even know where to start..."

"Hmm, how about why you left the trip early?"

"Well, that seems like a good place to start. I left the trip early because I just needed time away to think of what I have done to Marinette and Adrien. My gut was telling me what I was doing was wrong, and so... I left. I took those days before we had to go back to school to just think about it all. One night it all kinda just- hit me..." I paused before continuing, "So that night, I decided it was time I changed. That I should make amends with all the people I've treated so terribly. That night opened my eyes to things that I never realized before..."

"Like what?" She asked softly.

"I wanted to end that dreadful plan but James wouldn't let me b-because..." My breathing quickened at the memory, his stone-cold brown eyes staring me down as if I lost control of myself from that deadly stare. 

I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder bringing me back to reality. "We can always have this conversation later or whenever you're ready." She spoke reassuringly.

I glanced in her direction as I controlled my breathing, "I-I'm fine," I gently held her hand and placed it back into her lap. "I just needed a second... I really need to able to tell someone this because it's just eating me up inside... H-He... threatened to hurt Nathaniel because he thought I had feelings for him."

Sabrina's eyes widened in shock of the confession.

"Well.. turns out he was right. I do have feelings for Nathaniel and...w-we're together."

"W-wait what?!" Sabrina exclaimed.

"Uh, we're tog-" 

"I heard you the first time, it's just wow I never saw that coming honestly."

"You and me both. When I realized that I did- It felt like all my feelings hit me in the face! He's such an amazing guy and for him to like me back is the greatest feeling in the world!" I felt a smile form on my face as I thought of Nath. His beautiful blue eyes, his fire-red hair that was always styled a certain way and gosh his smile...

Sabrina clasped her hands in mine, "I'm really happy for you Clo!" She grinned.

"Thank you, so that sums up my life at the moment. Anyway, enough about me, what's going on with you?" I asked.

"U-Uh.. n-nothing much! J-just same old you know..." She stuttered.

"Hmm you sure about that, you know can tell me. I'm great at keeping secrets."

She sighed, "Well... you've already been so honest with me, so it would be only fair if I did the same. I' someone."

My jaw dropped. "WHO?!" I exclaimed wanting to know the answer.

"M-Max..." She whispered.

"TOH MY GOSH! That's great Brina! Maybe we should go on a double date sometime." I replied while smiling.

"Yeah, that sounds like an amazing idea!"

After finishing up the conversation we turned back to the movie that was about to start.

Marinette's POV(winter break few hours before the dinner)

"Cmon....Pick up, pick up," I mumbled as I paced back and forth in my room.


"Alya, I'm freaking out here!" I exclaimed.

"What's the crisis this time?" She asked.

"I don't know to wear for dinner tonight! What if his dad insults me- or just flats out kick me out because of my outfit! Or even worse what if he makes Adrien and I break up?! I can't let that happen so please help me!"

"Alright, alright! Just- hang in there girl, I'll be over soon and please try to calm down before I get there." She replied before hanging up.

I kept pacing until Tikki flew in front of me.

"Mari! Don't worry, I'm sure everything will work out in the end. Overthinking will not help, so just sit down and relax while you wait for Alya to get here."

"You always know what to say Tikki," She giggled and snuggled against my cheek. 

A few minutes later my trapdoor opened signaling Alya had arrived. I sprang up from my seat and rushed over towards her and during that process, I almost knocked her over. She managed to get a hold of my shoulders before that could happen.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa- girl, what's the rush?"

"I only have 2 hours to get ready! Of course, I'm rushing! Cause me being me, I will be late if I don't get ready sooner, and if I'm not there on time then my first impression is as good as rotten banana peel." I replied anxiously. 

She pulled me into a hug, "Girl. Don't worry. Everything will work out because of the kind of person you are. Adrien's dad will see how much care you have Adrien, and stop trying to break you guys apart because it's wrong." She spoke reassuringly and give me one last squeeze before letting go.

"I really hope you're right, Alya. But I'll try to calm down- Ah! That's right! You need to help me pick out an outfit!" I grabbed a handful of outfits from my wardrobe. "So! Should I go casual-formal, or formal- chic or-" My rambling was cut off by Alya placing her finger over my mouth.

She shook her head playfully, " about we look through your closet and go from there?" Alya replied before dropping her hand.

"Alright, that sounds like a good place to start." Thus the search for the perfect outfit had begun. After rummaging and giving comments on selections, we found the perfect outfit with a pair of tights.

Alya helped me style my hair into a french braid and a simple makeup look. 

"You look amazing girl!" Alya complimented.

"Thank you Als, I couldn't have done this without your help."

"Anytime girly." She spoke before hugging me quickly.

"Adrien won't be here to pick me up for another half hour. So... you w to hang out till he gets here?"

"Of course!" Alya replied happily.

~30 minutes later~

 Alya and I were in the middle of the discussion about Harry Styles's new album when suddenly we heard the doorbell rang.

"I think we both know who that is,"we both chuckled as I grabbed a coat and my purse before we made our way downstairs to the living room. No one else was in the house besides Alya and I since my parents were busy away working in the bakery. We walked side by side until we reached the door. 

"Hey, Princess. Oh hey Alya, didn't expect to see you here."He winked in my direction.

I gently waved, "Hey."

"Heya Adrien." Alya whispered into my ear, "Good luck Mari!"

"You ready to go Mari?" Adrien asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I replied.

Adrien extended his hand towards me and I took hold of it. As we all exited the house I locked the front door and put the key into my purse. 

We waved goodbye to Alya as Adrien and I walked towards the car. He opened the car door for me, which made me think back to a few months ago to the start of us. That alone put a smile onto my face. Never in a million years would I have thought I would be in this place in my life. If you told me back at the beginning of the school year that Adrien and I would end up together, I probably wouldn't believe it.To be honest-- I still can't believe it. I was brought back to reality when I felt a familiar arm wrap around my shoulders. 

"Whatcha thinking about?" Adrien asked.

"Us," I answered simply.

"Is it about tonight or...?"

"Nope, I'm just happy to have you by my side is all."

He smiled warmly at my words, "Me too Princess." He replied and placed a quick kiss on my cheek.

~A few minutes later~

The car stopped right in front of his mansion and at that moment my anxiety decided to spike. I could already feel my palms starting to sweat. Stay calm Marinette, everything will be fine. Just breathe. I felt Adrien squeeze my hand as he noticed my change in mood.

"Don't worry Mari, everything will be fine." He said softly.

I squeezed his hand back as we made our way to the front door.


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