Chapter 6- Enemy Territory

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3rd Person POV

"I sense jealousy and hatred from afar. Perfect conditions for my little akuma..... Fly away my little akuma, and evilize him!" 

The akuma enters James's shark-tooth necklace.

"CeaSurf. I, am HawkMoth. No-one will ever be able to deny you again, but, in return, you must give me two very, valuable items. I shall tell you when the time comes."

"Yes, HawkMoth." CeaSurf began to transform, he had a fin on his back and carried a conch shell, he was wearing a blue and green suit. Out of his conch shell, he took out some sharp starfish. He began to walk towards the beach. 

Adrien's POV 

There was a crash and everyone started to scatter all along the beach screaming. Then in a blink of an eye, Marinette was being dragged towards the ocean, I recognized him,  It's James!  I acted quickly, and hid behind the changing rooms.

"Plagg, claws out!" I was transformed into my alter ego, Chat Noir. I leaped towards the ocean to save Marinette. When I reached the destination, James was trying to pull Marinette closer towards him. She was struggling to get out of his strong grip. Nobody touches my Princess! I extended my baton towards them and grabbed hold of Marinette. She wrapped her arms tightly around my neck as we zoomed away. I gently dropped Marinette on the sand. "Are you ok Pr-." My sentence was interrupted by arms being wrapped around me.  

"Thanks for saving me Chat." Marinette whispered. 

"You're welcome Princess." I wrapped my arms around her. After what felt like eternity, we both pulled away from the embrace. "Well, I would love to stay and chat Purrincess, but there's an akuma I have to defeat." I leaned down and kissed her hand, then leaped back into the battle. 

Marinette's POV 

You won't get very far without me! As soon as Chat Noir was out of sight, I hid behind a palm tree and transformed. "Tikki, spots on!" I leaped towards the battle prepared to fight. "Hey kitty."

"Hello m'lady, nice to see you here."

A starfish was thrown towards us, but we managed to dodged it.

"Get Ladybug's and Chat Noir's miraculous! The earrings and ring." HawkMoth told him.

"I am CeaSurf, hand over your miraculous Ladybug and Chat Noir!"

"We would have to wave, away before that happens." Chat answered. 

I groaned at his pun and CeaSurf started to throw more starfish towards us. I deflected them with my yo-yo. I tried to figure out where the akuma might be. I started to realize it was in his shark tooth necklace. Every time I tried to get closer to him, he threw more starfish towards us. He blew his conch shell, it was loud and rumbling. 

Then, out of nowhere a shark jumped towards us. I wrapped my yo-yo around it and threw back into sea. Well, I did not expect that. More animals then started to come out of the sea, like crabs, jellyfish, more sharks, and even a whale! Wha-What's going on!? Maybe he's calling the animals to help him! I need to get to the akuma quick, before he calls the whole ocean. "Chat, cover me!" I called out to him.

"Sure thing, Bugaboo." 

"LUCKY CHARM!" A lifesaver landed into my hands. "A- lifesaver...?" What am I supposed to do with this!?  I used my ladybug vision to come up with a plan. I ran towards Chat to tell him the plan. "Chat, I've got a plan, all I need you to do, is distract CeaSurf for me."

"Got it!"

While Chat was distracting CeaSurf, I went up behind him and put the lifesaver over him.  He struggled to free himself, since he couldn't move his arms. I grabbed his necklace and smashed into pieces. "No more evil doing for you little akuma. Time to de-evilize!..... Bye bye little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!" All the damage from the battle was fixed.

James was drowsy, "Ugh, w-what happened?"

 "Pound It!" 

"Well m'lady, I must be going."

"Same here kitty." I swung away and detransformed behind the same palm tree. I headed towards the class, Adrien was walking towards the class as well, I walked towards Alya she pulled me towards the group.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Alya announced.

Oh no, this isn't going end well... 


 Author's Note:

Zee & Skittle: We bet your wondering what dares Alya and Nino got planned... Guess you have to find out in the next chapter. >o< We hope you enjoyed this chapter! Until next time, PEACE!!!!! 

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