Chapter 39- Rest In Bed Tomato Head

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Chloe's POV

After about a 20 minute drive we finally made it to the hospital. My driver parked in the visitors area. Mari and I both exited the car and walked side by side until we made it near the main entrance. We both walked towards the front desk. The lady at the desk had blonde hair and brown eyes with glasses perched on her on nose. She gave a slight smile as we approached her.

"Hello girls, how may I help?" She spoke softly.

"Hi, we are here to visit a friend of ours." Mari responded.

"Okay if you could tell me their name, I will be able to direct you to their room number." 

"His name is Nathaniel Kutzberg." I replied.

She turned to face the computer screen on the desk and typed out his name into the system.  She turned back towards us, "His room number 504 which is on the third floor if you take the elevator directly to your right."

"Thank you." We said simultaneously.

"No problem girls, you two have a nice day now."

"You too." We both answered again.

Mari and I walked in the direction of the elevator and entered it. I pressed the button to the 3rd level being I was closer to the buttons. After a few seconds we made it to the correct floor and started looking for the room number. 

"495, 498...ah ha here it is." Marinette said.

We stood in front of the door unsure if we should knock or to just walk right in. Alas we didn't have to make that decision because Nathaniel's mother opened the door. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun, bags under eyes. Yet she still managed to put a smile on her face when she saw our faces.

"Hi girls, what a surprise to see you both."

"Hello Mrs. Kutzberg we came to see how Nathaniel is doing." I replied.

"Aww, that's sweet of the two of you. I think it would be nice for him to have some company. Come on in he just woke up not too long ago. I will leave you guys to talk while I go get some breakfast." She explained before walking in the direction of the elevators.

 I walked into the room first, Mari following close behind me. When I was fully into the room I saw Nath laying on the hospital bed, his eyes closed. He had bruises covering his face and his forehead wrapped in white bandages. I softly gasped in shock not prepared to see a person I care so much about in this state. Oh my god, my poor Nathy...I can't believe James did this. Well actually never-mind I can but seriously why...? I felt Mari place a hand on my shoulder to comfort me. A few seconds later Nath opened his eyes and let them wander around the room until they landed on me and shifted slightly towards Marinette who was beside me at the moment. 

"Oh, hi Coco and Mari." He spoke his voice raspy.

I immediately walked over and sat beside him on the bed. I took hold of both of his hands my eyes never leaving his face.

"Hey Nath, how are you feeling." Mari asked.

"Not too bad just sore."

I placed one of my hands on top of his face caressing it softy,"Nathy...what happened?" I spoke in almost a whisper. He cleared his throat placing his hand on top of mine rubbing small circles over my knuckles.

"Last night I was in the mood to paint but realized I run out of some supplies. So I went to the art store and as I was walking back home 4 guys jumped in front of me. I tried walking around them but before I knew it, I was on the ground. I gently wrapped my arms around Nath's torso not knowing how badly injured he was. He quickly returned the embrace without hesitance rubbing shapes up and down my back.

"I will leave you two to talk for bit." Mari spoke quietly, before hearing the door shut behind her.

"Nathy, I'm sorry this happened..." I spoke into his shoulder.

"It's not your fault Coco, it just happened." He replied trying to reassure me.

I lifted my face up, so I was looking directly at him. "Did any of them look familiar to you...?" I questioned.

"Uh, well it was dark so I couldn't make out any faces but one voice sounded slightly famil-" He cut himself, quickly shutting his eyes and his nose scrunching slightly.

"Nathy..." My voice laced with concern.

"Sorry Clo, I just been feeling sharp pains here and there." He responded, while opening his eyes.

"Oh my gosh, is it because of the hug?! Did I hurt you I'm so sorry Na-" I was silenced with lips being pressed to mine and disappearing as quickly as they appeared. He brought me back into his arms kissing the side of my head.

"Calm down Coco. The doctor said I have a few bruised ribs so I have just been feeling pain here and there." He whispered into my ear.

"Oh that's a relief, I just hate seeing you hurt."

"I know..but I will get better soon."

"I long do you have stay here?"

"Just a few days."

"Well I should get going soon, don't want keep Mari waiting outside for too long." I spoke while pulling myself out of his arms slowly.

"Promise me you will come back later?" 

I pecked his cheek, "Promise." He placed both hands gently on both sides of my face before kissing my forehead his lips lingering. I blushed slightly still not use to being this affection.

"See you soon Coco."

"See ya Nath." I got up from the bed slowly and waved before turning around and exiting the room. Once I was outside the room, I saw Marinette stood near the door phone in hand. Her head snapped up after I shut the door.

"Oh hey, is he feeling okay? Also sorry if invaded on anything personal back there."

"He's doing okay just a bit of pain here and there. You don't have anything to be sorry about anything. I appreciate you coming with me honestly." I spoke pulling her into a quick hug.

"Of course Clo anything for a friend." She smiled. 

I returned the smile,"Sooo, I had an idea of something we could do together."

"I'm listening..."

"I was thinking we could bake blue berry macarons for Nath since there his favorite but...I can't really bake." 

Mari's face brighten, "Don't worry about that! I'm here to help lucky for you your good friends with a baker. We can go to my house and bake them and bring them to Nath later."

I clapped my hands, "Ohh that sounds like a great idea let's go." I grabbed Mari's wrist and speed walked to elevator in excitement.


I had my driver drop us off at Marinette's house.

"Here you go." Marinette handed me an apron as she went about to tie hers.

I put the apron on fumbling with tying the back of it but after a few times I managed to tie the knot. "So what do we first?" I asked clasping my hands together. 

"Well I pulled up the recipe so first things, is to gather the ingredients and measure them out."

"Okay sounds good!" With that I helped gather the dry ingredients while Mari got the wet ingredients. Once we gathered all the stuff we needed for the macarons, Marinette measured out the ingredients while I preheated the oven. About a half an hour later we finally got the macarons into the oven. We sat down on stools near the oven as we waited for them to bake.


After we finished making the macarons we packed them into a container and we returned to the hospital around noon. "I hope he likes them." I said as we walked down the corridor. 

"I'm sure he will Clo. It was sweet of you to come up with that idea to make them for him."

"Thank you Mari, I'm grateful for you helping cause it would have been disastrous if I tried to bake these myself."

"Anytime." She replied before knocking on the door before opening it.

We both enter the room to see Nath sat in the same position we last left him. "Hey Nathy, we come bearing treats!" I exclaimed.

His eyes light up as eyed the container currently held in my arms. I placed it down on the end table near his bed, opening it and handing him a macaron. He muttered a thank you before biting into. "Hmm, this is delicious!"  

"It was Chloe's idea." Mari replied, smiling slightly.

"Thank you Clo these taste amazing." He praised.

"Anything to make you feel better." I responded brushing at his hair slightly, "Though Marinette helped me out a-lot."

He flickered his gaze from me towards Mari, "Thanks Marinette."

"It was nothing. I hope you are feeling better especially after what happened since I didn't really get to say that earlier." 

"Yeah a little bit thanks for asking. I'm grateful you guys took time out of your days to see me."

"Of course would, Nath we both care about you." I replied, while grabbing a hold of his hand and caressing his knuckles. 

"Yeah, we're here for whenever you need us." Mari added moving stand on the opposite side of the bed.

"Thank you both, same goes for you guys if ever need anything." He said while smiling to the both of us.

We both smiled in response. "I'm just so glad you are okay, I was so worried when I heard what happened." 

He squeezed my hand in response, "I'm fine Coco though what happened was really unexpected." 

"Yeah about that I think I know who was behind all of this..." I muttered.


                                                               Author's Note

Zee&Skittle: And another chapter done!!!

Zee: Sorry this chapter took some time was experiencing some writer's block and also was wrapping my senior year!

Zee&Skittle: Till the next chapter PEACE!!!

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