Chapter 5- Ocean Hands

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Marinette's POV

I was woken by shaking. "Just 5 more minutes...." I said sleepily.

"Come on Mari it's time for breakfast."

I opened my eyes slightly to see who was disturbing my slumber. Near my face were those, soft green emerald eyes, I grew to love. I sat up too quickly, and my forehead collided with Adrien's. "Oh my god! Adrien I'm so so sorry!"

"It's fine Mari." He said smiling.

Adrien grabbed my hand and dragged me downstairs to breakfast. We both reached the dining room, walking towards Alya and Nino. They both smirked at us and I gave a confused look.

"Finally made a move Adrien?" Alya replied smugly.

We both looked down to see that our hands were intertwined. We both quickly pulled away and I blushed furiously. The four us sat down and ate breakfast.

"So, did you hear where we're going today?" Nino asked.

"No, do you know?" I answered.

"We're going to the Hollywood Sign!" Alya said excitedly.

"Really, when?" I asked.

"In 1 hour." Alya replied

"Oh no! I have to get ready." With that, I sped up to the room to get ready. After a quick shower, I changed into a pink crop with the words 'PRINCESS' in white font. With black high waist shorts and black converses. I styled my hair into space buns and put on a flower crown. I heard a knock at the bathroom door.

"Hey Mari, Mrs. Bustier said to pack our swimsuits because we're going to the beach at 2, after we go to the Hollywood sign." Alya informed me.

"Ok, thanks Alya. I'll get our swimsuits." I replied. I walked out of the room and grabbed a black tote bag and put our swimsuits in it. Along with my phone, sketchbook, and cookies for Tikki. When I finished packing the bag, I looked up and saw Adrien staring at me. He started to blush a faint pink.

"Did you need something Adrien?"

"Uh, yeah, we're about to leave and I came to get you." He smiled sheepishly.

I put the bag over my shoulder and made sure Tikki was inside. I then grabbed his hand and we dashed outside the hotel. When we got on the bus Nino and Alya were sitting next to each other. So, that left me to sit with Adrien.

"By the way Mari, you look beautiful today."

"T-Thank you."

20 minutes later...

We all finally made it to the sign. The second the bus doors opened, I rushed out of the bus. The view was breath taking.

"Wow, amazing." I stated in awe.

"Yeah, it really is." 

I turned to see Adrien giving me that heart melting smile.

"Ok lovebirds, let's go take pictures!" Alya exclaimed.


"Girl, you already know it's true." She winked.

We both blushed a bright red and our group headed up to the sign. We then took a bunch a pictures, and selfies in front of the sign. It was really amazing view and found myself staring out into the distance.

"Alright class, time to get on the bus. Off to the beach we go!" Mrs. Bustier instructed.

We all made our way back to bus to our next stop.

25 minutes later...

We all arrived to the beach and Alya dragged me into one of the changing rooms. I handed her one piece swimsuit, which was purple with a white wifi sign in the middle.

"Thanks girl, you're the best!" She exclaimed. Then pulled me into bear hug, which I gladly returned.

I grabbed my swimsuit, it was a ladybug theme tankini and took off my flower crown. I styled my hair into a high bun. We both exited the dressing room.

"I'm going to find Nino."

"Oooo... is something going on between you two?" I replied wiggling my eyebrows. 


"I knew it! Yes!" I did mini happy dance and Alya nudged my shoulder.

"I'll catch you later Mari." 

"Ok, have fun!" I then started to head near the rushing waves, until someone walked in front of my path. It was a boy about my age, maybe a year older. He had chocolate brown hair and deep brown eyes.  The boy started to walk towards me.

"Hey cutie, what's your name?" He asked while smirking.


"Beautiful name for a beautiful lady like you." He winked, "The name's James, I'd like to hang out with you sometime cutie pie." He leaned towards me.

Slowly leaning away from him, I was trying to figure out a way to get of this situation, but couldn't think of anything. I felt an arm wrap around my waist, and it was no other then Adrien Agreste.

"Sorry, but she already has a boyfriend."

I was shocked to hear those words, then felt relief wash over me. Oh thank you Adrien! ...Wait... he said... I was his girlfriend! OMG!!OMG!!OMG!! I'm going to die of happiness, right here, right now.

"How am I sure you're not lying pretty boy?"James taunted.

Before I knew it Adrien's lips were on mine. His lips were softer than I imagined. I started to kiss back and after some seconds we pulled away for air. I felt the heat rush up to my checks. Adrien then intertwined our hands and we looked towards James. He seemed to be furious and he stormed off. I turned to face Adrien."S-So Adrien about the...." 

There was a loud crash before I could finish my sentence. We both faced where the sound came from. 

"It's an akuma victim!" Alya yelled.

"I didn't think an akuma victim would be in California." Nino commented.

To Be Continued....END OF CHAPTER 5


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